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(cherry picked from commit eee7587) xref:openshift#6434
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adellape committed Nov 22, 2017
1 parent 0257898 commit bada878
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Showing 24 changed files with 70 additions and 751 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions _topic_map.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -283,8 +283,6 @@ Topics:
File: host_preparation
- Name: Installing on Containerized Hosts
File: rpm_vs_containerized
- Name: Quick Installation
File: quick_install
- Name: Advanced Installation
File: advanced_install
- Name: Disconnected Installation
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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions admin_guide/backup_restore.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ nodes they get rescheduled to.
reinstallation, save all the files used in the initial installation. This may
- *_~/.config/openshift/installer.cfg.yml_* (from the
xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[Quick Installation]
- Ansible playbooks and inventory files (from the
Installation] method)
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions admin_guide/manage_nodes.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,12 +115,6 @@ certificates, and other important steps. See the
installation] method for instructions on running the playbook directly.

Alternatively, if you used the quick installation method, you can
the installer to add nodes], which performs the same steps.

== Deleting Nodes

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions admin_guide/managing_networking.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ The egress firewall always allows pods access to the external interface of the
node the pod is on for DNS resolution. If your DNS resolution is not handled by
something on the local node, then you will need to add egress firewall rules
allowing access to the DNS server's IP addresses if you are using domain names
in your pods. The xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[default installer]
sets up a local dnsmasq, so if you are using that setup you will not need to add extra rules.
in your pods. The default installer sets up a local dnsmasq, so if you are using
that setup you will not need to add extra rules.

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22 changes: 9 additions & 13 deletions admin_solutions/master_node_config.adoc
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Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ xref:../architecture/infrastructure_components/kubernetes_infrastructure.adoc#no

== Prerequisites
For testing environments deployed via the
xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[quick install], one master should be sufficient. The quick installation method should not be used for production environments.

Production environments should be installed using the
xref:../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[advanced install]. In production environments, it is a good idea to use
Expand All @@ -51,17 +49,16 @@ The only way to successfully run only two masters is if you install etcd on host
== Configuring Masters and Nodes

The method you use to configure your master and node configuration files must match the method that was used to install your OpenShift cluster. If you followed the:

- xref:../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[Advanced installation]
The method you use to configure your master and node configuration files must match the method that was used to install your {product-title} cluster. If you followed the xref:../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[Advanced installation]
method using Ansible, then make your configuration changes
xref:../admin_solutions/master_node_config.adoc#master-node-config-ansible[in the Ansible playbook].
- xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[Quick installation]
or link:[Manual installation]
method, then make your changes
xref:../admin_solutions/master_node_config.adoc#master-node-config-manual[manually in the configuration files] themselves.
If you followed the
installation] method, then make your changes
in the configuration files] themselves.

=== Making Configuration Changes Using Ansible
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,9 +241,8 @@ For more information on the `htpasswd` command, see xref:../install_config/confi
=== Making Manual Configuration Changes

After installing {product-title} using the
xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[quick install],
you can make modifications to the master and node configuration files to customize your cluster.
You can make manual modifications to the master and node configuration files to
customize your cluster.

*Use Case: Configure the cluster to use HTPasswd authentication*

Expand Down
106 changes: 4 additions & 102 deletions install_config/adding_hosts_to_existing_cluster.adoc
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Expand Up @@ -13,92 +13,8 @@ toc::[]

== Overview

Depending on how your {product-title} cluster was installed, you can add new
hosts (either nodes or masters) to your installation by using the install tool
for quick installations, or by using the *_scaleup.yml_* playbook for advanced

== Adding Hosts Using the Quick Installer Tool

If you used the quick install tool to install your {product-title} cluster, you
can use the quick install tool to add a new node host to your existing cluster.

Currently, you can not use the quick installer tool to add new master hosts. You
must use the
installation] method to do so.

If you used the installer in either
xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#running-an-interactive-installation[interactive] or
xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#running-an-unattended-installation[unattended] mode, you can re-run the
installation as long as you have an
xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#defining-an-installation-configuration-file[installation configuration
file] at *_~/.config/openshift/installer.cfg.yml_* (or specify a different
location with the `-c` option).

If you installed using the
installation] method and therefore do not have an installation configuration
file, you can either try
xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#defining-an-installation-configuration-file[creating your own] based on
your cluster's current configuration, or see the advanced installation method on
how to
xref:adding-nodes-advanced[run the playbook for adding new nodes directly].

The recommended maximum number of nodes is 300.

To add nodes to your installation:

. Ensure you have the latest installer and playbooks by updating the
*openshift-ansible* packages:
# yum update openshift-ansible

. Run the installer with the `scaleup` subcommand in interactive or
unattended mode:
# atomic-openshift-installer [-u] [-c </path/to/file>] scaleup

. The installer detects your current environment and allows you to add additional nodes:
*** Installation Summary ***
- OpenShift master
- OpenShift node
- Etcd (Embedded)
- Storage
Total OpenShift masters: 1
Total OpenShift nodes: 1
We have detected this previously installed OpenShift environment.
This tool will guide you through the process of adding additional
nodes to your cluster.
Are you ready to continue? [y/N]:
Choose (y) and follow the on-screen instructions to complete your desired task.
You can add new hosts (either nodes or masters) to your installation using the
*_scaleup.yml_* playbook for advanced installations.

== Adding Hosts Using the Advanced Install
Expand All @@ -108,27 +24,13 @@ cluster by running the *_scaleup.yml_* playbook. This playbook queries the
master, generates and distributes new certificates for the new hosts, then runs
the configuration playbooks on the new hosts only. Before running the
*_scaleup.yml_* playbook, complete all prerequisite
preparation] steps.

This process is similar to re-running the installer in the
xref:adding-nodes-or-reinstalling-quick[quick installation method to add nodes],
however you have more configuration options available when using the advanced
method and when running the playbooks directly.
xref:../install_config/install/host_preparation.adoc#install-config-install-host-preparation[host preparation] steps.

You must have an existing inventory file (for example, *_/etc/ansible/hosts_*)
that is representative of your current cluster configuration in order to run the
*_scaleup.yml_* playbook.
If you previously used the `atomic-openshift-installer` command to run your
installation, you can check *_~/.config/openshift/hosts_* (previously located at
*_~/.config/openshift/.ansible/hosts_*) for the last inventory file that the
installer generated, and use or modify that as needed as your inventory file.
You must then specify the file location with `-i` when calling
`ansible-playbook` later.


Expand Down
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions install_config/configuring_authentication.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,13 +26,8 @@ xref:identity-providers[identity provider].
This can be done during an
xref:../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#configuring-cluster-variables[advanced installation] or configured after installation.

If you installed {product-title} using
xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[Quick Installation] or
xref:../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[Advanced Installation]
method, the
If you installed {product-title} using the
xref:../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[Advanced Installation] method, the
xref:DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider[Deny All] identity provider is
used by default, which denies access for all user names and
Expand Down
13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions install_config/configuring_sdn.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ xref:../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#configuring-cluster-variabl
which is configurable in the Ansible inventory file.

.Example SDN Configuration with Ansible
# Configure the multi-tenant SDN plugin (default is 'redhat/openshift-ovs-subnet')
# os_sdn_network_plugin_name='redhat/openshift-ovs-multitenant'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,15 +107,6 @@ which is configurable in the Ansible inventory file.
# or userspace for the userspace proxy.

For initial xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[quick installations],
the *ovs-subnet* plug-in is installed and configured by default as well, and can
xref:../install_config/master_node_configuration.adoc#master-configuration-files[reconfigured post-installation]
using the `*networkConfig*` stanza of the *_master-config.yaml_* file.

== Configuring the Pod Network on Masters
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,5 +349,3 @@ ONBOOT=yes

6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions install_config/imagestreams_templates.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,8 @@ ifdef::openshift-enterprise[]
Your {product-title} installation includes useful sets of Red Hat-provided
xref:../architecture/core_concepts/builds_and_image_streams.adoc#image-streams[image streams]
and xref:../dev_guide/templates.adoc#dev-guide-templates[templates] to
make it easy for developers to create new applications. By default, the
xref:../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[quick] and
xref:../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[advanced installation]
methods automatically create these sets in the *openshift* project, which is a
make it easy for developers to create new applications. By default, advanced installation
method automatically creates these sets in the *openshift* project, which is a
default global project to which all users have view access.

Expand Down
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,11 +43,6 @@ xref:running-the-advanced-installation-system-container[containerized version of
Technology Preview feature.

Alternatively, you can use the xref:../../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[quick installation]
method if you prefer an interactive installation experience.

To install {product-title} as a stand-alone registry, see
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions install_config/install/disconnected_install.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -491,8 +491,7 @@ builder images:
=== Running the {product-title} Installer

You can now choose to follow the
xref:../../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[quick] or
You can now follow the
{product-title} installation instructions in the documentation.

Expand Down
24 changes: 7 additions & 17 deletions install_config/install/host_preparation.adoc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,14 +118,11 @@ xref:../../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#running-the-advanced-ins

.. Skip to xref:installing-docker[Installing Docker].

. Install the following package, which provides RPM-based {product-title}
installer utilities and pulls in other tools required by the
xref:../../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[advanced installation] methods, such as Ansible and related configuration files:
. Install the following package, which provides the Ansible playbooks and related
configuration files needed for installation:
# yum install atomic-openshift-utils
# yum install openshift-ansible

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -632,16 +629,10 @@ Logging Drivers].

== Ensuring Host Access

The xref:advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[advanced installation] method requires
The xref:quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[quick] and xref:advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[advanced
installation] methods require
a user that has access to all hosts. If you want to run the installer as a
non-root user, passwordless *sudo* rights must be configured on each destination
The xref:advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[advanced
installation] method requires a user that has access to all hosts. If you want
to run the installer as a non-root user, passwordless *sudo* rights must be
configured on each destination host.

For example, you can generate an SSH key on the host where you will invoke the
installation process:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -674,7 +665,6 @@ Containerized Hosts]
to prepare your hosts.

When you are ready to proceed, you can install {product-title} using the
xref:quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[quick installation] or
xref:advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[advanced installation] method.

Expand Down
15 changes: 2 additions & 13 deletions install_config/install/index.adoc
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Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,6 @@

The xref:../../install_config/install/quick_install.adoc#install-config-install-quick-install[quick installation]
method allows you to use an interactive CLI utility to install {product-title} across
a set of hosts. This installer is a self-contained wrapper intended for usage on
a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 host.

You can quickly get {product-title} running by choosing an installation method
in xref:../../getting_started/administrators.adoc#getting-started-administrators[Getting Started for
Expand All @@ -23,14 +16,10 @@ endif::[]
For production environments, a reference configuration implemented using Ansible
playbooks is available as the
xref:../../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[advanced installation]
xref:../../install_config/install/advanced_install.adoc#install-config-install-advanced-install[advanced installation] method.

Before beginning either installation method, start with the
Before beginning with the installation, start with the
xref:../../install_config/install/prerequisites.adoc#install-config-install-prerequisites[Prerequisites] topic.

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