Puppet Module For Marklogic
MarkLogic is an Enterprise level NoSQL XML database driven to big data. It supports Windows, OSX, and RHEL/CentOS distributions, while this module is aimed at CentOS only (untested on RHEL).
See this for a detailed explanation
- CentOS 6
- MarkLogic Base install (MarkLogic not pre-installed)
- 6.0-1.1
- 6.0-2.3
- 6.0-4
- 6.0-4.1
- 7.0-1
- MarkLogic Upgrades
- to
- to 6.0.4
- to
- to 7.0-1
- to 6.0.4
- to
- to 7.0-1
- 6.0.4 to 6.0-4.1
- 6.0.4 to 7.0-1
- to 7.0-1
- MarkLogic Base install (MarkLogic not pre-installed)
- Yum repository with MarkLogic RPMs available (The EULA does not allow redistribution)
- Valid license information
yumrepo { "my ML repo":
baseurl => "http://server/pulp/repos/marklogic/",
descr => "My MarkLogic Repository",
enabled => 1,
gpgcheck => 0,
class { 'marklogic':
admin_user => 'admin', #defaults to admin
admin_password => 'admin', #defaults to admin
disable_ec2_detection => true, #defaults to false
is_development_license => true, #defaults to false
is_upgrade => false, #defaults to false
licensee => 'myname',#required
license_key => 'mykey', #required
version => '6.0-4', #required
marklogic::admin_password: 'admin'
marklogic::admin_user: 'admin'
marklogic::disable_ec2_detection: true
marklogic::is_development_license: true
marklogic::is_upgrade: false
marklogic::licensee: 'my licensee'
marklogic::license_key: 'my key'
marklogic::version: '6.0-4'
Due to licensing issues, I cannot distribute the base Vagrant .box that contains the Yum repo.
Also due to licensing, I cannot distribute the required license information to get the tests to run.
If you wish to run the tests:
create the file ~/.marklogic.yml which contains:
licensee: 'my licensee info' license_key: 'my key' is_development_license: true
Create a matching Vagrant box
vagrant box add base http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/centos-64-x64-vbox4210-nocm.box vagrant init vagrant up vagrant ssh sudo mkdir /usr/share/marklogic && sudo chmod 777 /usr/share/marklogic -R exit # scp -P 2222 -r ~/rpms/marklogic/*.rpm vagrant@localhost:/usr/share/marklogic/ #put your RPMs into the vm vagrant ssh sudo yum install -y createrepo cd /usr/share/marklogic && createrepo . sudo su - echo $'[marklogic]\nname=MarkLogic CentOS-$releasever\nbaseurl=file:///usr/share/marklogic/\ngpgcheck=0\nenabled=1' > /etc/yum.repos.d/marklogic.repo rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules # see: https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/921 exit exit vagrant package --output CentOS_64_x86-64_MarkLogic_YUM.box vagrant box add centos-64-x64-ml-yum CentOS_64_x86-64_MarkLogic_YUM.box
Run the default tests (puppet + lint)
bundle install bundle exec rake
Run the system install tests individually
$ bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64-ml-6011-yum spec:system $ bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64-ml-6023-yum spec:system $ bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64-ml-604-yum spec:system $ bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64-ml-701-yum spec:system
Run the system upgrade tests individually
$ bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64-ml-6011-6023-yum spec:system $ bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64-ml-6011-604-yum spec:system $ bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64-ml-6011-701-yum spec:system $ bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64-ml-6023-604-yum spec:system $ bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64-ml-6023-701-yum spec:system $ bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=centos-64-x64-ml-604-701-yum spec:system
Run every. single. test.
$ for i in `cat .nodeset.yml | shyaml get-value sets| grep -E '^[a-zA-Z]' | sed 's/://g'`; do echo $i; bundle exec rake RSPEC_SET=$i spec:system | grep -A 1 -E '^Finished in'; done
Running without upgrade tests
- Remove
nextVersion: '...'
from the node you want to test
- Remove