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Permanent AWS Issue

myoung34 edited this page Oct 14, 2014 · 2 revisions

MarkLogic version 6 has automatic EC2 detection. It uses (incorrectly) a sysconfig script that looks for /proc/xen, which if that exists, it's now considered an AWS instance. It then curls the EC2 API to set the hostname. The bad part is it has a hardcoded /dev/sdf drive for it's data drive. If that drive doesn't exist (very likely), the init.d script indefinitely waits. If it does exist, it's assumed to be the data directory and is mounted to /opt/MarkLogic. Bad.

MarkLogic 7 has an improved issues. They've now allowed you to set these variables (such as MARKLOGIC_EC2) to 0, meaning you can disable it. But then they overwrite it much the same way, by using the sysconfig script to execute and undo all your hard work. But it's easier to stop this. They use MARKLOGIC_DIR/bin/ to do this work, and returns 0 if it's AWS (if curl succeeded), or 1 if not ec2. Putting your own higher up in the path, such as /bin or /usr/bin will allow you to disable this.

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