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Image Hosting Tips

Valerio Lyndon edited this page Jan 8, 2024 · 14 revisions

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The Basics

Before anything else, I highly recommend re-hosting random images you find onto a trusted image hosting service. Using links from random websites can work, but the image may break, change, or have bugs when other people view it. I've seen it many times. Instead, you should save the image to your PC and upload it to a host that you trust to not change.

Speaking of, your PC is not a file host! You must upload files from your PC to a valid image host. If your URL begins with file:/// then the image will not work.

Recommended image hosts

If you don't have a preferred image host already, try one of these.

  1. Imgur
  • Pros: Proven image host with a long history.
  • Cons: Does not allow NSFW. Hard to find the direct link. Does not support webp or svg.
  • Notes: Only upload images with an account! As of May 2023, Imgur may delete any images not tied to an account, so be sure you're logged in!
  1. ImageChest
  • Pros: Supports webp. Easy to find the direct link.
  • Cons: Unproven history, having only existed a couple of years. Does not support svg.
  1. ImgBB
  • Pros: Easy to find the direct link, supports webp and AVIF.
  • Cons: Website has quirks which can make it hard to use.
  1. PostImage
  • Pros: Has a long history. Easy to find the direct link. Supports webp.
  • Cons: Large image files can get downsized when served directly, causing quality loss. Does not support svg. Large image files can get downsized when served.
  1. Dropbox
  • Pros: Supports any file.
  • Cons: Being a file host, you must have an account with a storage limit and sharing is more convoluted.

Direct links

When using an image in CSS, it must be the direct link to an image. It cannot be a link to a webpage. This means that when you visit the URL it should only display the image. No navigation bar, no ads, nothing. Just the image.

You can often tell just by looking at an image if it is a direct link. While not an absolute rule, it will generally end in a file extension: png, jpg, gif, etc. For instance: or

Getting the direct link from PostImage

On PostImage, you can find the direct link quite easily after uploading. It will be in the "Direct link" text field, as seen here:

screenshot of PostImage direct link text field

Getting the direct link from ImgBB

On ImgBB, you can find the direct link quite easily after uploading. You may have to select "Direct links" from the dropdown but it remembers your choice.

screenshot of Imgbb direct link text field

Getting the direct link from Imgur

On Imgur, it is a bit more complex. Once you've uploaded an image, find the dropdown menu inside the three dots button. Once viewing that menu, click "Get share links".

screenshot of Imgur dropdown menu

Then, copy the "BBCode (Forums)" option.

screenshot of Imgur share links

The copied text should look something like this:


Just remove the [img] and [/img] text from the start and end. The output should look like this:

And you've got the direct link to your image!

Getting the direct link from ImageChest

ImageChest has a similar UI to Imgur, but it's much easier to get the URL. Once you've uploaded your image, open the dropdown at the top right of your image. Click "Get Links".

screenshot of ImageChest "Get Links" dropdown

Then find the "URL" field and click "Copy". Easy as that!

screenshot of ImageChest's URL field

Getting the direct link from Dropbox

For help sharing files from Dropbox, see the "Upload to Dropbox" section of Shishio's tutorial.

Generic help with direct links

If you can't find the direct link, most images allow you to right click the image and select "Copy Image Link", "Copy Image Address", or even "Open Image in New Tab" then copy the URL from the address bar.

These right-click options may be worded slightly different depending on your OS and browser.

Chrome right-click menu Firefox right-click menu