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Add large covers.

Valerio Lyndon edited this page Jan 3, 2024 · 3 revisions

You are here: Home > Clarity > Add large covers.

This mod adds larger anime/manga cover previews to your list. This mod WILL increase page load times. Does not normally work on privated lists. For help and solutions with covers and private lists, see the FAQ & Help section.



This version appears when hovering over any part of a list row.

  1. Add this section to the top of your list code, preceding everything that isn't another "@\import" statement.
@\import "";
@\import "";
  1. Replace the two instances of "YOURNAME" text with your exact MAL username. Do not remove any of the forward-slashes. Here's an example of the modified code:
@\import "";
@\import "";
  1. Choose the version you want to install:
  • Activate on row hover: CODE.
  • Activate on image preview hover: CODE.
  1. Place the CSS from one of those code links at the bottom of your CSS.

FAQ & Help

Cover images for recently added anime aren't loading?

The generator has a 12 hour cooldown before the data refreshes. Try waiting 24 hours.

Cover images aren't loading?

Missing images can be caused by various things. Some of which are...

  • You may have a private list. Set it to public in your list settings or use the alternative below.
  • You may need to enable images in your list settings.
  • If you've modified the theme in any way, your code may be incorrect. Try a fresh install of the theme to see if it fixes it.
  • The generator may be broken. In this case, check the alternative below.

Using an alternative cover import:

  1. Delete any cover import lines from your code. This is to avoid issues and improve performance. They will generally look similar to this, with the "malscraper.azurewebsites" domain.
@\import "";
  1. I highly recommend splitting your anime/mangalist over two themes; You can use identical code except for the separate anime/mangalist links provided here. This is not required, but will improve your page load times.

  2. Finally, add the appropriate link at the top of your CSS.



My cover images are still broken

Check out the "How to fix broken layouts and images" thread in Shishio's club on MyAnimeList. He usually has up-to-date fixes for many issues there.