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Alessandro Bria edited this page Dec 8, 2016 · 4 revisions

TeraConverter is a command-line tool for converting terabytes (and more) of multidimensional (3/4/5D) image data from/to different formats. Specifically, it can:

  • convert one format (e.g. TIFF series) to another (e.g. Imaris HDF5)
  • generate a multiresolution pyramid suited for real-time visualization with TeraFly and BigDataViewer
  • stitch multiple image stacks given their positions (this replaces the Merge step of TeraStitcher)
  • perform any of the previous tasks on a x-y-z subset of the input data, with one or multiple CPUs (for more details about parallel execution, see ParaConverter)

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Download and install
Supported file formats
Memory requirements


Platform O.S. File
x64 Windows 7+ teraconverter.exe
x86_64 Linux Redhat/Fedora/Ubuntu/CentOS teraconverter
x86_64 MacOS X 10.6+ teraconverter

Alternatively, you can build TeraConverter from source along with TeraStitcher by enabling WITH_UTILITY_MODULE_teraconverter at CMake time.

Supported file formats

  • TIFF (3D) [input]
    a multipage 3D TIFF file (grayscale or RGB)
  • TIFF (series, 2D) [input/output]
    a folder containing a series (1+) of 2D TIFF files (grayscale or RGB)
  • TIFF (tiled, 2D) [input/output]
    y-x-z hierarchy of tiles, each tile is a series of 2D TIFF files (grayscale or RGB)
  • TIFF (tiled, 3D) [input/output]
    y-x-z hierarchy of tiles, each tile is a series of multipage 3D TIFF files (grayscale or RGB)
  • TIFF (tiled, 4D) [input/output]
    c-y-x-z hierarchy of tiles, each tile is a series of multipage 3D TIFF files (grayscale only)
  • Vaa3D raw [input]
    a 3D Vaa3D raw file (grayscale or RGB)
  • Vaa3D raw (series, 2D) [input/output]
    a folder containing a series (1+) of 2D TIFF files (grayscale or RGB)
  • Vaa3D raw (tiled, 2D) [input/output]
    y-x-z hierarchy of tiles, each tile is a series of 2D Vaa3D raw files (grayscale or RGB)
  • Vaa3D raw (tiled, 3D) [input/output]
    y-x-z hierarchy of tiles, each tile is a series of 3D Vaa3D raw files (grayscale or RGB)
  • Vaa3D raw (tiled, 4D) [input/output]
    c-y-x-z hierarchy of tiles, each tile is a series of 3D Vaa3D raw files (grayscale only)
  • HDF5 (BigDataViewer) [input/output]
    a HDF5 file containing a BigDataViewer 3D image (grayscale or RGB)
  • HDF5 (Imaris IMS) [input/output]
    a HDF5 file containing a Imaris 3D image (grayscale or RGB)
  • TIFF (unstitched, 3D) [input]
    a TeraStitcher XML descriptor pointing to a valid unstitched image

all the previous formats can be extended to a fifth dimension (time t) either by having one separated file (or folder) for each time point (TIFF and Vaa3D formats), or by storing all time points into one file (HDF5 formats).

all the previous formats, can be extended to a sixth dimension (pyramid resolution layer l) either by having separated folders (TIFF and Vaa3D formats), or by storing all image resolutions into one file (HDF5 formats).

The image below depicts the general schema of the 3D (y-x-z) tiled formats (TIFF and Vaa3D), with the optional c (channel), t (time) and l (pyramid resolution layer) dimensions. The u is the space unit (e.g. 1 micrometer).


TeraConverter is a command line tool. A user-friendly GUI version including most (but not all) the functionalities of the command-line version is available within Vaa3D under Vaa3D Menu > Advanced > Big-Image-Data > TeraConverter. Here, we describe the basic usage options of the command-line version only. For advanced options, type teraconverter --help.

teraconverter -s=<source> -d=<destination> --sfmt --dfmt [--resolutions] [--width] [--height] [--depth] [--H0] [--H1] [--V0] [--V1] [--D0] [--D1] [--parallel]


Any of the supported input formats listed in the Supported file formats section.


Any of the supported output formats listed in the Supported file formats section.


Resolutions indices ( layers l) of the image pyramid to be produced. l must be in [0,10] and 2^l is the corresponding subsampling factor. Default is 0, that means that only the original resolution (subsampling factor 2^0=1) will be produced. For instance: 0123 means pyramid layers 0, 1, 2 and 3 will be produced; 25 means pyramid layers 2 and 5 will be produced; and so on.

--width=<integer>, --height, --depth

Tiles dimension along x, y and z, respectively (for tiled output formats, only).

--H0=<integer>, --H1, --V0, --V1, --D0, --D1

[H0,H1) x [V0,V1) x [D0,D1) define the x-y-z subset of the input data to process.


Allows parallel execution of multiple instances of TeraConverter.

activating this flag does not mean that multiple parallel instances will be launched automatically. Instead, this flag must be activated when multiple instances of TeraConverter are launched in parallel on the same input (partitioned into n subsets for n CPUs) and output. To fully automatize this process, see ParaConverter.


Download and unpack the example dataset at this link and follow the demo below.

Click to play

Memory requirements

Let be

  • Dx and Dy the x and y dimensions of the input image I
  • D = max(Dx, Dy)
  • L the higher resolution layer in --resolutions
  • bx = --width
  • by = --height
  • B the number of bytes per pixel (e.g. 1 for 8-bit, 2 for 16-bit)
  • C the number of channels (e.g. 1 for grayscale, 3 for RGB)

Then the overall memory requirement for converting an input image I is governed by

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