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PaulDudaRESPEC edited this page Mar 3, 2016 · 35 revisions

March 2, 2016

This page describes the contents of MTP #1, including a description of the capabilities, installation instructions, instructions for running the software, test sequences and results, and system documentation.

Description of Capabilities

This MTP is intended to provide limited shells of the re-engineered SWMM and EPANET user interfaces. Using the software, a user may open an existing SWMM or EPANET project, edit options/settings, save the project file, and run the simulation. In addition, the user may run scripts interactively as well as plug-ins which provide additional functionality and interact with the user's project.

The following capabilities are included in this MTP:

  • Scripting Support
  • Plug-in Manager
  • Read Input File
  • Write Input File
  • New Project (blank/empty project)
  • Simulation Status (run simulation)
  • Install Package for Windows
  • Editing SWMM project title and options
  • Editing EPANET project title and options

Installation Instructions

The installation packages for SWMM and EPANET can be obtained from the following links:

Run EPANET-UI_MTP1.exe to install EPANET, and run SWMM-UI-MTP1.exe to install SWMM.

Instructions for Running the Software

To run SWMM:

From the desktop shortcut or from the start menu, double-click on SWMM-UI.

The following window will appear:

From the 'File' menu, choose 'Open'. You will be prompted to open a SWMM input (.inp) file.

With a SWMM input file open, the project title and options are available for testing. Click any of these 8 items and an editing dialog will appear.

After the desired edits are complete, the project can be saved using the 'File:Save' menu item.

The simulation can be run by clicking the lightening bolt icon or through the 'Project:Run Simulation' menu item.

The 'Plugins' menu is used for accessing scripting and plug-in options.

From 'Plugins:Scripting:IPython', the user can produce a window with an IPython prompt for running commands.

For example, the user could enter the following text to change the minimum slope to 0.05:

session.project.options.min_slope = 0.05

From 'Plugins:Scripting:Exec', the user is prompted for the name of a .py file containing a Python script. After identifying the script, the script will automatically be executed.

The 'Plugins' menu also includes a menu for selecting each of the plugins within the installation 'plugins' folder. This installation package includes a sample plugin which adds a 'Summary' menu to the user interface with several submenus.

To run EPANET:

From the desktop shortcut or from the start menu, double-click on EPANET-UI.

The following window will appear:

From the 'File' menu, choose 'Open'. You will be prompted to open an EPANET input (.inp) file.

As with the SWMM project, with an EPANET input file open, the project title and options are available for testing. Click any of these 8 items and an editing dialog will appear.

Test Sequences and Results

Unit tests are provided in the folder test/core/swmm and test/core/epanet. To run these tests, run the python script test_all within each folder. The results of the unit tests are provided here:

SWMM Unit Test Results:

EPANET Unit Test Results:

UI tests are provided in the folder test/UI. To run these tests, run the python script test_any. The results of the unit tests are provided here:

System Documentation

System documentation including class diagrams can be found here:

Known Limitations

The installation packages run only on 64-bit windows computers at this point.