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Getting Started as a Developer earlier version
Windows is the original development platform and is the one documented here. If you are developing on another platform, please use these instructions as a starting point and share with us the particular steps needed on your platform.
There are several options available, some with command-line access and others with Explorer shell integration or stand-alone GUIs. The PyCharm development environment, which we recommend, can access git if it is installed from:
https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/ This is the recommended development environment, but you can use your favorite Python development environment.
Visit https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html and under "For Advanced Users" get the OSGeo4W Network Installer (64 bit)
Run the installer and choose "Advanced Install" then "Install from Internet"
Root Directory: C:\OSGeo4W64 (adjust instructions below if not) and "Install For All Users". Allow it to "Create icon on Desktop" and "Add icon to Start Menu"
Local Package Directory: C:\OSGeo4W64\Temp Start menu name: the default is fine.
Select Your Internet Connection: probably "Direct Connection" or consult your local computer support.
Choose a Download Site: select the first site on the list if it is not already selected.
Select Packages: (Note: for some packages there is a -dev version also available that you do not want.) In command line utilities, select: python-core, python-tools. python-tcltk, setup, shell. In desktop, select qgis-full. In libs, choose gdal-filegdb, python-devel and setuptools.
The next step will warn that additional packages need to be installed. Make sure "Install these packages" is selected, press Next, agree to several licenses, then wait a while for all the parts to be downloaded and installed.
In Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables/User, set some variables: (Note: PATH will likely already have a value. You can keep this value by putting the new value first, then a semicolon, then the existing value. Remove any existing parts of the path that reference Anaconda or Python.)
PYTHONPATH=C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis\python -
NumPy and SciPy are not correctly installed by the default pip commands, so they need special steps: Download NumPy as a package from: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy get the latest numpy+mkl that has cp27 and win_amd64 in the file name, for example: numpy-1.11.1+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl or whatever is the latest version.
Download SciPy as a package from: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#scipy get the latest scipy that has cp27 and win_amd64 in the file name, for example: scipy-0.18.0-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl or whatever is the latest version.
Download Pandas as a package from: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pandas get the latest that has cp27 and win_amd64 in the file name, for example: pandas-0.19.0-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl or whatever is the latest version
Open an OSGeo4W Shell using the icon the installer created on the desktop. Ignore insecure platform warnings and issue the following commands:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip -m install qtconsole
pip -m install enum34
pip -m install matplotlib --upgrade
It is fine if the following two uninstall commands fail:
pip uninstall numpy
pip uninstall scipy
pip -m install numpy- filename downloaded above.whl
pip -m install scipy- filename downloaded above.whl pip -m install pandas- filename downloaded above.whl
Start PyCharm, click “Check out from Version Control”, choose GitHub.
Log in and choose whether to save your password or use a master password.
Repository URL: https://github.com/USEPA/SWMM-EPANET_User_Interface.git
Directory: choose the parent directory to put the new directory in.
Directory Name: recommend leaving it as the default: SWMM-EPANET_User_Interface
Press Clone.
Answer Yes when asked whether to open the directory.
If you do not see the project files, use View/Tool Windows/Project.
This is the latest release version. For the development version, find “Git: master” in the status bar in the lower right part of PyCharm, click it, choose another branch such as origin/dev or origin/dev-ui, “Checkout as new local branch”,
Enter name of new branch: keep the default name
- In PyCharm, if you do not see the project files, use View/Tool Windows/Project.
- In the Project view, right-click folder "src" and choose "Mark Directory As"/"Sources Root"
- Right-click the top item in the Project view "SWMM-EPANET_User_Interface..." and "Mark Directory As"/"Sources Root"
- File/Settings/Build, Execution, Deployment/Console/Python Console: check "Add source roots to PYTHONPATH", press OK.
- File/Settings/Project:.../Project Interpreter: choose C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\python.exe, press OK.
- Wait while PyCharm searches through the Python folders. (Status is in bottom bar of PyCharm.)
- This can take a long time. You can look at code while this happens, but need to wait to run after it completes.
- In the Project window under src\ui Right-click “SWMM/frmMainSWMM.py” or EPANET/frmMainEPANET, and choose Debug.
- Green “Play” button runs the last thing you chose to run, “Bug” button next to it runs in debug mode.
Below are specialized instructions for unusual situations:
If you are going to generate documentation with Doxygen:
The additional package doxypypy is recommended. (See https://github.com/Feneric/doxypypy.):
pip -m install doxypypy
Create batch file ~\Anaconda2\Scripts\py_filter.bat containing one line:
doxypypy -a -c %1