- Overhaul of the all-settings menu:
- Added quick-jump buttons to the individual categories at the top
- Merged the previous "Performance" category into General
- Reordered many settings into more appropriate categories
- Dramatically simplified the internal logic of how settings are written
- Removed some obsolete settings
- Adjusted the design
- New settings:
- Added "Preset: Wallpaper Mode" (hides everything except the background)
- Added "Featured Artists in New Line" option
- Added "Gradient Progress Bar" option
- Added "Use Numbers For One-Artist Playlists" options
- Added "Color-Dodge Blend" experimental setting (idk I think it looks cool lol)
- Added option to show error notifications (enabled by default)
- Added option to disable idle mode while tab is hidden (use at your own risk!)
- Added a quick lyrics toggle button to the top-right buttons
- Improvements:
- Big improvements to the lyrics search algorithm (huge thanks to @NoahThrelfall-Holmes!)
- Added toast notifications for when the remote control is used and when lyrics are toggled
- Album spacers are now only inserted when it's sensible + removed hotkey since it's now obsolete
- Added a tolerance to prevent the tracklist from changing size after every single track in a queue
- Clicking on the tracklist now force-scrolls it into place (useful when changing window size!)
- Dark mode is now automatically disabled on a page refresh
- Added subcategory headers to remote control
- Tracks that have " feat. " without any special characters in the title will now get properly trimmed
- Featured artists are now also removed from release names
- Added "reprise" to whitelisted words / added "OST" and "soundtrack" to useless words
- Renamed cog to gear
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed subcategory headers not being hidden while category is collapsed
- Fixed final-second snapping even happening when smooth progress bar was enabled
- Fixed Bad Gateway exceptions freezing the app for multiple minutes
- Somewhat fixed local tracks in playlists breaking everything
- Minor fixes to Guess Next Track
Also, I wrote a basic CONTRIBUTING.md. Feel free to check it out, any help is welcome!