Releases: Selbi182/SpotifyBigPicture
- Added more fail-safes for the app in case Spotify doesn't work as expected (an everlasting uphill battle... I apologize for the app breaking so much, but my hands are tied by Spotify's limited API)
- Added an experimental HD artwork provider option using images hosted on iTunes, inspired by
- Added a sample preset called "Space Sandwich" to demonstrate a wildly different take on how the app can be designed
- Reworked "Replace Clock with Next Track" option to no longer replace the clock and instead have the info be shown in a new container between the clock and timestamp
- Right-align titles in tracklist is now its own option
- Album spacers are now enabled by default
- Radios are now displayed in the context (if possible)
- Fixed a deadlock if access tokens weren't set in time
- Fullscreen on double click option is now protected when changing presets
- Added gradient progress bar to split-panel mode's defaults
- Moved wallpaper preset above artwork-only mode
- Added Ko-fi link
- Fixed lyrics not working anymore ( updated their website infrastructure)
- "Show All Settings" state is now remembered on page refresh
- Completely redesigned playback controls:
- Now a big three-column overlay over almost the entirety of the screen (for ease of access)
- Shuffle and repeat buttons have been removed
- Clicking next will automatically TRY to do a simulated song transition
- Mouse-over idling is now ignored
- Completely detached from the playback status icons now
- Added protection against Spotify's stupid queue bug where it sometimes only returns a small portion of it
- Added a fullscreen toggle button to top buttons
- Toggling fullscreen on double click is now an option (enabled by default)
- Added soft-light blend for artwork
- Reworded Hide Top Buttons to Show Top Buttons and Play/Pause/Shuffle/Repeat Icons to Playback Status Icons
- Album spacers are now enabled by default in the Split-Panel, Tracklist, and XL-Artwork Presets
- Fixed pause icon not showing up when opening the page while paused
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed cursor not disappearing when idling over new playback controls
- Added aggressive title stripping option
- Added context descriptions option
- Overhaul of the all-settings menu:
- Added quick-jump buttons to the individual categories at the top
- Merged the previous "Performance" category into General
- Reordered many settings into more appropriate categories
- Dramatically simplified the internal logic of how settings are written
- Removed some obsolete settings
- Adjusted the design
- New settings:
- Added "Preset: Wallpaper Mode" (hides everything except the background)
- Added "Featured Artists in New Line" option
- Added "Gradient Progress Bar" option
- Added "Use Numbers For One-Artist Playlists" options
- Added "Color-Dodge Blend" experimental setting (idk I think it looks cool lol)
- Added option to show error notifications (enabled by default)
- Added option to disable idle mode while tab is hidden (use at your own risk!)
- Added a quick lyrics toggle button to the top-right buttons
- Improvements:
- Big improvements to the lyrics search algorithm (huge thanks to @NoahThrelfall-Holmes!)
- Added toast notifications for when the remote control is used and when lyrics are toggled
- Album spacers are now only inserted when it's sensible + removed hotkey since it's now obsolete
- Added a tolerance to prevent the tracklist from changing size after every single track in a queue
- Clicking on the tracklist now force-scrolls it into place (useful when changing window size!)
- Dark mode is now automatically disabled on a page refresh
- Added subcategory headers to remote control
- Tracks that have " feat. " without any special characters in the title will now get properly trimmed
- Featured artists are now also removed from release names
- Added "reprise" to whitelisted words / added "OST" and "soundtrack" to useless words
- Renamed cog to gear
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed subcategory headers not being hidden while category is collapsed
- Fixed final-second snapping even happening when smooth progress bar was enabled
- Fixed Bad Gateway exceptions freezing the app for multiple minutes
- Somewhat fixed local tracks in playlists breaking everything
- Minor fixes to Guess Next Track
Also, I wrote a basic Feel free to check it out, any help is welcome!
This is a small quality-of-life update, a major update is still coming sometime later. Check out the to-do list: #31 (comment)
- Added a keep screen awake / no-sleep mode button at the top right (done using NoSleep.js)
- Added subcategory headers to some settings to visually group them better
- New settings:
- Reintroduced "Guess Next Track" (in Performance category, disabled by default)
- Added "Margin Between Albums" for tracklist option (hotkey: S)
- Added "Replace Current Time with Remaining Time" setting
- Added "Dym Lyrics" setting
- Added "Max Width Lyrics" setting
- Added "Large Gradient" for queue view setting
- Text balancing is now done before the fade-in to make it less janky
- Added "Theme" to useless words / "Session" to whitelisted words
- Added more verbose confirm/reject labels on some modals
- Added blank fallback when context thumbnail couldn't be found
- Snap the progress bar into max-width on the final second of a track
- Rewrote some settings descriptions
- Improved text-balancing logic
- Fixed resetting settings not working properly and being inconsistent
- Fixed a race condition with text balancing when the site launches
- Increased idle timeout from 30 to 60 minutes
v1.11.1 (Hotfix):
- Fixed some critical bugs with Guess Next Track
- Added toast notifications (Currently for when no-sleep mode is toggled or lyrics for the current song couldn't be found)
- Color now falls back to white if it falls below a perceived brightness value of 0.7
- Fixed text balancing affecting unrelated fields
This is a mini update, mainly to address a critical issue with freezes (see the first change in the changelog). A proper update with big features is still planned, see here for a current to-do list: #31 (comment)
- The app will now go into an idle state when the tab is currently invisible (This should hopefully prevent freezes when returning to the tab after having it hidden for a while)
- Added a quick-launch .bat file for convenience
- Extracted Artwork settings into their own category
- Split "Show Release Name/Date" into two separate options
- Reduced opacity for featured artists
- Added 'w' as candidate for featured artists removal (I guess writing 'with' was too much effort...)
- Fixed an overflow issue with long device names
- Some visual improvements
- Added custom modals to replace all the existing stock alerts and confirms. I'd appreciate feedback on the design! 😄
- A shutdown/logout can now be done from the interface itself (user request #25). This feature runs on the same logic as playback controls, so you might want to explicitly disable it
- Resetting the settings on a version update is now optional
- Added a few new hotkeys (toggle lyrics with L and close settings/modals with Esc)
- Removed volume change from the interface, as it was too awkward to work with
- A full context refresh is now requested when the current song changes. This should hopefully fix anomalies when editing a playlist while listening to it
- Minor fixes to the lyrics feature
- Fixes to remove dark mode intensity adjustment
- Fixed artwork-only preset
- Replaced (i) symbols with (!) symbols (done by simply rotating the image 180° lmao)
This is mostly a big patch for the new lyrics feature from the previous release to fix many issues (namely, the lyrics being incomplete, the line breaks being all over the place, and sometimes completely wrong lyrics being displayed). Lyrics for the expected next song in the queue are now also preloaded.
Other changes:
- Reordered the settings categories for visibility of the more important features
- Added "XL Lyrics" setting (enabled by default)
- Reworked the tracklist preset to be focused on just the tracklist (no more main content)
- Dark mode intensity can now be set via remote control (lost on page refresh)
- Fixed wonky line breaks for the next track in the clock if it's too long
- Scrolling through setting now hides the description to avoid mismatches
Lyrics are here!
This feature scrapes its data from the lyrics website Genius. It's not perfect yet, but it does the job. Do note that this feature must be enabled in the "Show All Settings" menu!
Other changes
- New options:
- Added "Allow Text Selection"
- Added "Hide Mouse Cursor"
- Added "Darkness Compensation" and "Brightness Compensation" for the background overlay color
- Added a clock icon to the time container that matches the current hour
- No-fill background color now uses the secondary color
- Number of options per category is now displayed in each header
- Moved Background category above Layout categories
- Renamed Misc category to just Experimental
- Slight improvements to the website title
- Deadlock detection for the text-balancing library
- Added three options to further customize the background (all enabled by default):
- Background Blur
- Background Zoom
- Background Fill Screen
- New Tracklist options:
- Added "Hide Tracklist for Single Song"
- Added "Album View: Always Show Everything"
- Other new options:
- Added text-shadow option (disabled by default)
- Added "Swap Artist with Title" (the way the OG Spotify fullscreen interface does it)
- Added "Slow Transitions" option (1s instead of 500ms)
- Added an experimental extra-wide mode option
- Current song is now also displayed at the top of the queue to be consistent with the album view + some fixes with the transition effect
- Preview screen while in the settings menu is now slightly larger (the reset button is now at the bottom as a result)
- Various design overhauls to the context container
- The prompt to switch to the portrait preset when resizing the window can now be permanently silenced
- Removed "Album View: Hide Duplicate Track Name" because it's obsolete
- Text balancing now kicks in slightly faster
- Minor fixes for local files (still not perfect, the Spotify API is inconsistent in that regard)
This is mostly a bugfix release with some quality-of-life changes:
- Added option to replace the clock with the next track in the queue (intended for tracklist-less presets)
- Added new settings category for customizing the website title (user request)
- Added increased tracklist min scaling limit option
- Added hide tracklist for podcast option (on by default)
- Hotkeys (up/down arrow keys) added to scroll through the settings list
- Minor bugfixes related to tracklist scaling and the Vintage Preset
- Fixed timestamp skips after unpausing
- More robust version check