seeks to provide a minimal c89-style library and API surface for validating a compact-form JWT against a set of JWKs. This is not meant to be a general purpose JOSE library. If you are looking for a more general purpose C library, consider cjose.
- Add autotools based build (classic
./configure && make && make install
) #9 - Add spec file for RPM Packaging #8
- Support for API changes in OpenSSL version 1.1 #5
- Initial open source release.
exports two primary API surfaces:
- Validating a JWT using the
function in xjwt_validator.h - Loading a JWK keyset, using
function in xjwt_keyset.h
An example of using these APIs is in test_verify.c
Assuming a proper rpmbuild environment exists on the build host, a pair of rpms (bin and devel), can be built using the included spec file like so:
rpmbuild --undefine=_disable_source_fetch -bb dist/rpm/libxjwt.spec
After Jansson and OpenSSL development headers are available, building libxjwt should just take:
make install
ScaleFT takes security seriously. If you discover a security issue, please bring it to our attention right away!
Please DO NOT file a public issue or pull request, instead send your report privately to the ScaleFT Security Team, reachable at [email protected].
is commonly used in parsing untrusted data from network sources, as such we have tried to be careful and take this into consideration in design of the library.
- Compact form JWTs are limited to 16kb maximum size.
only supports theES256
algorithm types for signature validation.- Before cryptographic verification of a JWT,
must parse some data:- Splitting the compact form into header, payload and signature. This is done by the
function in parse.c - Decoding the JWT Header. This requires a url-safe base64 decoding. This is currently implemented by using OpenSSL's Base64 BIOs in b64.c.
- Parsing the JWT Header object. This pases data to the Jansson's
( function in validator.c - Parsing the JWT Signature. This is done by
function in parse.c. - Validation of the EC Signature for the Header+Payload is done using OpenSSL's EVP API.
- Splitting the compact form into header, payload and signature. This is done by the
is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.