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Steve K edited this page Jul 4, 2023 · 98 revisions

5.0.6 release checklist

Page contents:

  1. Guide to cherry-picking commits
  2. Suggested bug fixes, commits, and PRs for this release
    1. sasview
    2. sasmodels
  3. Pre-release tasks
  4. Release candidate tasks
  5. Full release tasks

Guide to cherry-picking commits

All commits required for v5.0.6 will require cherry-picking. Restoring branches and performing pull requests against the release branch will pull in the entire commit history of that branch, not just the commits exclusive to that branch. Many of those branches were current with main when merged. Compare PR #2396 to PR #2397 to get a better understanding of why this is necessary.

  1. Checkout the latest release_5.0.6 branch and be sure it is up-to-date with remote.
  2. Create a new branch using git checkout -b <new branch name>.
  3. Make sure to edit this file and add a check mark against the commits you plan to cherry pick so others won't step on your feet.
  4. Cherry-pick the series of commits you claimed above by git cherry-pick <git-hash_1> <git-hash_2> ... <git-hash_n>. The git hash can either be the short, 7-char, or long, 40-char, hash, e.g. for the commit, use either dbdabd8 or dbdabd85fc4a647a4a939aa28e64baf4425a7a83. Many of the suggested bug fixes below already list all of the short hashes, so copy/paste as you see fit.
  5. If the cherry-pick is a success, push the changes and submit a new pull request. Be sure to set the base branch as release_5.0.6. Modify this page, adding an X to the bug fix(es) and link to the PR for that bug.
  6. If the cherry-pick fails (for any reason), list any errors on this page under the heading for that particular suggestion.

Suggested bug fixes, commits, and PRs for this release


Completion Date Assignee Original PR Commits Description Priority New PR for 5.0.6
Dec. 9. 2022 N/A #1938 This is already in sasview 5.0.5 (verified by JRK) N/A
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2047 8e94383 Update corfunc_help.rst #2402
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2087 6bc3bc0, 83b7284 Update latestversion to https #2402
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2099 eb34b31 Add ID to plot generated by data operations tool to fix problem with save project. #2407
N/A - #2127 Added missing dependencies to requirements.txt NO - krzywon N/A
Jan. 27, 2023 wpotrzebowski #2114 6937da6 Updating developers list for zenodo ( - we may need more updated based on the new commits?
Dec. 9, 2022 krzywon #2178 b1ab08c Fixed breaking bug in pr_inversion #2396
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2217 b42bbd7 Fix incorrect escape sequences #2407
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2265 ea2bb71, 3691b20 Update marketplace urls to https #2402
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2266 dc56acd, c72bbc2 Add persistent legend visibility toggle #2407
Dec 22, 2022 piotr #2273 9258078 Force main window to maximize #2407
Jan 24, 2023 piotr #2275 17502dd6, c268b56b A few more or less obvious fixes for speed of SasView startup - Can we get a subset that doesn't include the changes to Reports which came after the v5.0.5 release MUST HAVE if possible #2407
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2288 9674179, 386fd09, 4378451 Update rst strings to fix doc build warnings 4378451 includes changes related to the preferences panel and the example data move so it should be excluded #2402
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2293 74358e2 support custom names in plot legend #2407
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2298 4718832 Differentiate which combobox to put the graphs in Must Have #2407
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2300 c24d971, aa19ac3 Fix intermittent plot blanking Must Have #2407
Dec 22, 2022 piotr #2302 7610f15 prevent squashing of buttons on sld panel #2407
Jan 10, 2023 caitwolf #2318 4485c21, 34b6463 sesans plot not updating fix #2407
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2329 f31f226, 0b9189d, 3c97be4 Fixes double plots showing up from time to time (note really only a one line change in the end). #2407
Jan 10, 2023 caitwolf #2331 74ce33f, 6198c89 Fixes binning bug in implementation of sesans data #2407
Jan 10, 2023 caitwolf #2336 4c58c10 fixes weird swapping of slit length/width due to "use dq" #2407
Jan 10, 2023 caitwolf #2338 185d7c4 fixed sesans residuals plots to show in real space rather than q space #2407
Jan 22, 2022 butler #2354 3f75727, c1b8efd, 56fb7ce, 194c6e2, bf77fbe, 4877109, 7d012ae Update defaults #2407
Jan. 27, 2023 wpotrzebowski #2357 13c065b, ea72b9b, 6e11c88 Fixes in invariant perspective #2407
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2359 a884038, ce55711, 2a9994c Update Optimizer Help Doc #2404
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2362 1d4ead9 Fix plot legend not updating on custom change #2407
Dec 22, 2022 piotr #2365 b362961, b659d30, 6dd5410 Close the BUMPS/DREAM results panel when data is deleted #2407
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon A fix for issue #1911 that doesn't require the new configuration system: suggested fix is to create the file if it cannot be found (should have write access to local folder) Must Have #2387
#2264 Fix unusable legend size with long filenames on Mac (8 commits including 2 "reverse" = 4 commits? + 3 merge commits --- BUT may include some preference panel stuff?) CONFLICTS WITH PR#2266 - LIKELY NOT N/A
N/A - #2314 492cbd6 Adding installation path to about box USES NEW CONFIG SYSTEM - UNABLE TO INCLUDE N/A
Jan. 27, 2023 wpotrzebowski Update workflows to use release branches MUST HAVE #2403, #2406
Jan. 27, 2023 krzywon #2422 64bc118 Parameter Values Outside Bounds Throws Error #2407


Completion Date Assignee Original PR Commits Description Priority New PR for 5.0.6
Dec. 9, 2022 N/A #484 This is already in sasmodels 1.0.6 (verified by JRK) N/A
N/A Need to import latest bumps Quick fix for MPFit not utilizing GPUs #518. Must Have N/A
#510 96775be, ee4ad1b, 2c1dec9 More informative error message when sasview is not on the python path
wpotrzebowski #511 d387ff3 Make sure cl_complex.h is provided in the installed package files #545
wpotrzebowski #512 562295a Fix doc string for core shell ellipsoid #545
krzywon #521 943f164, 3fdadec Fixing multi_scat script #545
wpotrzebowski #522 e5a4ff5 update marketplace url to https #545
#526 0c4753f, b5c89a4, 39a2890, ad6ecf9, 974ce25, 94edcc6, f99c02c, c7e2636 Doc update for Jupyter notebook scripting and bumps import issue TO DISCUSS
wpotrzebowski #534 a5ac58a, b63c1eb Restructuring and cross-linking of sasmodels docs #545
krzywon #537 c3f0d3a fix race condition for creating SAS_DLL_PATH #545
wpotrzebowski #541 d9902c2, 276f98b, fd67196 Correct formatting of equation for I(Q) in gel_fit model #545
Jan. 22, 2022 butler #527 bbe65df, d48cf6b, c591425, 9a87d95, 97ad3d7, 8b499c4, 57d70ab, d698e65, f02d7e6, e9c0509, 37327ee, a8c70de, 8e67bad Updates to the paracrystal models? issues: sasmodels 284, sasmodels 384 SHOULD HAVE #544
Jan. 22, 2022 butler #539 b98d166, ab3ca13 Corrected Cylinder docs #544
#532 a7194a3, 3fbcba1, 540bfaa this is connected to PR #534 above ... however seems to be a rewrite based on changes to cli that maybe are not imported here? need to check before deciding to also merge this? TO DISCUSS

Pre-release tasks

  • Create SasView branch from v5.0.5 release point: release_5.0.6
  • Lock SasView:release_5.0.6 branch
  • Create sasmodels branch from v1.0.6 release point: release_1.0.7
  • Lock sasmodels:release_1.0.7 branch
  • Update branch workflows to use sasmodels release branch
  • Compile list of potential bug fixes to add to this release (this page)
  • Choose bug fixes that will be added to release
  • Update version number
  • Change the version number of the target folder (in installers/installer.iss)

Release candidate

  • Any new test datasets documented (/src/sas/sasview/test/media/testdata_help.rst)
  • Zenodo generated (script)
  • sasview init and licenses updated (script)
  • sasmodels init and licences files updated (script)
  • sasview release notes in source (RELEASE.rst)
  • sasmodels release notes in source (CHANGES.rst)
  • Release notes on github
  • Tag sasview and sasmodels (on github)
  • Upload assets to github

Full release

  • Check & update lists of developers/contributors ( &
  • Release notes on github (update notes and remove pre-release)
  • Update docs on website
  • Update release link to the on website
  • Update latestversion.json
  • Update 'Current Release' link in
  • Create post on website to announce new release
  • Announce release to [email protected] (with 'newsletter')
  • Announce release to sa_scat & neutron mailing lists
  • Publish zenodo
  • Publish sasmodels on pypi
  • Merge release branches with main (sasview) and master (sasmodels)
  • Increment version number to x.x.x.a1 (sasview and sasmodels)
  • Release conda package
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