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810 lines (559 loc) · 35 KB

Release History

Version 2.8.0

Released on Oct 04, 2020

This update include breaking changes


  • feat: add support for Stellar Protocol 14. (#367)


  • feat: add support for CAP-23. (#371)

    We have added methods to TransactionBuilder, you can use them to construct corresponding operations, method list:

    • append_create_claimable_balance_op
    • append_claim_claimable_balance_op

    We have added ClaimPredicate, please use helper function to build ClaimPredicate, method list:

    • predicate_and
    • predicate_or
    • predicate_not
    • predicate_before_absolute_time
    • predicate_before_relative_time
    • predicate_unconditional

    The following is an example.

    from stellar_sdk import Server, TransactionBuilder, Keypair, ClaimPredicate, Claimant, Asset, Network
    sponsor_keypair = Keypair.from_secret(sponsor_secret)
    claimant_keypair = Keypair.from_secret(claimant_secret)
    server = Server("")
    network_passphrase = Network.TESTNET_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE
    # Create Claimable Balance
    sponsor_account = server.load_account(sponsor_keypair.public_key)
    predicate_left = ClaimPredicate.predicate_before_relative_time(60 * 60 * 24 * 7)
    predicate_right = ClaimPredicate.predicate_not(ClaimPredicate.predicate_before_relative_time(60 * 3))
    predicate = ClaimPredicate.predicate_and(predicate_left, predicate_right)
    claimant = Claimant(destination=claimant_keypair.public_key, predicate=predicate)
    create_claimable_balance_te = TransactionBuilder(
    create_claimable_balance_resp = server.submit_transaction(create_claimable_balance_te)
    # Claim Claimable Balance
    balance_id = "00000000550e14acbdafcd3089289363b3b0c8bec9b4edd87298c690655b4b2456d68ba0"
    claimant_account = server.load_account(claimant_keypair.public_key)
    claim_claimable_balance_te = TransactionBuilder(
    claim_claimable_balance_resp = server.submit_transaction(claim_claimable_balance_te)
  • feat: add support for CAP-33. (#372 #374)

    We have added methods to TransactionBuilder, you can use them to construct corresponding operations, method list:

    • append_begin_sponsoring_future_reserves_op
    • append_end_sponsoring_future_reserves_op
    • append_revoke_account_sponsorship_op
    • append_revoke_trustline_sponsorship_op
    • append_revoke_offer_sponsorship_op
    • append_revoke_data_sponsorship_op
    • append_revoke_claimable_balance_sponsorship_op
    • append_revoke_ed25519_public_key_signer_sponsorship_op
    • append_revoke_hashx_signer_sponsorship_op
    • append_revoke_pre_auth_tx_signer_sponsorship_op

    The following is an example.

    from stellar_sdk import Server, TransactionBuilder, Keypair, Network
    sponsor_keypair = Keypair.from_secret(sponsor_secret)
    newly_created_keypair = Keypair.from_secret(new_account_secret)
    server = Server("")
    network_passphrase = Network.TESTNET_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE
    # Sponsoring Account Creation
    sponsor_account = server.load_account(sponsor_keypair.public_key)
    sponsoring_account_creation_te = TransactionBuilder(
    sponsoring_account_creation_resp = server.submit_transaction(sponsoring_account_creation_te)
    # Revoke Account Sponsorship
    sponsor_account = server.load_account(sponsor_keypair.public_key)
    revoke_account_sponsorship_te = TransactionBuilder(
    revoke_account_sponsorship_resp = server.submit_transaction(revoke_account_sponsorship_te)
  • feat: add support for new endpoint of Protocol 14. (#373)

    The following are the newly added endpoints.

    • server.claimable_balances().claimable_balance(claimable_balance_id)
    • server.claimable_balances().for_asset(asset)
    • server.claimable_balances().for_sponsor(sponsor)
    • server.claimable_balances().for_claimant(claimant)
    • server.accounts().for_sponsor(sponsor)
    • server.offers().for_sponsor(sponsor)

Breaking changes

  • The type of stellar_sdk.signer.Signer.signer_key is changed from Xdr.types.SignerKey to stellar_sdk.signer_key.SignerKey.

Version 2.7.0

Released on Aug 28, 2020

This update include breaking changes


  • feat: add support for SEP-0010 v2.0.0. (#363)

Breaking changes

Due to the addition of support for SEP-10 v2.0.0, we no longer support SEP-10 v1.x.

The domain_name parameter is required in SEP-10, and the anchor_name parameter is no longer needed, you can get these SEP-10 changes here.

There have been some breaking changes to SEP-10 related functions, the following is a breaking changes list, you can also check our latest document.

  • stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.build_challenge_transaction (domain_name parameter is required, anchor_name parameter has been removed.)
  • stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.read_challenge_transaction (domain_name parameter is required)
  • stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction_signers (domain_name parameter is required)
  • stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction_signed_by_client (domain_name parameter is required)
  • stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction_signed_by_client_master_key (domain_name parameter is required)
  • stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction_threshold (domain_name parameter is required)
  • stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction (domain_name parameter is required)

Version 2.6.4

Released on Aug 14, 2020


  • feat: add support for parsing Stellar URI (SEP-0007). (#360)

Version 2.6.3

Released on Aug 09, 2020


  • feat: add support to SEP-0011 (Txrep: human-readable low-level representation of Stellar transactions). (#357)

Version 2.6.2

Released on Jul 20, 2020


  • feat: add support for SEP-0007 (URI Scheme to facilitate delegated signing). (#349)

Version 2.6.1

Released on Jun 21, 2020

This update has breaking changes compared to 2.5.3.

For some reason, we yanked 2.6.0 on PyPi, but actually 2.6.0 can be used normally.

This update log will contain the updated content of 2.6.0.


  • Optimize SEP-10, when you call stellar_sdk.sep.stellar_web_authentication.verify_challenge_transaction_signed_by_client_master_key, an exception will be thrown if the transaction contains extra signatures. (#338) (2.6.1)
  • Generate V1 transactions by default. (#337) (2.6.0)
  • Allow V0 transactions to be fee bumped. (#331) (2.6.0)

Breaking changes

  • The default values of the following parameters have changed, they used to default to False, but now they default to True. (2.6.0)
    • the v1 parameter in stellar_sdk.transaction_builder.TransactionBuilder
    • the v1 parameter in stellar_sdk.transaction.Transaction

Version 2.6.0

Released on Jun 18, 2020

This update include breaking changes


  • Generate V1 transactions by default. (#337)
  • Allow V0 transactions to be fee bumped. (#331)

Breaking changes

  • The default values of the following parameters have changed, they used to default to False, but now they default to True.
    • the v1 parameter in stellar_sdk.transaction_builder.TransactionBuilder
    • the v1 parameter in stellar_sdk.transaction.Transaction

Version 2.5.3

Released on Jun 14, 2020


  • Set the value of the v1 property correctly when calling TransactionBuilder.from_xdr. (#333)

Version 2.5.2

Released on Jun 03, 2020


  • Optimized the way to read xdr. In 2.5.x, we will discard the id in muxed account, in this update, we will keep the id, but it is invisible to users. We recommend that all users using 2.5.x upgrade to this version. (#326)

Version 2.5.1

Released on May 27, 2020


  • add stellar_sdk.call_builder.PaymentsCallBuilder.join (#323)

    from stellar_sdk import Server
    horizon_url = ""
    server = Server(horizon_url)
    # Set `join` to `transactions` to include the transactions which created each of the payments in the response.
    resp = server.payments().for_account(account_id).include_failed(False).join("transactions").call()

Version 2.5.0

Released on May 25, 2020

This update include breaking changes

In 2.4.0, we added support for Stellar Protocol 13, it also includes support for M-strkeys (SEP-0023), but now we are going to remove support for SEP-0023, because it is still a draft and may not be promoted to final, adding support for it means that users may end up storing M-strkeys, which can create a lot of problems if SEP-0023 ends up not being implemented. If you want to know more details, please click here.


Breaking changes

  • stellar_sdk.muxed_account.MuxedAccount has been removed. (#319)

  • we will no longer accept the M-strkeys address, when resolving the XDR, if it contains a muxed account, only the G-strkeys will be resolved, and the id will be discarded.

  • The following fields, which were previously(in 2.4.x) a stellar_sdk.muxed_account.MuxedAccount are now a str (#319)

    • stellar_sdk.Account.account_id
    • stellar_sdk.operation.Operation.source
    • stellar_sdk.operation.AccountMerge.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPaymentStrictReceive.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPaymentStrictSend.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPayment.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.Payment.destination
  • The following fields, which were previously(in 2.4.x) a stellar_sdk.muxed_account.MuxedAccount are now a stellar_sdk.Keypair (#319)

    • stellar_sdk.Transaction.source
    • stellar_sdk.FeeBumpTransaction.fee_source

Version 2.5.0-alpha1

Released on May 23, 2020

This update include breaking changes

In 2.4.0, we added support for Stellar Protocol 13, it also includes support for M-strkeys (SEP-0023), but now we are going to remove support for SEP-0023, because it is still a draft and may not be promoted to final, adding support for it means that users may end up storing M-strkeys, which can create a lot of problems if SEP-0023 ends up not being implemented. If you want to know more details, please click here.


Breaking changes

  • stellar_sdk.muxed_account.MuxedAccount has been removed. (#319)

  • we will no longer accept the M-strkeys address, when resolving the XDR, if it contains a muxed account, only the G-strkeys will be resolved, and the id will be discarded.

  • The following fields, which were previously(in 2.4.x) a stellar_sdk.muxed_account.MuxedAccount are now a str (#319)

    • stellar_sdk.Account.account_id
    • stellar_sdk.operation.Operation.source
    • stellar_sdk.operation.AccountMerge.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPaymentStrictReceive.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPaymentStrictSend.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPayment.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.Payment.destination
  • The following fields, which were previously(in 2.4.x) a stellar_sdk.muxed_account.MuxedAccount are now a stellar_sdk.Keypair (#319)

    • stellar_sdk.Transaction.source
    • stellar_sdk.FeeBumpTransaction.fee_source

Version 2.4.2

Released on May 23, 2020

  • refactor: separating client GET and POST timeout values. (#315)

  • refactor: optimize the use of stellar_sdk.client.AiohttpClient, it may throw a stellar_sdk.exceptions.StreamClientError exception now, and you should catch it. (#317)

    import asyncio
    import logging
    from stellar_sdk import AiohttpClient, Server
    from stellar_sdk.exceptions import StreamClientError
    horizon_url = ""
    async def listen_transaction():
        async with Server(horizon_url, AiohttpClient()) as server:
            cursor = "now"
            while True:
                    async for transaction in server.transactions().cursor(cursor).stream():
                        print(f"Transaction: {transaction}")
                except StreamClientError as e:
                    logging.error(f'A StreamClientError was encountered while reading the SSE message, which was caused by {e.current_cursor}.')
                    cursor = e.current_cursor
    if __name__ == '__main__':

Version 2.4.2-alpha2

Released on May 18, 2020

  • fix: monkey patch aiohttp.streams.StreamReader.readline to solve the problem that aiohttp_sse_client cannot read long stream messages.

Version 2.4.2-alpha1

Released on May 17, 2020

  • refactor: separating client GET and POST timeout values. (#315)

  • refactor: optimize the use of stellar_sdk.client.AiohttpClient, it may throw a stellar_sdk.exceptions.StreamClientError exception now, and you should catch it. (#317)

    import asyncio
    import logging
    from stellar_sdk import AiohttpClient, Server
    from stellar_sdk.exceptions import StreamClientError
    horizon_url = ""
    async def listen_transaction():
        async with Server(horizon_url, AiohttpClient()) as server:
            cursor = "now"
            while True:
                    async for transaction in server.transactions().cursor(cursor).stream():
                        print(f"Transaction: {transaction}")
                except StreamClientError as e:
                    logging.error(f'A StreamClientError was encountered while reading the SSE message, which was caused by {e.current_cursor}.')
                    cursor = e.current_cursor
    if __name__ == '__main__':

Version 2.4.1

Released on May 10, 2020

  • fix type hint for stellar_sdk.Server.submit_transaction().
  • fix broken links in examples.

Version 2.4.0

Released on May 05, 2020

This update include breaking changes.

This version brings protocol 13 support with backwards compatibility support for protocol 12.


  • Add stellar_sdk.MuxedAccount which makes it easy to use muxed account. (#311).
  • Add TransactionBuilder.build_fee_bump_transaction which makes it easy to create FeeBumpTransaction, we have written an example, please click here to view it (#298).
  • Adds a feature flag which allow consumers of this library to create V1 (Protocol 13) transactions using the TransactionBuilder (#298).
  • Add support for CAP-0027: First-class multiplexed accounts (#300).
  • Add Keypair.xdr_muxed_account which creates a new MuxedAccount(#300).
  • Add FeeBumpTransaction and FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope which makes it easy to work with fee bump transactions (#298).
  • Add stellar_sdk.helpers.parse_transaction_envelope_from_xdr which makes it easy to parse TransactionEnvelope and FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope(#298).


  • Update XDR definitions with protocol 13.
  • Extend TransactionEnvelope to work with TransactionEnvelopeand FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope (#298).
  • Add backward compatibility support for CAP-0018 (#307).

Breaking changes

  • The following fields, which were previously an str are now a stellar_sdk.MuxedAccount (#311):

    • stellar_sdk.Account.account_id
    • stellar_sdk.Transaction.source
    • stellar_sdk.FeeBumpTransaction.fee_source
    • stellar_sdk.operation.Operation.source
    • stellar_sdk.operation.AccountMerge.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPaymentStrictReceive.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPaymentStrictSend.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPayment.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.Payment.destination
  • In this version, some changes have occurred in the XDR files. If you depend on them, please click here to view the changes.


Some examples let you quickly learn about these changes.

  1. MuxedAccount

    from stellar_sdk import MuxedAccount
    account_id_id = 1234
    # generate account_id_muxed
    muxed = MuxedAccount(account_id=account_id, account_id_id=account_id_id)  # account_id_id is optional.
    print(f"account_id_muxed: {muxed.account_id_muxed}")
    # parse account_id_muxed
    muxed = MuxedAccount.from_account(account_id_muxed)
    print(f"account_id: {muxed.account_id}\naccount_id_id: {muxed.account_id_id}")
    # without `account_id_id`
    muxed = MuxedAccount.from_account(account_id)
    print(f"account_id_muxed: {muxed.account_id_muxed}")  # None
  2. Pay to muxed account

    import pprint
    from stellar_sdk import Keypair, Server, MuxedAccount, TransactionBuilder, Network
    horizon_url = ""
    network_passphrase = Network.TESTNET_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE
    bob_account = MuxedAccount(
    print(f"account_id_muxed: {bob_account.account_id_muxed}")
    alice_keypair = Keypair.from_secret(alice_secret)
    server = Server(horizon_url=horizon_url)
    alice_account = server.load_account(alice_keypair.public_key)
    transaction = TransactionBuilder(
        v1=True,  # If you want to build Protocol 13 transactions, you need to set `v1` to `True`
    ) \
        .append_payment_op(destination=bob_account, amount="100", asset_code="XLM") \
    resp = server.submit_transaction(transaction)
  3. Build fee bump transaction

    import pprint
    from stellar_sdk import Keypair, Server, TransactionBuilder, Network
    from stellar_sdk.exceptions import BadRequestError
    horizon_url = ""
    network_passphrase = Network.TESTNET_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE
    fee_source_keypair = Keypair.from_secret("SASZKBDB6PFHXN6LRH4NQNTRGLGDTI3PSUVIKMZMLTYYBB7NDVMA6DSL")
    inner_source_keypair = Keypair.from_secret("SC5O7VZUXDJ6JBDSZ74DSERXL7W3Y5LTOAMRF7RQRL3TAGAPS7LUVG3L")
    server = Server(horizon_url=horizon_url)
    inner_account = server.load_account(inner_source_keypair)
    inner_tx = TransactionBuilder(
        v1=True) \
        .append_payment_op(destination=destination_address, amount="100", asset_code="XLM") \
        # This transaction will fail.
        tx_insufficient_fee_resp = server.submit_transaction(inner_tx)
    except BadRequestError as e:
    fee_bump_tx = TransactionBuilder.build_fee_bump_transaction(
        inner_transaction_envelope=inner_tx, network_passphrase=network_passphrase
    response = server.submit_transaction(fee_bump_tx)

Version 2.4.0-alpha2

Released on May 03, 2020


  • Add stellar_sdk.MuxedAccount which makes it easy to use muxed account. (#311).

Breaking changes

  • The following fields, which were previously an str are now a stellar_sdk.MuxedAccount (#311):

    • stellar_sdk.Account.account_id
    • stellar_sdk.Transaction.source
    • stellar_sdk.FeeBumpTransaction.fee_source
    • stellar_sdk.operation.Operation.source
    • stellar_sdk.operation.AccountMerge.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.AllowTrust.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPaymentStrictReceive.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPaymentStrictSend.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.PathPayment.destination
    • stellar_sdk.operation.Payment.destination

Version 2.3.2

Released on May 01, 2020

  • fix: typo in fetching previous page.(#312)

Version 2.4.0-alpha1

Released on April 26, 2020

This update include breaking changes.

This version brings protocol 13 support with backwards compatibility support for protocol 12.


  • Add TransactionBuilder.build_fee_bump_transaction which makes it easy to create FeeBumpTransaction, we have written an example, please click here to view it (#298).
  • Adds a feature flag which allow consumers of this library to create V1 (Protocol 13) transactions using the TransactionBuilder (#298).
  • Add support for CAP-0027: First-class multiplexed accounts (#300).
  • Add Keypair.xdr_muxed_account which creates a new MuxedAccount(#300).
  • Add FeeBumpTransaction and FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope which makes it easy to work with fee bump transactions (#298).
  • Add stellar_sdk.helpers.parse_transaction_envelope_from_xdr which makes it easy to parse TransactionEnvelope and FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope(#298).


  • Update XDR definitions with protocol 13.
  • Extend TransactionEnvelope to work with TransactionEnvelopeand FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope (#298).
  • Add backward compatibility support for CAP-0018 (#307).

Breaking changes

  • The type of Transaction.source changes from Keypair to str.

  • In this version, some changes have occurred in the XDR files. If you depend on them, please click here to view the changes.

  • The following XDR fields, which were previously an AccountID are now a MuxedAccount (#300):

    • PaymentOp.destination
    • PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp.destination
    • PathPaymentStrictSendOp.destination
    • OperationOp.source
    • Operation.destination (for ACCOUNT_MERGE)
    • Transaction.source
    • FeeBumpTransaction.feeSource

    You can get the string representation by calling StrKey.encode_muxed_account which will return a G.. or M.. account.

Version 2.3.1

Released on April 12, 2020

  • Update dependencies.

Version 2.3.0

Released on March 31, 2020


  • Add SEP0029 (memo required) support. (#291) Extends Server.submit_transaction to always run a memo required check before sending the transaction. If any of the destinations require a memo and the transaction doesn't include one, then an AccountRequiresMemoError will be thrown.

    This may degrade performance, but you can skip this check by passing skip_memo_required_check=True to Server.submit_transaction:

    server.submit_transaction(tx, skip_memo_required_check=True)

    The check runs for each operation of type:

    • Payment
    • PathPaymentStrictReceive
    • PathPaymentStrictSend
    • AccountMerge

    If the transaction includes a memo, then memo required checking is skipped.

    See SEP-0029 for more information about memo required check.


  • Optimize the processing of horizon parameters. (#289)

Version 2.2.3

Released on March 12, 2020

  • feat: add stellar_sdk.operation.set_options.Flag, we can express flag more conveniently. (fdb1f7d)

Version 2.2.2

Released on March 08, 2020

  • fix: parameters checking rule in TimeBounds. (561f3e7)
  • fix: HashMemo and ReturnHashMemo should be fixed in length (32 bytes). (22cd179)

Version 2.2.1

Released on February 12, 2020

  • fix: orderbook async streams (#265)

Version 2.2.0

Released on February 07, 2020

Horizon v1.0.0 Compatibility.


  • Add support for top-level offers endpoint with seller, selling, and buying filter. Horizon 1.0 includes a new /offers end-point, which allows you to list all offers, supporting filtering by seller, selling, or buying asset.

    You can fetch data from this endpoint by doing server.offers() and use any of the following filters:

    • seller: server.offers().for_seller(account_id)
    • buying: server.offers().for_buying(asset)
    • selling: server.offers().for_selling(asset)
    • offer detail : server.offers().offer(offer_id)

    This introduced a breaking change since it modified the signature for the function server.offers().

    Before, if you wanted to list all the offers for a given account, you'd do:


    Starting on this version you'll need to do:


    You can do now things that were not possible before, like finding all offers for an account filtering by the selling or buying asset

  • Add support for filtering accounts by signer or asset, this has been released in a previous patch version. Horizon 1.0 includes a new /accounts end-point, which allows you to list all accounts who have another account as a signer or hold a given asset.

    You can fetch data from this endpoint by doing server.accounts() and use any of the following filters:

    • acount detail: server.accounts().account_id(account_id), returns a single account.
    • for signer: server.accounts().for_signer(account_id), returns accounts where account_id is a signer.
    • for asset: server.accounts().for_asset(asset), returns accounts which hold the asset.


  • Regenerate the XDR definitions to include MetaV2 support (also see #1902).


  • Fixed some documentation errors.


  • Change function signature for server.offers. The signature for the function server.offers() was changed to bring support for other filters.

    Before, if you wanted to list all the offers for a given account, you'd do:


    Starting on this version you'll need to do:

  • server.accounts().signer and server.accounts().asset are marked as deprecated, use server.accounts().for_signer and server.accounts().for_asset instead.

There are also some changes related to the horizon's response, currently, SDK has not added parse support to it, so please refer to this issue or release notes of Stellar horizon 1.0.0. In addition, support for parsing the horizon's responses will be added in the next major update.

Version 2.1.4

Released on February 12, 2020

  • fix: orderbook async streams (#265)

Version 2.1.3

Released on February 03, 2020

  • fix: fix bug in SEP-0010 implementation.

Version 2.1.2

Released on February 02, 2020

  • fix: fix bug in SEP-0010 implementation.

Version 2.1.1

Released on January 31, 2020

  • feat: update challenge tx helpers for SEP-0010 v1.3.0.

Version 2.1.0

Released on January 04, 2020

  • feat: add support for SEP-0001 (stellar.toml).
  • feat: add support for SEP-0002 (Federation protocol).
  • perf: adjust the client's default timeout.

Version 2.0.0

Released on November 29, 2019

This is a major upgrade and is not compatible with the v1.x version, don't worry, the v1.x version will still be maintained.

Anyway, welcome to the v2.0.0 release, we have a great document to help you get started.

If you have suggestions, feel free to submit an issue or email me. Thank you for your patience as we transition!

New features:

  • New API design. We refactored most of the code, there are a lot of designs in v1.x that are not reasonable, and we can't modify them smoothly, this is one of the reasons we released v2.x.
  • Added type hint support.
  • Added asynchronous support.