The idea behind this project is to allow Cocos2D and Box2D to be easily compiled and packaged into a compact and easily embeddable form.
Current patches applied and changes from Cocos2D's master-v2 branch (20120820).
1.) PVRv3 format support from develop-v2.
2.) Removed some font related forward declarations (merged in develop-v2 check if this has already been brought in master-v2)… tFontDefHashElement and KerningHashElement…
3.) Support for animated transitions when pushing or popping scenes: cocos2d/cocos2d-objc#230
4.) Optimisation - eliminated costly [NSNumber floatValue] calls cocos2d/cocos2d-objc#232
5.) CCGLProgram guards, fixes and debugging info cocos2d/cocos2d-objc#212
Added some further fixes:
6.) Rendering Target Node - Rendering to texture made simpler. cocos2d/cocos2d-objc#231
7.) Fix for issue #1398: Double firing of CCCallBlock in CCSequence. cocos2d/cocos2d-objc#233
8.) Fixed CCSprite's displayFrame function not returning the correct frame in Retina mode (taken from develop-v2).
9.) Added the ability to turn off debug drawing for a CCSprite node or any of its subclasses at runtime. cocos2d/cocos2d-objc#234
10.) Fixed issue with CCRenderTexture causing the wrong viewport and view matrix to be restored when used inside a custom draw/visit method. cocos2d/cocos2d-objc#238
11.) Fixed an issue with the results of the ccpAngle method (slightly slower perhaps, but this should be more accurate): cocos2d/cocos2d-objc#213
In order to download and use this library in your project and all the other helper libraries I usually rely on with other applications of mine, you can use the following script (or you can fork each, then clone, and build each of them using the script target):
#Do we need to force the script to download the code from GitHub?
#To download the latest tag
SAFE_TAG=("" "" "" "" "" "")
#To download a specific tag
#SAFE_TAG=("v1.1.2" "v1.2.8" "v1.1.6" "v1.0.0" "v1.0.0" "v1.0.1")
LIBS=("Utilities ${SAFE_TAG[0]}" "CocosLib ${SAFE_TAG[1]}" "CocosTools ${SAFE_TAG[2]}" "PRKit ${SAFE_TAG[3]}" "SneakyInput ${SAFE_TAG[4]}" "CCItemsScroller ${SAFE_TAG[5]}")
rm -rf ~/Programming/SharedLibs
rm -rf ~/Programming/SharedLibsMac
mkdir -p ~/Programming
mkdir -p ~/Programming/SharedLibs
mkdir -p ~/Programming/SharedLibsMac
for f in "${LIBS[@]}"; do
set -- $f
if [ "$DOWNLOAD_GIT" == "TRUE" ] || [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
rm -rf "$1"
git clone"$1".git "$1"
#echo "$1 $2"
cd "$1"
if [ "$DOWNLOAD_GIT" == "TRUE" ]; then
if [ x"$2" != x ]; then
echo Checking out tag "$2"
git checkout -b localBranch_"$1" "$2"
echo Checking out latest version
echo Processing "$1"_script
echo iOS build
/Applications/ clean -target "$1"_script
/Applications/ build -target "$1"_script
echo MacOS X build
/Applications/ clean -target "$1"Mac_script
/Applications/ build -target "$1"Mac_script
cd ..