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Hardikl edited this page Jan 30, 2025 · 37 revisions

How do I migrate from Harvest 1.6 to 2.0?

There currently is not a tool to migrate data from Harvest 1.6 to 2.0. The most common workaround is to run both, 1.6 and 2.0, in parallel. Run both, until the 1.6 data expires due to normal retention policy, and then fully cut over to 2.0.

Technically, it’s possible to take a Graphite DB, extract the data, and send it to a Prometheus db, but it’s not an area we’ve invested in. If you want to explore that option, check out the promtool which supports importing, but probably not worth the effort.

How do I share sensitive log files with NetApp?

Email them to [email protected] This mail address is accessible to NetApp Harvest employees only.



Is there a way to allow per SVM level user views? I need to offer 1 tenant per SVM. Can I limit visibility to specific SVMs? Is there an SVM dashboard available?


You can do this with Grafana. Harvest can provide the labels for SVMs. The pieces are there but need to be put together.

Grafana templates support the $__user variable to make pre-selections and decisions. You can use that + metadata mapping the user <-> SVM. With both of those you can build SVM specific dashboards.

There is a German service provider who is doing this. They have service managers responsible for a set of customers – and only want to see the data/dashboards of their corresponding customers.

Harvest Authentication and Permissions


What permissions does Harvest need to talk to ONTAP?


Permissions, authentication, role based security, and creating a Harvest user are covered here.

ONTAP counters are missing


How do I make Harvest collect additional ONTAP counters?


Instead of modifying the out-of-the-box templates in the conf/ directory, it is better to create your own custom templates following these instructions.

Capacity Metrics


How are capacity and other metrics calculated by Harvest?


Each collector has its own way of collecting and post-processing metrics. Check the documentation of each individual collector (usually under section #Metrics). Capacity and hardware-related metrics are collected by the Zapi collector which emits metrics as they are without any additional calculation. Performance metrics are collected by the ZapiPerf collector and the final values are calculated from the delta of two consequent polls.

Tagging Volumes


How do I tag ONTAP volumes with metadata and surface that data in Harvest?


See volume tagging issue and volume tagging via sub-templates

REST and Zapi Documentation


How do I relate ONTAP REST endpoints to ZAPI APIs and attributes?


Please refer to the ONTAPI to REST API mapping document.


How much disk space is required by Prometheus?

This depends on the collectors you've added, # of nodes monitored, cardinality of labels, # instances, retention, ingest rate, etc. A good approximation is to curl your Harvest exporter and count the number of samples that it publishes and then feed that information into a Prometheus sizing formula.

Prometheus stores an average of 1-2 bytes per sample. To plan the capacity of a Prometheus server, you can use the rough formula: needed_disk_space = retention_time_seconds * ingested_samples_per_second * bytes_per_sample

A rough approximation is outlined

Topk usage in Grafana


In Grafana, why do I see more results from topk than I asked for?


Topk is one of Prometheus's out-of-the-box aggregation operators, and is used to calculate the largest k elements by sample value.

Depending on the time range you select, Prometheus will often return more results than you asked for. That's because Prometheus is picking the topk for each time in the graph. In other words, different time series are the topk at different times in the graph. When you use a large duration, there are often many time series.

This is a limitation of Prometheus and can be mitigated by:

  • reducing the time range to a smaller duration that includes fewer topk results - something like a five to ten minute range works well for most of Harvest's charts
  • the panel's table shows the current topk rows and that data can be used to supplement the additional series shown in the charts

Additional details: here, here, and here

Where are Harvest container images published?

Harvest images are published to both NetApp's ( and Docker's ( image registry. By default, is used.

How do I switch from DockerHub to NetApp's image registry ( or vice-versa?


Replace all instances of rahulguptajss/harvest:latest with

  • Edit your docker-compose file and make those replacements or regenerate the compose file using the --image option)

  • Update any shell or Ansible scripts you have that are also using those images

  • After making these changes, you should stop your containers, pull new images, and restart.

You can verify that you're using the images like so:


docker image ls -a
REPOSITORY              TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
rahulguptajss/harvest   latest    80061bbe1c2c   10 days ago    85.4MB <=== no prefix in the repository 
prom/prometheus         v2.33.1   e528f02c45a6   3 weeks ago    204MB       column means from DockerHub
grafana/grafana         8.3.4     4a34578e4374   5 weeks ago    274MB

Pull image from

docker pull
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from harvest
Digest: sha256:6ff88153812ebb61e9dd176182bf8a792cde847748c5654d65f4630e61b1f3ae
Status: Image is up to date for

Notice that the IMAGE ID for both images are identical since the images are the same.

docker image ls -a
REPOSITORY              TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE    latest    80061bbe1c2c   10 days ago    85.4MB  <== Harvest image from
rahulguptajss/harvest   latest    80061bbe1c2c   10 days ago    85.4MB
prom/prometheus         v2.33.1   e528f02c45a6   3 weeks ago    204MB
grafana/grafana         8.3.4     4a34578e4374   5 weeks ago    274MB
grafana/grafana         latest    1d60b4b996ad   2 months ago   275MB
prom/prometheus         latest    c10e9cbf22cd   3 months ago   194MB

We can now remove the DockerHub pulled image

docker image rm rahulguptajss/harvest
Untagged: rahulguptajss/harvest:latest
Untagged: rahulguptajss/harvest@sha256:6ff88153812ebb61e9dd176182bf8a792cde847748c5654d65f4630e61b1f3ae

docker image ls -a
REPOSITORY             TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE   latest    80061bbe1c2c   10 days ago    85.4MB
prom/prometheus        v2.33.1   e528f02c45a6   3 weeks ago    204MB
grafana/grafana        8.3.4     4a34578e4374   5 weeks ago    274MB


What ports does Harvest use?


Port Map


Why do my snapmirror_labels have an empty source_node?


Snapmirror relationships have a source and destination node. ONTAP however does not expose the source side of that relationship, only the destination side is returned via ZAPI/REST APIs. Because of that, the Prometheus metric named, snapmirror_labels, will have an empty source_node label.

The dashboards show the correct value for source_node since we join multiple metrics in the Grafana panels to synthesize that information.

In short: don't rely on the snapmirror_labels for source_node labels. If you need source_node you will need to do a similar join as the Snapmirror dashboard does.

See for more information and linked pull requests for REST and ZAPI.

NFS Clients Dashboard

Why do my NFS Clients Dashboard have no data?


NFS Clients dashboard is only available through Rest Collector. This information is not available through Zapi. You must enable the Rest collector in your harvest.yml config and uncomment the nfs_clients.yaml section in your default.yaml file.

Note: Enabling nfs_clients.yaml may slow down data collection.

File Analytics Dashboard

Why do my File Analytics Dashboard have no data?


This dashboard requires ONTAP 9.8+ and the APIs are only available via REST. Please enable the REST collector in your harvest config. To collect and display usage data such as capacity analytics, you need to enable File System Analytics on a volume. Please see for more details.

FlexGroup Dashboard

Why do my FlexGroup Dashboard have no data?


FlexGroup dashboard requires FlexGroup Constituents counters enabled in volume templates. They are disabled by default because they typically slow down data collection due to a high number of constituents metrics. You must extend the below volume.yaml templates with the include_constituents flag to true:

Note: Enabling FlexGroup Constituents counters may slow down data collection due to a high number of constituents metrics.

NABox Grafana token is missing

The reset dashboard button does not work in NABox and my nabox-harvest2 logs contain API token errors


Check that your harvest.yml has a Tools grafana_api_token defined by running

dc exec -w /conf nabox-harvest2 /netapp-harvest/bin/harvest doctor --print | grep grafana_api_token

If nothing is printed, your Harvest config file is missing the grafana_api_token and you need to ask NAbox to recreate it.

To fix:

  1. Change the admin password of NABox to Netapp01
  2. ssh into your nabox instance and run
# Tell NAbox to recreate the grafana_api_token
rm /opt/secrets/harvest-grafana
dc stop nabox-api
  1. Change the admin password to something more secure