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CCPP Framework Meeting Minutes 2020 03 05

Dom Heinzeller edited this page Mar 5, 2020 · 3 revisions


  • No progress on moving towards from Dom
  • Eliminate runtime reading of namelists in parameterizations

Runtime reading of namelists in parameterizations

  • Host model to read namelists for parameterizations
  • Augment metadata (see for a proposal)
    • This should only be applied to namelist variables - does the presence of default_value make it a namelist variable? Or add runtime_parameter = .true. (redundant)? Maybe better to call it init_default_value for clarity?
    • Opportunity for the host model to define the value; if it is not found in the host model dictionary during init, then the CCPP framework will set it to the default value
  • host model defines what type of namelist to use (json, Fortran namelist, ...)
    • there is no scheme namelist any longer, all this information is part of the metadata
    • standard names as keys in the host model namelist - one section per parameterization or a single section for CCPP?

Level of expensiveness of CCPP checking etc

  • Do we need to define how expensive CCPP can/should be depending on the checking level (debug, info, ...)

CCPP NUOPC generator

  • CISL has money to do some GPU work on CCPP (Steve to meet with them)
  • Steve's project does not have a deliverable for the NUOPC cap prototype, but would like to do it
  • What is discussed above (namelists etc) will help this effort
  • Should we come up with a new proposal that includes the NOAA chemistry people to fund this work?
    • note: CARMA microphysics package (which has chemistry aspects) will be implemented by NCAR, funded by NOAA

Blocked data structures in init/finalize routines

  • substitute ccpp_block_number to with : in auto-generated static caps?
  • Steve will create a test for this, we need to check that this is supported by all compilers
  • this will cause problems: how to declare the dimensions in the variable declaration inside the subroutine
  • better: use horizontal_dimension for _init and _finalize etc., the run routine uses horizontal_loop_extent; the auto-generated cap will recast a variable A(:)%B(:,:,:) to C(:,:,:) where the horizontal dimension is set correctly
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