- Table of Contents
- Day 1 - Introduction to RISC - V ISA and GNU compiler toolchain
- Day 2 - Application Binary Interface and Verification flow
- Day 3 - Digital Logic with TL-Verilog and Makerchip
- Day 4 - Micro-architecture of a Single Cycle RISC - V Core
- Day 5 - Pipelined RISC-V Core
- Acknowledgements
- ISA describes the operations supported by a particular specification.
- RISC - V is an open-source ISA Standard.
- So, anyone can develop their own processor free from licensing fees.
- Pseudo Instructions - Move instructions
- RV64I - Integer
- RV64M _ Multiply
- RV64F, RV64D - Floating Point, Double Floating Point
- RV64-IMFD - All of the above
Application Binary Interface - System calls through which the programmers can access the registers of the RISC - V Core.
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
int i = 0, sum = 0;
int n = 10;
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
sum += i;
printf("\nSum of numbers from 1 to %d = %d\n", n, sum);
return 0;
gcc sumofn.c -o sumofn
- Now we run the compiled code in a test RISC - V Core
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -O1 -mabi=lp64 -march=rv64i -o sumofn.o sumofn.c
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d sumofn.o | less
Number of instructions =
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Ofast -mabi=lp64 -march=rv64i -o sumofn.o sumofn.c
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d sumofn.o | less
This command is used for displaying the program after it gets executed by the RISC - V core.
spike pk sumofn.o
Debug command
spike pk -d sumofn.o
This command will run all the instructions until 100b0 Address
until pc 0 100b0
This command is used for the checking the content of a register
reg 0 a0
- Here the value of the immediate 0x00021000 is loaded into the r0 register
- Here the value of stack pointer is decreased by -10 in hex.
- 8 bits => 1 byte
- 4 bytes => 1 word
- 8 bytes => 2 words
Number of combinations using n bits =>
Highest number represented by 64-bit system => (2^64) - 1
- Take 1's complement and then add +1.
- MSB indicates sign
- MSB = 0 indicates Positive Numbers
- MSB = 1 indicates Negative Numbers
- Range 0 to 2^63
- Range -1 to -2^63
- Highest unsigned long long number is
$18446744073709551615$ .
- Signed Numbers Max and Min
long long int occupies 8 bytes =
- ABI is the system-call interface present between the software application and the registers of the ISA
- It can be used to access the registers through system calls
graph TD
A[Application-Program] -->|API| Standard-Libraries
Standard-Libraries -->|System-call| Operating-System
Operating-System -->|ISA| RISC-V-Core
A -->|ABI| RISC-V-Core
- There are 32 registers each of 64 bits in the RV64.
- Memory is byte-addressable
- Each address contains 8 - bits (i.e.) - 1 byte
- RISC - V follows little-endian memory system.
- MSB bits have higher memory address and LSB have lower memory address
- Load - ld x8, 16(x23) - loads Memory[16+x23] into x8
- Add - x8, x24, x8
- Store - x8, 8(x23) - Store cotent of x8 into Memory[x23+8]
- Load, add and store belong to
$RV64I$ base instructions. - Load is a I-type instruction
- Add is a R-type instruction
- Store is a S-type instruction
$rd$ is of size 5 bits => So$2^5 = 32$ registers - Naming convention is
$x0$ to$x31$
graph TD;
S[Start a0 = 0, a1 = count] --> M[temp variable, a4 = 0]
M --> R[incrementing variable, a3 = 0]
R --> N[Store count in a2]
N --> Q[a4 = a3 + a4]
Q --> I[a3 = a3 + 1]
I --> D{Is a3 < a2 ?}
D -->|yes| Q
D -->|no| F[a0 = a4 + zero]
F --> End
- Value of a0 is returned to the main program.
.section .text
.global load
.type load, @function
add a4, a0, zero // a4 - sum register
add a2, a0, a1 // a2 - count register, n
add a3, a0, zero // a3 - intermediate register, i
add a4, a3, a4 // add a3 to a4 every loop
add a3, a3, 1 // increment a3 by 1
blt a3, a2, loop // loop back as long as i < n
add a0, a4, zero // store result in a0
#include <stdio.h>
extern int load(int x, int y);
int main () {
int result = 0;
int count = 10;
result = load(0x0, count+1);
printf("Sum of numbers from 1 to %d is %d\n", count, result);
return 0;
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Ofast -mabi=lp64 -march=rv64i -o sumof_N.o sumof_N.c load.S
spike pk sumof_N.o
graph LR;
Memory --> RISC-V
RISC-V --> R[Display the result]
git clone https://github.com/kunalg123/riscv_workshop_collaterals.git
chmod 377 rv32im.sh
- The instructions that we want to run are passed as HEX files into the RISC - V core
- Output depends only on the present input.
- No state is associated and no memory elements.
- Load Default template
$reset = *reset;
$out1 = ~$in1; // NOT
$out2 = $in1 || $in2; // bitwise - OR
$out3 = $in1 && $in2; // bitwise - AND
$out4 = $in1 ^ $in2; // bitwise - XOR
$out5 = ~($in1 ^ $in2); // bitwise - XNOR
- Code
$out[4:0] = $in1[3:0] + $in2[3:0];
- Output Waveform
- 2x1 Mux
$out = $sel ? $in1 : $in0; // 2x1 MUX
- Output Waveform
- 2x1 Mux (vector)
$out[7:0] = $sel ? $in1[7:0] : $in0[7:0]; // 2x1 MUX
- Output Waveform
- Code
$reset = *reset;
$val1[31:0] = $rand1[3:0];
$val2[31:0] = $rand2[3:0];
$sum[31:0] = $val1 + $val2; //00
$diff[31:0] = $val1 - $val2; //01
$prod[31:0] = $val1 * $val2; //10
$quot[31:0] = $val1 / $val2; //11
$out[31:0] = ($op[1:0] == 2'b00) ? $sum :
($op[1:0] == 2'b01) ? $diff :
($op[1:0] == 2'b10) ? $prod :
($op[1:0] == 2'b11) ? $quot : 32'b0;
- Output Waveform
- Present state depends on past state.
- Memory is associated with sequential logic.
- It retains its value till a clock edge or (level comes).
- Code
$num[31:0] = $reset ? 1 : (>>1$num + >>2$num);
- Output Waveform
- Code
$num[31:0] = $reset ? 0 : (>>1$num + 1);
- Output Waveform
Here the last output becomes one of the present input.
$reset = *reset;
//$val1[31:0] = $rand1[3:0];
$val2[31:0] = $rand2[3:0];
//$num[31:0] = $reset ? 0 : (>>1$num + 1);
$sum[31:0] = $out + $val2; //00
$diff[31:0] = $out - $val2; //01
$prod[31:0] = $out * $val2; //10
$quot[31:0] = $out / $val2; //11
$tout[31:0] = ($op[1:0] == 2'b00) ? $sum :
($op[1:0] == 2'b01) ? $diff :
($op[1:0] == 2'b10) ? $prod :
($op[1:0] == 2'b11) ? $quot : 32'b0;
$out[31:0] = $reset ? 0 : >>1$tout;
- Output Waveform
- We divide the long combinational circuit into smaller parts by inserting registers.
- Each smaller part has less propagation delay.
- So now each stage can be executed at higher frequency.
- Pipelining allows us to overlap the execution of one instruction with the earlier stage of another instruction.
- It increases system response time, as we don't need to wait till the entire instruction is executed.
- We can move the flip flops to achieve equal delays in each stage.
- Max. frequency of the clock, depends on the propagation delay between flip flops.
- By inserting more flip flops, the propagation delay reduces
- It increases the throughtout
$lower_case: pipe signal
$PascalCase: state signal
$UPPER_CASE: keyword
Everything in TL-Verilog is implicitly pipelined.
This fibo implementation is equivalent to the earlier implementation.
- Code
$reset = *reset;
$err1 = $bad_input + $illegal_op;
$err2 = $over_flow + $err1;
$err3 = $div_by_zero + $err2;
- Output Waveform
i. First we shall include the counter and calculator in the first stage.
ii. Change alignment of $out to have two cycle latency
iii. Change counter to 1 - bit
iv. Use the counter as valid signal. The output gets the Mux output every two clock cycles.
v. Now we re-time(move the mux) to second stage. The output gets the Mux output every other clock cycle.
- Code
$reset = *reset;
//$val1[31:0] = $rand1[3:0];
$val2[31:0] = $rand2[3:0];
$valid = $reset ? 0 : (>>1$valid + 1);
$sum[31:0] = $out + $val2; //00
$diff[31:0] = $out - $val2; //01
$prod[31:0] = $out * $val2; //10
$quot[31:0] = $out / $val2; //11
$out[31:0] = ($reset | ~($valid)) ? 0 : >>2$tout;
$tout[31:0] = ($op[1:0] == 2'b00) ? $sum :
($op[1:0] == 2'b01) ? $diff :
($op[1:0] == 2'b10) ? $prod :
($op[1:0] == 2'b11) ? $quot : 32'b0;
- Validity checks can be included in the design
- It is helpful in better debugging
- Leads to cleaner design
- Toggling of the clock consumes lot of power
- Clock gating avoids toggling for invalid inputs
- In this we compute the pythagorean distance and add it to the previous value.
- In this implementation, the computation is carried out, only when the validity is enabled.
$reset = *reset;
//$val1[31:0] = $rand1[3:0];
$val2[31:0] = $rand2[3:0];
$valid = $reset ? 0 : (>>1$valid + 1);
$valid_or_reset = $valid || $reset;
$out[31:0] = $reset ? 0 : >>2$tout;
$sum[31:0] = $out + $val2; //00
$diff[31:0] = $out - $val2; //01
$prod[31:0] = $out * $val2; //10
$quot[31:0] = $out / $val2; //11
$tout[31:0] = ($op[1:0] == 2'b00) ? $sum :
($op[1:0] == 2'b01) ? $diff :
($op[1:0] == 2'b10) ? $prod :
($op[1:0] == 2'b11) ? $quot : 32'b0;
- Output Waveform
- We can implement a memory system using a Mux that has a feedback path.
- op = 100 => memory read (recall)
- op = 101 => memory write
$reset = *reset;
//$val1[31:0] = $rand1[3:0];
$val2[31:0] = $rand2[3:0];
$valid = $reset ? 0 : (>>1$valid + 1);
$valid_or_reset = $valid || $reset;
$out[31:0] = $reset ? 0 : >>2$tout;
$sum[31:0] = $out + $val2; //00
$diff[31:0] = $out - $val2; //01
$prod[31:0] = $out * $val2; //10
$quot[31:0] = $out / $val2; //11
// op = 100 => memory read
// op = 101 => memory write
// memory
$mem[31:0] = $reset ? 0 :
($op[2:0] == 3'b101) ? >>2$tout :
$tout[31:0] = ($op[2:0] == 3'b000) ? $sum :
($op[2:0] == 3'b001) ? $diff :
($op[2:0] == 3'b010) ? $prod :
($op[2:0] == 3'b011) ? $quot :
($op[2:0] == 3'b100) ? >>2$mem : >>2$tout;
- Here at the 32th clock cycle, we are writing the value ffd into the memory.
- It take 2 cycles to write.
- A Micro-architecture is an implementation of an ISA.
- A Single ISA can have multiple Mirco-architectures.
- We shall implement the below micro-architecture in TL-Verilog
- Fetch the Instruction pointed by the PC from the Instruction Memory.
- Decode the the Instruction
- Execute the instruction (ALU)
- Perform Memory Access if needed (Data Memory)
- Write Back the result into the Register File
- Increments by +4 bytes every clock cycle.
- Resets to 0 at the next clock cycle, if reset instruction is asserted.
$reset = *reset;
$pc[31:0] = (>>1$reset) ? 32'b0 : >>1$pc + 32'd4;
$reset = *reset;
// ...
$pc[31:0] = (>>1$reset) ? 32'b0 : >>1$pc + 32'd4;
$imem_rd_en = ~($reset);
$imem_rd_addr[31:0] = $pc[M4_IMEM_INDEX_CNT+1:2];
$instr[31:0] = $imem_rd_data[31:0];
- Based on the instruction type, we need to form the immediate.
- Similiary, we can extract other fields of information
- Now add validity checks when extract the fields
- Using funct7, opcode and funct3 decode each type of instruction
- When rs1, rs2 needed we can enable register read and provide the location of the source regsiters.
- By checking r-type and i-type we can check whether this is correct.
- We cannot write to r0 register.
- We take a branch only if it is branch instruction and condition is true.
- We modify the PC Mux to take a branch when the previous instruction is a branch instruction (taken branch)
*passed = |cpu/xreg[10]>>5$value == (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9);
- The design successfully produces the sum!
- This is the final image for day 4.
- Instead of executing the instructions one by one, we can divide the combinational circuit.
- We can overlap the execution of one instruction with the earlier stage of another instruction.
- It is a analogous to a queue or a waterfall.
- This is also known as temporal parallelism.
- We insert a new instruction every third cycle to avoid hazards
- Avoid writing RF for invalid instructions
- Avoid redirecting PC for invalid intructions
- But it takes 100 clock cycles
- If Source register is equal to destination register of previous instruction, use bypass
- We have wait to till @3 stage (4th Stage), to tell whether branch is taken or not.
- We can use a branch predictor but it is difficult to implement.
- So, we will not allow the next two instructions to write to register file whenever branch is detected
- We implement the remaining two instructions
- Load - Loading from Data Memory into the Register file
- We have to wait till the end of execute stage to obtain the valid load data.
- So, we have to flush the next two instructions
- We then forward the result.
- When there is valid load two cycles ago, we can enable the write pin for the register
- We also add a Mux for selecting between load and ALU Writes
- Now uncomment macro of data memory
- Connect the interface signals
- The test is successfully passed.
- Jumps are unconditional branches
- JAL => jump to PC + imm
- JALR => src1 + imm
- Thus a Five Stage Pipelined RISC - V Core of RV64I is successfully designed and verified.
[1] Kunal Ghosh - Founder, VSD
[2] Steve Hoover - Founder, RedWood EDA
[3] Shon Taware - Teaching Assistant, VSD
[4] VSD Team