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Add new movie

Mike Schwörer edited this page Dec 2, 2015 · 3 revisions

Either go through the menu (Movies -> Add Movie) or through the toolbar icon or through the default shortcut Ctrl+I.

Under the menu Extras -> Scan folder you can find all movies/series in a folder which are not part of the current database.


Now you choose the movie file. If the file has already the correct (or a nearly correct) naming pattern, information will be added automatically in the respective fields.
For example here the second part is automatically inserted. Also the name, film series, format, size, language and quality is filled in.


File names have a special format to be drive and file relative.
For more info see the [relative paths](Relative wiki entry

For the rest of meta data we click on parse Movie online and the data is queries from

If you can't find the movie on IMDB (but are sure it's online), try the extended parse button


After that all information is available and with OK you can insert the movie. But you can also manually change ome fields or search online for a different cover (instead of the IMDB default cover).


With the Crop Button you can edit a cover which has the wrong proportions (or includes the backside)