Releases: microsoft/vcpkg
Releases · microsoft/vcpkg
2024.05.24 Release
Total port count: 2434
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2208 |
x64-windows |
2298 |
x64-windows-static |
2184 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2216 |
x64-uwp |
1267 |
arm64-windows |
1873 |
arm64-uwp |
1233 |
arm64-osx |
2067 |
x64-osx |
2144 |
x64-linux |
2256 |
arm-neon-android |
1565 |
x64-android |
1620 |
arm64-android |
1594 |
No vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release.
The following 11 ports have been added:
port |
version |
boost-charconv |
1.85.0 |
boost-cmake |
1.85.0 |
boost-headers |
1.85.0 |
boost-scope |
1.85.0 |
functionalplus |
0.2.24 |
hdr-histogram |
0.11.8 |
krb5 |
1.21.2#1 |
projectm-eval |
1.0.0 |
pulseaudio |
17.0 |
realm-core |
14.6.2#1 |
vcpkg-boost |
2024-04-25 |
The following 387 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
amd-amf |
1.4.33 |
1.4.33#1 |
aom |
3.8.1 |
3.8.1#1 |
apriltag |
3.4.0 |
3.4.2 |
aricpp |
1.1.2 |
1.1.3 |
arpack-ng |
3.9.0#1 |
3.9.1 |
arrow |
16.0.0#1 |
16.1.0 |
async-mqtt |
4.1.0 |
5.1.1 |
autodock-vina |
1.2.5#1 |
1.2.5#2 |
avcpp |
2.3.0 |
2.4.0 |
azure-core-amqp-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.8 |
1.0.0-beta.9 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.11.3 |
1.12.0 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.7 |
1.0.0-beta.8 |
azure-storage-blobs-cpp |
12.10.0#1 |
12.11.0 |
azure-storage-common-cpp |
12.5.0#1 |
12.6.0 |
azure-storage-files-datalake-cpp |
12.9.0#1 |
12.10.0 |
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp |
12.8.0#1 |
12.9.0 |
baresip-libre |
3.11.0 |
3.12.0 |
bddisasm |
2.1.0 |
2.1.4 |
bde | | |
bext-sml |
1.1.9 |
1.1.11 |
bext-wintls |
0.9.7 |
0.9.8 |
bgfx |
1.122.8595-458 |
1.127.8725-469 |
blas |
2023-04-14 |
2023-04-14#1 |
bond |
10.0.0#2 |
10.0.0#3 |
boost |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-accumulators |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-algorithm |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-align |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-any |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-array |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-asio |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-assert |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-assign |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-atomic |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-beast |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-bimap |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-bind |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-build |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-callable-traits |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-chrono |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-circular-buffer |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-cobalt |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-compat |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-compatibility |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-compute |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-concept-check |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-config |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-container |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0#1 |
boost-container-hash |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-context |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-contract |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-conversion |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-convert |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-core |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-coroutine |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-coroutine2 |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-crc |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-date-time |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-describe |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-detail |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-dll |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-dynamic-bitset |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-endian |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-exception |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-fiber |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-filesystem |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-flyweight |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-foreach |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-format |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-function |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-function-types |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-functional |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-fusion |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-geometry |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-gil |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-graph |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-graph-parallel |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-hana |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-heap |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-histogram |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-hof |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-icl |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-integer |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-interprocess |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0#1 |
boost-interval |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-intrusive |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-io |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-iostreams |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-iterator |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-json |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-lambda |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-lambda2 |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-leaf |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-lexical-cast |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-local-function |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-locale |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-lockfree |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-log |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-logic |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-math |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-metaparse |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-move |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-mp11 |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-mpi |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-mpl |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-msm |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-multi-array |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-multi-index |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-multiprecision |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-mysql |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-nowide |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-numeric-conversion |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-odeint |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-optional |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-outcome |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-parameter |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-parameter-python |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-pfr |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-phoenix |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-poly-collection |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-polygon |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-pool |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-predef |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-preprocessor |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-process |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-program-options |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-property-map |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-property-map-parallel |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-property-tree |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-proto |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-ptr-container |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-python |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-qvm |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-random |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-range |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-ratio |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-rational |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-redis |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-regex |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-safe-numerics |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-scope-exit |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-serialization |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-signals2 |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-smart-ptr |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-sort |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-spirit |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-stacktrace |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-statechart |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-static-assert |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-static-string |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-stl-interfaces |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-system |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-test |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-thread |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-throw-exception |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-timer |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-tokenizer |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-tti |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-tuple |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-type-erasure |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-type-index |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-type-traits |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-typeof |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-ublas |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-uninstall |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-units |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-unordered |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-url |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-utility |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-uuid |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-variant |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-variant2 |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-vmd |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-wave |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-winapi |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-xpressive |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
boost-yap |
1.84.0 |
1.85.0 |
breakpad |
2023-01-27#1 |
2023-06-01 |
bxzstr |
1.2.0#1 |
1.2.1 |
cachelib |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
catch2 |
3.5.4 |
3.6.0 |
cctag |
1.0.2#5 |
1.0.2#6 |
cgal |
5.6.1 |
5.6.1#1 |
cgltf |
1.13 |
1.14 |
cli11 |
2.4.1 |
2.4.2 |
collada-dom |
2.5.0#10 |
2.5.0#11 |
configcat |
4.0.0 |
4.0.1 |
cpprestsdk |
2.10.19 |
2.10.19#1 |
cpptrace |
0.5.2 |
0.5.4 |
crashpad |
2022-09-05#5 |
2024-04-11 |
ctre |
3.8.1 |
3.9.0 |
cuda-api-wrappers |
0.6.7 |
0.6.9 |
cudnn |
7.6.5#11 |
7.6.5#12 |
curl |
8.7.1#2 |
8.8.0 |
dataframe |
3.0.0 |
3.1.0 |
daw-header-libraries |
2.101.0 |
2.106.0 |
daw-json-link |
3.23.2 |
3.24.0 |
dcmtk |
3.6.8#3 |
3.6.8#5 |
devil |
1.8.0#12 |
1.8.0#13 |
discord-rpc |
3.4.0#3 |
3.4.0#4 |
discordcoreapi |
2.0.5 |
2.0.6 |
docopt |
2022-03-15 |
2022-03-15#1 |
dpp |
10.0.29 |
10.0.30 |
drogon |
1.9.3 |
1.9.4 |
eventpp |
0.1.3 |
0.1.3#1 |
fastrtps |
2.7.0#5 |
2.14.0 |
fbthrift |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
ffmpeg |
6.1.1#2 |
6.1.1#4 |
fizz |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
flatbush |
1.2.0 |
1.2.1 |
folly |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
frugally-deep |
0.15.31 |
0.15.31#1 |
gdal |
3.8.5 |
3.9.0 |
gdk-pixbuf |
2.42.10#5 |
2.42.12 |
gettext-libintl |
0.22.5 |
0.22.5#1 |
gl3w |
2018-05-31#4 |
2018-05-31#5 |
glaze |
2.4.5 |
2.6.4 |
glslang |
14.0.0 |
14.2.0 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.23.0 |
2.24.0 |
graphicsmagick |
1.3.41 |
1.3.41#1 |
gtk |
4.10.5#1 |
4.10.5#2 |
gul14 |
2.11.0 |
2.11.2 |
harfbuzz |
8.4.0#1 |
8.5.0 |
icu |
74.2#1 |
74.2#2 |
igraph |
0.10.11 |
0.10.12 |
imgui |
1.90.2 |
1.90.6 |
itk |
5.3rc02 |
5.3rc02#1 |
jsoncons |
0.173.4 |
0.175.0 |
jsonifier |
0.9.94 |
0.9.95 |
kangaru |
4.3.1 |
4.3.2 |
kdalgorithms |
1.2 |
1.3 |
lapack |
2023-06-10 |
2023-06-10#1 |
lapack-reference |
3.11.0#5 |
3.11.0#6 |
libassert |
2.0.1 |
2.0.2 |
libavif |
1.0.4 |
1.0.4#1 |
libbson |
1.26.2 |
1.27.1 |
libcap |
2.69#4 |
2.69#5 |
libdjinterop |
0.20.3 |
0.21.0 |
libfork |
3.7.1 |
3.8.0 |
libgd |
2.3.3#2 |
2.3.3#3 |
libgit2 |
1.6.4#1 |
1.8.0 |
libgpiod |
2.1 |
2.1.2 |
libgxps |
0.3.2#2 |
0.3.2#3 |
libharu |
2.4.4 |
2.4.4#1 |
libjxl |
0.10.2#2 |
0.10.2#3 |
libmagic |
5.45#2 |
5.45#3 |
libmidi2 |
0.7 |
0.10 |
libnick |
2024.3.0 |
2024.3.1 |
libobfuscate |
2023-03-23 |
2024-02-11 |
libodb |
2.4.0#10 |
2.4.0#11 |
libopnmidi |
1.5.1#1 |
1.5.1#2 |
libqglviewer |
2.9.1#2 |
2.9.1#3 |
libslirp |
4.7.0 |
4.8.0 |
libsoup |
3.4.4 |
3.4.4#1 |
libsystemd |
255#1 |
255#2 |
liburing |
2.5 |
2.6 |
libwebp |
1.4.0 |
1.4.0#1 |
libxcrypt |
4.4.36 |
4.4.36#1 |
libxpm |
3.5.16 |
3.5.16#1 |
litehtml |
0.6.0#2 |
0.9.0 |
mapnik |
2023-06-12#3 |
2024-04-18 |
mathgl |
8.0.1#5 |
8.0.1#6 |
mdl-sdk |
2021.1.2#4 |
2021.1.2#5 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.26.2 |
1.27.1 |
mongoose |
7.13 |
7.14 |
mp-units |
2.1.0 |
2.1.1 |
mp3lame |
3.100#12 |
3.100#13 |
msgpack |
6.0.0#1 |
6.1.1 |
mvfst |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
nanoflann |
1.5.1 |
1.5.5 |
nghttp2 |
1.61.0 |
1.62.1 |
ngtcp2 |
1.2.0 |
1.5.0 |
opencv2 | | |
opencv3 |
3.4.18#13 |
3.4.18#14 |
opencv4 |
4.8.0#16 |
4.8.0#19 |
openh264 |
2021-03-16#3 |
2021-03-16#4 |
openimageio | | |
openjpeg |
2.5.2 |
2.5.2#1 |
openmvg |
2.0#9 |
2.0#10 |
openmvs |
2.1.0#3 |
2.1.0#5 |
openslide |
3.4.1#3 |
3.4.1#4 |
openssl |
3.3.0 |
3.3.0#1 |
openvino |
2024.0.0 |
2024.1.0 |
openvr |
1.23.7 |
2.5.1 |
pangolin |
0.8#2 |
0.8#3 |
paraview |
5.11.0#5 |
5.12.0 |
pcl |
1.14.0#3 |
1.14.1 |
pcre |
8.45#5 |
8.45#6 |
perfetto |
44.0 |
45.0 |
poppler |
24.3.0 |
24.3.0#1 |
protobuf |
3.21.12#2 |
3.21.12#3 |
proxy |
2.3.2 |
2.4.0 |
proxygen |
2024.04.15.00 |
2024.05.06.00 |
pybind11 |
2.12.0 |
2.12.0#1 |
python3 |
3.11.8#1 |
3.11.8#2 |
qt |
6.6.1#1 |
6.7.0 |
qt3d |
6.6.1 |
6.7.0 |
q... |
Read more
Total port count: 2426
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2195 |
x64-windows |
2281 |
x64-windows-static |
2176 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2203 |
x64-uwp |
1270 |
arm64-windows |
1862 |
arm64-uwp |
1235 |
arm64-osx |
2061 |
x64-osx |
2138 |
x64-linux |
2249 |
arm-neon-android |
1566 |
x64-android |
1618 |
arm64-android |
1592 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 12 ports have been added:
port |
version |
atliac-minitest |
1.0.0 |
awlib |
2024-04-06 |
cblas |
2024-03-19 |
hjson-cpp |
2.4.1 |
iowa-hills-dsp |
0.1.0 |
libosdp |
3.0.5 |
openfx |
1.4 |
perfetto |
44.0 |
pravila00-enumflag |
2024-04-12 |
rtabmap-res-tool | |
stringzilla |
3.7.0 |
vladimirshaleev-ipaddress |
1.0.1 |
The following 279 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
ableton-link |
3.1.0 |
3.1.1 |
abseil |
20240116.1 |
20240116.2 |
ace |
7.1.2#1 |
7.1.4 |
adios2 |
2.8.3#1 |
2.9.2 |
aliyun-oss-c-sdk |
3.10.0#3 |
3.10.1 |
amd-amf |
1.4.29 |
1.4.33 |
amqpcpp |
4.3.23 |
4.3.26 |
ankurvdev-embedresource |
0.0.10 |
0.0.11 |
annoy |
1.17.2 |
1.17.3 |
apache-datasketches |
4.1.0 |
5.0.2 |
approval-tests-cpp |
10.12.2 |
10.13.0 |
armadillo |
12.6.6 |
12.6.6#1 |
arrow |
15.0.2 |
16.0.0#1 |
asio |
1.29.0 |
1.30.2 |
asio-grpc |
3.0.0 |
3.1.0 |
assimp |
5.3.1#4 |
5.4.0 |
async-mqtt |
4.0.0 |
4.1.0 |
aws-c-s3 |
0.5.2 |
0.5.4 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.285 |
1.11.285#1 |
azure-c-shared-utility |
2024-03-04 |
2024-03-04#1 |
azure-core-amqp-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.7 |
1.0.0-beta.8 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.11.2 |
1.11.3 |
azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.4#2 |
1.0.0-beta.4#3 |
azure-data-tables-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.1 |
1.0.0-beta.2 |
azure-identity-cpp |
1.6.0 |
1.6.0#1 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-checkpointstore-blob-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.1#1 |
1.0.0-beta.1#2 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.6 |
1.0.0-beta.7 |
azure-security-attestation-cpp |
1.1.0#2 |
1.1.0#3 |
azure-security-keyvault-administration-cpp |
4.0.0-beta.4 |
4.0.0-beta.4#1 |
azure-security-keyvault-certificates-cpp |
4.2.1 |
4.2.1#1 |
azure-security-keyvault-keys-cpp |
4.4.1 |
4.4.1#1 |
azure-security-keyvault-secrets-cpp |
4.2.1 |
4.2.1#1 |
azure-storage-blobs-cpp |
12.10.0 |
12.10.0#1 |
azure-storage-common-cpp |
12.5.0 |
12.5.0#1 |
azure-storage-files-datalake-cpp |
12.9.0 |
12.9.0#1 |
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp |
12.8.0 |
12.8.0#1 |
azure-storage-queues-cpp |
12.2.0 |
12.2.0#1 |
baresip-libre |
3.9.0 |
3.11.0 |
benchmark |
1.8.3#2 |
1.8.3#3 |
blake3 |
1.5.0#1 |
1.5.1 |
blas |
2023-03-25 |
2023-04-14 |
blitz |
2020-03-25#5 |
2020-03-25#6 |
bshoshany-thread-pool |
4.0.1 |
4.1.0 |
c-ares |
1.27.0 |
1.28.1 |
cachelib |
2023.05.08.00#1 |
2024.04.15.00 |
cairo |
1.18.0 |
1.18.0#1 |
calceph |
3.5.5 |
4.0.0 |
catch2 |
3.5.3 |
3.5.4 |
cctz |
2.3#7 |
2.4 |
cglm |
0.9.2#1 |
0.9.4 |
chakracore |
2022-11-09#6 |
2022-11-09#7 |
clapack |
3.2.1#22 |
3.2.1#23 |
cli11 |
2.4.0 |
2.4.1 |
cnats |
3.7.0#1 |
3.8.0 |
configcat |
3.2.0 |
4.0.0 |
cppslippi | | |
cpptrace |
0.5.1 |
0.5.2 |
crashpad |
2022-09-05#4 |
2022-09-05#5 |
crow |
1.0-5 |
1.1.0 |
ctbignum |
2019-08-02#3 |
2019-08-02#4 |
cudnn |
7.6.5#10 |
7.6.5#11 |
curl |
8.6.0#1 |
8.7.1#2 |
cwapi3d |
30.10.1 |
30.475.1 |
d3d12-memory-allocator |
2021-05-05#1 |
2.0.1 |
dbus |
1.15.8#2 |
1.15.8#4 |
directx-dxc |
2024-03-07#1 |
2024-03-29 |
duktape |
2.7.0 |
2.7.0#1 |
enkits |
1.11#1 |
1.11#2 |
entt |
3.13.1 |
3.13.2 |
etcd-cpp-apiv3 |
0.15.3 |
0.15.4 |
fast-float |
6.1.0#1 |
6.1.1 |
fbthrift |
2024.01.01.00 |
2024.04.15.00 |
fizz |
2024.01.01.00 |
2024.04.15.00 |
flatbuffers |
23.5.26#1 |
24.3.25 |
fluidsynth |
2.3.4 |
2.3.5 |
fmt |
10.2.1#1 |
10.2.1#2 |
folly |
2024.01.01.00#2 |
2024.04.15.00 |
freeimage |
3.18.0#25 |
3.18.0#26 |
freetype |
2.13.2 |
2.13.2#1 |
g2o |
2020-02-07#4 |
2020-02-07#6 |
gdal |
3.8.4 |
3.8.5 |
gdcm |
3.0.22 |
3.0.23 |
gdk-pixbuf |
2.42.10#3 |
2.42.10#5 |
gklib |
2022-07-27#2 |
2023-03-27 |
glaze |
2.1.7 |
2.4.5 |
glm |
1.0.1#1 |
1.0.1#2 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.22.0#1 |
2.23.0 |
grpc |
1.51.1#2 |
1.51.1#3 |
gtest |
1.14.0 |
1.14.0#1 |
hareflow |
0.1.0#1 |
0.1.1 |
harfbuzz |
8.3.1#1 |
8.4.0#1 |
hunspell |
1.7.2 |
1.7.2#1 |
idyntree |
10.3.0 |
12.1.0 |
igraph |
0.10.10 |
0.10.11 |
imageinfo |
2024-01-19 |
2024-02-21 |
joltphysics |
4.0.0 |
5.0.0#1 |
json-schema-validator |
2.3.0#1 |
2.3.0#2 |
json-spirit |
4.1.0#4 |
4.1.0#5 |
jsoncpp |
1.9.5#2 |
1.9.5#4 |
juce |
7.0.10 |
7.0.12 |
kerbal |
2024.2.1 |
2024.4.1 |
kissnet |
2023-02-04 |
2024-01-20 |
lapack |
2022-02-22#2 |
2023-06-10 |
lapack-reference |
3.11.0#2 |
3.11.0#5 |
laszip |
3.4.3#1 |
3.4.4 |
libassert |
2.0.0 |
2.0.1 |
libbson |
1.26.1 |
1.26.2 |
libcap |
2.69#3 |
2.69#4 |
libdatachannel |
0.20.1#1 |
0.20.3 |
libdeflate |
1.19#1 |
1.20 |
libdjinterop |
0.20.2 |
0.20.3 |
libeventheader-decode |
1.3.0 |
1.3.3 |
libeventheader-tracepoint |
1.3.2 |
1.3.3 |
libgnutls |
3.8.3 |
3.8.5 |
libhdfs3 |
2019-11-05#5 |
2019-11-05#6 |
libjxl |
0.10.2#1 |
0.10.2#2 |
liblzma |
5.6.0 |
5.4.4 |
libmediainfo |
24.1 |
24.3 |
libmount |
2.39 |
2.40 |
libpng |
1.6.43 |
1.6.43#1 |
librabbitmq |
0.11.0#2 |
0.14.0 |
libsodium |
1.0.19#1 |
1.0.19#2 |
libsrt |
1.5.0#3 |
1.5.3 |
libsystemd |
254#2 |
255#1 |
libtorch |
2.1.2#1 |
2.1.2#2 |
libtracepoint |
1.3.2 |
1.3.3 |
libtracepoint-control |
1.3.2 |
1.3.3 |
libtracepoint-decode |
1.3.0 |
1.3.3 |
libunibreak |
6.1 |
6.1#1 |
libwebp |
1.3.2 |
1.4.0 |
libx11 |
1.8.1#1 |
1.8.1#2 |
libxt |
1.2.1#1 |
1.3.0 |
llvm |
17.0.2#3 |
17.0.2#5 |
luasec |
1.3.2 |
1.3.2#2 |
luasocket |
3.1.0 |
3.1.0#1 |
lunarg-vulkantools | | |
minio-cpp |
0.1.1#1 |
0.2.0 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.26.1 |
1.26.2 |
mvfst |
2024.01.01.00 |
2024.04.15.00 |
mygui |
3.4.3 |
3.4.3#1 |
nanopb |
0.4.7#2 |
0.4.8 |
ncnn |
20240102 |
20240102#1 |
ncurses |
6.4#1 |
6.4#2 |
neargye-semver |
0.3.0#2 |
0.3.1 |
netgen |
6.2.2401 |
6.2.2401#1 |
nethost |
8.0.0 |
8.0.3 |
nettle |
3.8.1#1 |
3.9.1 |
nghttp2 |
1.59.0 |
1.61.0 |
nss |
3.98#1 |
3.99 |
numcpp |
2.12.1 |
2.12.1#1 |
octomap |
1.9.8#1 |
1.10.0 |
openblas |
0.3.26#3 |
0.3.27 |
opencascade |
7.8.0 |
7.8.1 |
opencv4 |
4.8.0#15 |
4.8.0#16 |
openimageio | | |
openldap |
2.5.13#1 |
2.5.17 |
openmvs |
2.1.0#2 |
2.1.0#3 |
openssl |
3.2.1#1 |
3.3.0 |
opensubdiv |
3.5.0#1 |
3.5.0#2 |
opentelemetry-cpp |
1.14.2 |
1.14.2#1 |
opus |
1.4 |
1.5.1 |
orc |
1.9.2 |
2.0.0 |
parallel-hashmap |
1.3.11 |
1.3.12 |
pcl |
1.14.0#2 |
1.14.0#3 |
pcre2 |
10.42#2 |
10.43 |
pe-parse |
2.1.0#1 |
2.1.1 |
pipewire |
1.0.3 |
1.0.4 |
pixman |
0.43.2 |
0.43.4 |
pkgconf |
2.1.0 |
2.2.0 |
pocketpy |
1.4.2 |
1.4.5 |
poco |
1.13.2 |
1.13.3 |
polyhook2 |
2023-08-11 |
2024-02-08 |
presentmon |
1.7.0#2 |
1.10.0 |
proj |
9.3.1 |
9.4.0 |
prometheus-cpp |
1.1.0 |
1.2.4 |
protobuf |
3.21.12#1 |
3.21.12#2 |
proxsuite |
0.5.0 |
0.6.4 |
proxy |
2.2.1 |
2.3.2 |
proxygen |
2024.01.01.00 |
2024.04.15.00 |
pybind11 |
2.11.1 |
2.12.0 |
qca |
2.3.7 |
2.3.7#1 |
qhull |
8.0.2#4 |
8.0.2#5 |
qscintilla |
2.13.4#2 |
2.14.1#1 |
qt-advanced-docking-system |
4.2.1 |
4.3.0 |
qt5 |
5.15.13#1 |
5.15.13#2 |
qt5-webengine |
5.15.13#2 |
5.15.13#3 |
qt5-winextras |
5.15.13#1 |
5.15.13#2 |
qtbase |
6.6.1#11 |
6.6.1#12 |
qttools |
6.6.1#1 |
6.6.1#2 |
qtwebengine |
6.6.1#4 |
6.6.1#5 |
quantlib |
1.33 |
1.34 |
quill |
3.7.0 |
3.8.0 |
quirc |
1.1#3 |
1.2 |
range-v3 |
0.12.0#1 |
0.12.0#2 |
rapidcsv |
8.64 |
8.80 |
rapidfuzz |
2.0.0 |
3.0.2 |
rbdl |
3.3.0#5 |
3.3.0#6 |
re2 |
2023-07-01 |
2024-04-01#2 |
redis-plus-plus |
1.3.10 |
1.3.12 |
restinio |
0.7.1 |
0.7.2 |
roaring |
2.0.4 |
3.0.0 |
rocksdb |
9.0.0 |
9.1.0 |
rply |
1.1.4#3 |
1.1.4#4 |
rsocket |
2021.08.30.00#3 |
2021.08.30.00#4 |
rtabmap |
0.21.4 | |
s2n |
1.3.56 |
1.4.8 |
safeint |
3.0.26 |
3.0.28 |
sail |
0.9.1 |
0.9.4 |
scnlib |
2.0.2 |
2.0.2#2 |
sdbus-cpp |
1.3.0#1 |
1.5.0 |
sdformat13 |
13.5.0#1 |
13.6.0 |
seal |
4.1.1#1 |
4.1.1#2 |
sentencepiece |
0.1.99#1 |
0.2.0 |
sentry-native |
0.7.0#1 |
0.7.2 |
sfsexp |
1.3.1#1 |
1.4.1 |
shader-slang |
2023.5.1 |
2024.1.7 |
shogun |
6.1.4#9 |
6.1.4#10 |
simdutf |
4.0.9 |
5.2.5 |
simpleini |
4.19 |
4.22 |
skia |
123 |
124 |
sobjectizer | |
5.8.2 |
soundtouch |
2.3.2#3 |
2.3.3 |
spdk |
19.01.1#3 |
24.01 |
spdlog |
1.13.0 |
1.13.0#1 |
spirit-po |
1.1.2#3 |
1.1.2#4 |
spirv-cross | | |
spirv-headers | | |
spirv-reflect | | |
spirv-tools | | |
sqlite-modern-cpp |
3.2-936cd0c8#2 |
2023-12-03 |
sqlite3 |
3.45.2 |
3.45.3 |
sratom |
0.6.4#2 |
0.6.16 |
strtk |
2020-09-14#3 |
2020-09-14#4 |
stx |
0.0.3 |
1.0.5 |
superlu |
6.0.0 |
6.0.1 |
symengine |
0.11.1 |
0.11.2 |
tgbot-cpp |
1.7.2 |
1.7.3 |
think-cell-range |
2023.1 |
2023.1#1 |
thorvg |
0.12.1#1 |
0.13.1 |
thrift |
0.19.0 |
0.20.0 |
tinydir |
1.2.5 |
1.2.6 |
tinyexr |
1.0.5 |
1.0.8 |
tinygltf |
2.8.20 |
2.8.21 |
tinyobjloader |
2.0.0-rc9 |
2.0.0rc13 |
tinyspline |
0.4.0 |
0.6.0 |
tlx |
0.5.20191212#4 |
0.6.1 |
tmx |
1.2.0#2 |
1.4.0 |
toml11 |
3.7.1 |
3.8.1 |
tracy |
0.10.0#1 |
0.10.0#2 |
transwarp |
2.2.2 |
2.2.3 |
trantor |
1.5.17 |
1.5.17#1 |
trompeloeil |
45 |
47 |
tsl-hopscotch-map |
2.3.0#3 |
2.3.1 |
tsl-ordered-map |
1.0.0#3 |
1.1.0 |
unrar |
6.1.7#3 |
7.0.7 |
urdfdom-headers |
1.1.0 |
1.1.1 |
uthenticode |
1.0.6#2 |
2.0.1 |
uwebsockets |
20.60.0 |
20.62.0 |
v8 | | |
valijson |
1.0.1 |
1.0.2 |
vcpkg-qmake |
2023-03-22 |
2023-03-22#1 |
vcpkg-tool-meson |
1.3.2#1 |
1.3.2#2 |
vk-bootstrap |
1.3.279 |
1.3.279#1 |
volk | | |
vsg |
1.0.9#1 |
1.1.2 |
vtk |
9.2.0-pv5.11.0#10 |
9.2.0-pv5.11.0#12 |
vulkan-headers | | |
vulkan-loader | | |
vulkan-memory-allocator-hpp | | |
vulkan-sdk-components | | |
vulkan-tools | |
1.3.28... |
Read more
This release is primarily issued to avoid our latest registry release including a bug in the
vcpkg-tool-meson port that broke binary caching for customers using that port.
Total port count: 2415
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2189 |
x64-windows |
2273 |
x64-windows-static |
2162 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2190 |
x64-uwp |
1259 |
arm64-windows |
1851 |
arm64-uwp |
1225 |
arm64-osx |
2045 |
x64-osx |
Building... |
x64-linux |
2231 |
arm-neon-android |
1553 |
x64-android |
1611 |
arm64-android |
1582 |
See tool changes in our previous registry release.
The following 2 ports have been added:
port |
version |
libmidi2 |
0.7 |
nanobind |
1.9.2 |
The following 34 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
ada-url |
2.7.6 |
2.7.7 |
aws-c-auth |
0.7.14 |
0.7.16 |
aws-c-cal |
0.6.9 |
0.6.10 |
aws-c-common |
0.9.12 |
0.9.14 |
aws-c-compression |
0.2.17 |
0.2.18 |
aws-c-event-stream |
0.4.1 |
0.4.2 |
aws-c-io |
0.14.3 |
0.14.6 |
aws-c-mqtt |
0.10.1 |
0.10.3 |
aws-c-s3 |
0.5.0 |
0.5.2 |
aws-c-sdkutils |
0.1.14 |
0.1.15 |
aws-checksums |
0.1.17 |
0.1.18 |
aws-crt-cpp |
0.26.1 |
0.26.4 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.255 |
1.11.285 |
backward-cpp |
2023-11-24 |
2023-11-24#1 |
boinc |
7.24.3 |
8.0.0 |
botan |
3.2.0#1 |
3.3.0 |
cpptrace |
0.5.0 |
0.5.1 |
directx-dxc |
2024-03-07 |
2024-03-07#1 |
dxsdk-d3dx |
9.29.952.8#6 |
9.29.952.8#7 |
folly |
2024.01.01.00#1 |
2024.01.01.00#2 |
freerdp |
3.4.0 |
3.4.0#1 |
glog |
0.7.0 |
0.7.0#1 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.22.0 |
2.22.0#1 |
harfbuzz |
8.3.1 |
8.3.1#1 |
ixwebsocket |
11.4.4#2 |
11.4.5 |
libjxl |
0.10.2 |
0.10.2#1 |
mimalloc |
2.1.2#1 |
2.1.2#2 |
onnx |
1.15.0 |
1.15.0#1 |
openssl |
3.2.1 |
3.2.1#1 |
qt5-webengine |
5.15.13#1 |
5.15.13#2 |
robin-map |
1.2.1 |
1.2.2 |
rocksdb |
8.11.3 |
9.0.0 |
vcpkg-tool-meson |
1.3.2 |
1.3.2#1 |
wolfssl |
5.6.6 |
5.7.0 |
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2024.03.19...2024.03.25
2024.03.19 Release
Total port count: 2414
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 19 ports have been added:
port |
version |
correlation-vector-cpp |
1.0 |
cwapi3d |
30.10.1 |
directx12-agility |
1.613.0 |
dlpack |
0.8 |
faudio |
24.03 |
glib-networking |
2.78.0 |
liberasurecode |
1.6.3 |
libfork |
3.7.1 |
libfuse |
3.16.2 |
libid3tag |
0.16.3 |
liblzf |
3.6#1 |
liborigin |
3.0.2#1 |
libpsl |
0.21.5 |
libsoup |
3.4.4 |
llnl-units |
0.9.1 |
plf-queue |
2.2 |
pocketpy |
1.4.2 |
try-catcher |
1.0.1 |
velodyne-decoder |
3.0.0#1 |
The following 371 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
abseil |
20230802.1 |
20240116.1 |
alsa |
1.2.11 |
1.2.11#1 |
apriltag |
3.3.0 |
3.4.0 |
argh |
1.3.2 |
1.3.2#1 |
arrow |
15.0.0 |
15.0.2 |
asio-grpc |
2.9.3 |
3.0.0 |
asiochan |
2022-11-25 |
2022-11-25#1 |
async-simple |
1.3 |
1.3#1 |
atomic-queue |
1.5 |
1.6.3 |
avcpp |
2.2.1 |
2.3.0 |
aws-c-http |
0.8.0 |
0.8.1 |
azure-c-shared-utility |
2023-08-07 |
2024-03-04 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.11.1 |
1.11.2 |
azure-iot-sdk-c |
2023-08-07 |
2024-03-04 |
azure-uamqp-c |
2023-08-07 |
2024-03-04 |
azure-uhttp-c |
2023-08-07 |
2024-03-04 |
azure-umqtt-c |
2023-08-03 |
2024-03-04 |
bddisasm |
1.34.10 |
2.1.0 |
bext-di |
1.3.0 |
1.3.0#1 |
bext-sml2 |
2023-09-20 |
2024-02-02 |
bext-ut |
1.1.9#2 |
2.0.1 |
blaze |
3.8.2 |
3.8.2#1 |
boost-modular-build-helper |
1.84.0#2 |
1.84.0#3 |
botan |
3.2.0 |
3.2.0#1 |
braft |
2021-26-04#1 |
2021-26-04#4 |
brpc |
1.6.1 |
1.6.1#3 |
c-ares |
1.26.0 |
1.27.0 |
cachelib |
2023.05.08.00 |
2023.05.08.00#1 |
cairo |
1.17.8#4 |
1.18.0 |
catch2 |
3.5.2 |
3.5.3 |
ceres |
2.1.0#4 |
2.1.0#5 |
cgal |
5.6#1 |
5.6.1 |
chakracore |
2022-11-09#5 |
2022-11-09#6 |
chipmunk |
7.0.3#6 |
7.0.3#7 |
cld3 |
3.0.14#1 |
3.0.14#2 |
cpptrace |
0.4.0 |
0.5.0 |
cppwinrt |
2.0.230207.1 |
2.0.240111.5 |
cpr |
1.10.5#1 |
1.10.5#2 |
cpuid |
0.6.2 |
0.6.4 |
curl |
8.6.0 |
8.6.0#1 |
cxxopts |
3.1.1 |
3.2.1 |
dav1d |
1.3.0#1 |
1.4.0 |
daw-header-libraries |
2.98.5 |
2.101.0 |
daw-json-link |
3.23.0 |
3.23.2 |
daw-utf-range |
2.2.3 |
2.2.4 |
dcmtk |
3.6.8#2 |
3.6.8#3 |
devil |
1.8.0#11 |
1.8.0#12 |
dimcli |
7.1.0 |
7.2.0 |
directx-dxc |
2023-08-14 |
2024-03-07 |
directx-headers |
1.611.0 |
1.613.0 |
directxmath |
2023-12-31 |
2024-02-14#1 |
directxmesh |
2023-12-31 |
2024-02-21 |
directxtex |
2023-12-31 |
2024-03-06 |
directxtk |
2023-12-31 |
2024-02-21 |
directxtk12 |
2023-12-31 |
2024-02-21 |
dlib |
19.24#3 |
19.24#4 |
docopt |
2018-11-01#3 |
2022-03-15 |
easyloggingpp |
9.97.1 |
9.97.1#1 |
ebml |
1.4.4#1 |
1.4.5 |
egl-registry |
2022-09-20 |
2024-01-25 |
eigen3 |
3.4.0#3 |
3.4.0#4 |
embree3 |
3.13.5#2 |
3.13.5#3 |
etl |
20.38.10 |
20.38.10#1 |
evpp |
0.7.0#7 |
0.7.0#8 |
expat |
2.6.0 |
2.6.2 |
fast-float |
6.0.0 |
6.1.0#1 |
fastgltf |
0.7.0#1 |
0.7.1 |
fdk-aac |
2.0.2#2 |
2.0.2#3 |
ffmpeg |
6.1.1 |
6.1.1#2 |
ffnvcodec | | |
fmt |
10.2.1 |
10.2.1#1 |
folly |
2024.01.01.00 |
2024.01.01.00#1 |
fplus |
0.2.22 |
0.2.23 |
freerdp |
3.0.0#1 |
3.4.0 |
frugally-deep |
0.15.30 |
0.15.31 |
g3log |
2.3#1 |
2.4 |
gdal |
3.8.3 |
3.8.4 |
gdk-pixbuf |
2.42.10#2 |
2.42.10#3 |
gettext |
0.22.4#2 |
0.22.5 |
gettext-libintl |
0.22.4#1 |
0.22.5 |
giflib |
5.2.1#3 |
5.2.2 |
glaze |
2.0.9 |
2.1.7 |
glfw3 |
3.3.9 |
3.4 |
glib |
2.78.4 |
2.78.4#1 |
glm |
1.0.0#1 |
1.0.1#1 |
glog |
0.6.0#3 |
0.7.0 |
gloo |
20201203#2 |
20201203#3 |
glslang |
13.1.1#1 |
14.0.0 |
gmp |
6.2.1#21 |
6.3.0 |
gmsh |
4.11.1 |
4.12.2 |
gobject-introspection |
1.72.0#7 |
1.72.0#8 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.21.0 |
2.22.0 |
gpgme |
1.22.0 |
1.23.2 |
graphviz |
9.0.0#2 |
10.0.1#1 |
grpc |
1.51.1#1 |
1.51.1#2 |
gstreamer |
1.22.5#7 |
1.22.5#8 |
gts |
0.7.6#8 |
0.7.6#9 |
guile |
3.0.8#1 |
3.0.9 |
gul14 |
2.10.0 |
2.11.0 |
h5py-lzf |
2019-12-04#3 |
2022-05-24 |
halide |
16.0.0#1 |
17.0.1 |
harfbuzz |
8.3.0#3 |
8.3.1 |
hello-imgui |
1.4.2 |
1.4.2#1 |
hexl |
1.2.4 |
1.2.5 |
highway |
1.0.7 |
1.1.0 |
hpx |
1.9.1 |
1.9.1#1 |
iceoryx |
2.0.3 |
2.0.5 |
icu |
74.1#1 |
74.2#1 |
ignition-cmake2 |
2.16.0#2 |
2.17.1 |
imath |
3.1.9#1 |
3.1.11 |
influxdb-cxx |
0.7.1#1 |
0.7.2 |
inih |
57 |
58 |
jasper |
4.2.0 |
4.2.1 |
juce |
7.0.9 |
7.0.10 |
jwt-cpp |
0.6.0 |
0.7.0 |
kerbal |
2023.12.1 |
2024.2.1 |
kfr |
5.0.1#1 |
6.0.2 |
ktx |
4.3.0-beta1#1 |
4.3.1#1 |
leptonica |
1.83.1 |
1.84.1 |
lerc |
4.0#2 |
4.0.4 |
libadwaita |
1.3.2#1 |
1.3.2#2 |
libassert |
1.2.2 |
2.0.0 |
libassuan |
2.5.6 |
2.5.7 |
libavif |
1.0.3 |
1.0.4 |
libbson |
1.25.4 |
1.26.1 |
libcbor |
0.10.2 |
0.11.0 |
libcoro |
0.10 |
0.11.1 |
libdatachannel |
0.19.5#2 |
0.20.1#1 |
libdc1394 |
2.2.6#1 |
2.2.7 |
libdjinterop |
0.20.1 |
0.20.2 |
libdmx |
1.1.4 |
1.1.5 |
libdwarf |
0.9.1 |
0.9.1#1 |
libeventheader-tracepoint |
1.3.0 |
1.3.2 |
libexif |
0.6.24#2 |
0.6.24#3 |
libffi |
3.4.4#6 |
3.4.6 |
libfido2 |
1.13.0 |
1.14.0 |
libflac |
1.4.3 |
1.4.3#2 |
libfs |
1.0.8 |
1.0.9 |
libgig |
4.3.0 |
4.4.1 |
libgnutls |
3.8.1#1 |
3.8.3 |
libheif |
1.17.6 |
1.17.6#1 |
libhsplasma |
2023-05-08 |
2024-03-07 |
libiconv |
1.17#2 |
1.17#3 |
libjxl |
0.8.2#1 |
0.10.2 |
libkeyfinder |
2.2.6#1 |
2.2.8 |
liblo |
0.31#4 |
0.32 |
liblzma |
5.4.4 |
5.6.0 |
libmad |
0.16.4#1 |
0.16.4#3 |
libmagic |
5.45#1 |
5.45#2 |
libmediainfo |
23.10 |
24.1 |
libmicrohttpd |
0.9.77#2 |
1.0.1#1 |
libmodplug | | |
libmupdf |
1.22.1#1 |
1.23.11 |
libnice |
0.1.21#1 |
0.1.21#2 |
libnice-gst |
0.1.21#3 |
0.1.21#4 |
libnick |
2024.2.3 |
2024.3.0 |
libopenmpt |
0.6.12 |
0.7.4 |
libphonenumber |
8.13.29 |
8.13.31 |
libpng |
1.6.40#1 |
1.6.43 |
libpq |
16.0#2 |
16.2#1 |
libpqxx |
7.8.1 |
7.9.0 |
libredwg | |
0.13.3 |
libsass |
3.6.5#1 |
3.6.6 |
libsecret |
0.20.4#2 |
0.21.4 |
libsercomm |
1.3.2 |
1.3.2#1 |
libsodium |
1.0.19 |
1.0.19#1 |
libtorch |
2.1.2 |
2.1.2#1 |
libtorrent |
2.0.9 |
2.0.10 |
libtracepoint |
1.3.0 |
1.3.2 |
libtracepoint-control |
1.3.0 |
1.3.2 |
libunibreak |
5.1 |
6.1 |
libunistring |
1.1#3 |
1.2 |
libunwind |
1.7.2 |
1.8.1 |
libusb | |
1.0.27#1 |
libvpx |
1.13.1#2 |
1.13.1#3 |
libxcvt |
0.1.2 |
0.1.2#1 |
libxml2 |
2.11.6#1 |
2.11.7 |
llhttp |
9.1.3 |
9.2.0 |
luasec |
1.3.1 |
1.3.2 |
lunasvg |
2.3.8#1 |
2.3.9 |
marble |
22.04.0#2 |
24.02.0 |
materialx |
1.38.8#1 |
1.38.9 |
matplotplusplus |
1.2.0#1 |
1.2.1 |
mesa |
23.2.1 |
23.2.1#1 |
miniupnpc |
2.2.5 |
2.2.6 |
minizip-ng |
4.0.4 |
4.0.5 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.25.4#1 |
1.26.1 |
mongo-cxx-driver |
3.9.0 |
3.10.1 |
mongoose |
7.12 |
7.13 |
mp3lame |
3.100#11 |
3.100#12 |
mujs |
1.3.2#1 |
1.3.4 |
nameof |
0.10.3 |
0.10.4 |
nanomsg |
1.2.0#1 |
1.2.1#1 |
nanosvg |
2022-12-04 |
2023-12-29 |
ncnn |
20231027 |
20240102 |
neargye-semver |
0.3.0#1 |
0.3.0#2 |
netcdf-c |
4.8.1#4 |
4.8.1#5 |
nlopt |
2.7.1 |
2.7.1#1 |
nng |
1.6.0 |
1.7.3 |
nss |
3.87#2 |
3.98#1 |
nu-book-zxing-cpp |
2.1.0 |
2.2.1 |
numactl |
2.0.17 |
2.0.18 |
ogre |
14.0.1#2 |
14.2.2 |
ogre-next |
2.3.3#2 |
2.3.3#3 |
ompl |
1.5.1#5 |
1.6.0 |
onednn |
3.3 |
3.4 |
openblas |
0.3.26 |
0.3.26#3 |
opencsg |
1.4.2#4 |
1.6.0 |
openexr |
3.1.8#1 |
3.2.3#1 |
opengl-registry |
2022-09-29#1 |
2024-02-10#1 |
openimageio | | |
openjpeg |
2.5.0#1 |
2.5.2 |
opentelemetry-cpp |
1.13.0#4 |
1.14.2 |
openturns |
1.20#1 |
1.20#2 |
openvino |
2023.3.0#1 |
2024.0.0 |
optional-lite |
3.5.0#1 |
3.6.0 |
osg |
3.6.5#22 |
3.6.5#23 |
outcome |
2.2.7 |
2.2.8 |
paraview |
5.11.0#4 |
5.11.0#5 |
pcl |
1.14.0#1 |
1.14.0#2 |
pcre2 |
10.42#1 |
10.42#2 |
pipewire |
1.0.2 |
1.0.3 |
poco |
1.13.0 |
1.13.2 |
poppler |
24.2.0 |
24.3.0 |
proxy |
2.1.2 |
2.2.1 |
ptex |
2.3.2#4 |
2.4.2 |
python3 |
3.11.5#4 |
3.11.8#1 |
qt |
6.6.1 |
6.6.1#1 |
qt5 |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-3d |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-activeqt |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-androidextras |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-base |
5.15.12#1 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-canvas3d |
0#2 |
0#3 |
qt5-charts |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-connectivity |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-datavis3d |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-declarative |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-doc |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-gamepad |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-graphicaleffects |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-imageformats |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-location |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-macextras |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-mqtt |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-multimedia |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-networkauth |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-purchasing |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-quickcontrols |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-quickcontrols2 |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-remoteobjects |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-script |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-scxml |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-sensors |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-serialbus |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-serialport |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13 |
qt5-speech |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-svg |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-tools |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-translations |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-virtualkeyboard |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-wayland |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-webchannel |
5.15.12 |
5.15.13#1 |
qt5-webengine |
5.15.12 |
5.15.1... |
Read more
2024.02.14 Release
Total port count: 2396
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2153 |
x64-windows |
2238 |
x64-windows-static |
2127 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2154 |
x64-uwp |
1241 |
arm64-windows |
1818 |
arm64-uwp |
1206 |
arm64-osx (new!) |
2023 |
x64-osx |
2102 |
x64-linux |
2206 |
arm-neon-android |
1533 |
x64-android |
1592 |
arm64-android |
1557 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 22 ports have been added:
port |
version |
apriltag |
3.3.0 |
asiochan |
2022-11-25 |
async-simple |
1.3 |
azure-data-tables-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.1 |
boost-cobalt |
1.84.0 |
boost-redis |
1.84.0 |
cld3 |
3.0.14#1 |
datraw |
1.0.9 |
drekar-launch-process-cpp |
0.1.0 |
hello-imgui |
1.4.2 |
jhasse-poly2tri |
2023-12-27 |
libvhdi |
20231127 |
lzav |
3.13 |
magma |
2.7.2 |
mtlt |
1.0.0 |
nanojsonc |
1.0.0 |
netgen |
6.2.2401 |
open62541pp |
0.12.0 |
robotraconteur |
1.0.0 |
robotraconteur-companion |
0.3.1 |
snitch |
1.2.4 |
vsgimgui |
0.1.0 |
The following 388 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
7zip |
23.01#1 |
23.01#2 |
ableton-link |
3.0.6#2 |
3.1.0 |
acl |
2.3.1#1 |
2.3.1#2 |
ada-url |
2.7.4 |
2.7.6 |
allegro5 | | |
alpaka |
1.0.0 |
1.1.0 |
alsa |
1.2.10 |
1.2.11 |
aom |
3.7.0 |
3.8.1 |
arrow |
14.0.2 |
15.0.0 |
asio |
1.28.2 |
1.29.0 |
asio-grpc |
2.9.0 |
2.9.3 |
assimp |
5.3.1#3 |
5.3.1#4 |
atkmm |
2.36.1#2 |
2.36.3 |
attr |
2.5.1#1 |
2.5.2 |
audiofile |
1.1.0 |
1.1.1 |
avcpp |
2.1.0 |
2.2.1 |
aws-c-auth |
0.7.8 |
0.7.14 |
aws-c-common |
0.9.10 |
0.9.12 |
aws-c-event-stream |
0.3.2 |
0.4.1 |
aws-c-http |
0.7.14 |
0.8.0 |
aws-c-io |
0.14.0 |
0.14.3 |
aws-c-mqtt |
0.9.10 |
0.10.1 |
aws-c-s3 |
0.4.3 |
0.5.0 |
aws-c-sdkutils |
0.1.12 |
0.1.14 |
aws-crt-cpp |
0.24.8 |
0.26.1 |
aws-lambda-cpp |
0.2.9 |
0.2.10 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.225 |
1.11.255 |
azure-core-amqp-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.6 |
1.0.0-beta.7 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.11.0 |
1.11.1 |
azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.4#1 |
1.0.0-beta.4#2 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-checkpointstore-blob-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.1 |
1.0.0-beta.1#1 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.5 |
1.0.0-beta.6 |
azure-security-attestation-cpp |
1.1.0#1 |
1.1.0#2 |
azure-security-keyvault-administration-cpp |
4.0.0-beta.3#1 |
4.0.0-beta.4 |
azure-security-keyvault-certificates-cpp |
4.2.0#1 |
4.2.1 |
azure-security-keyvault-keys-cpp |
4.4.0#1 |
4.4.1 |
azure-security-keyvault-secrets-cpp |
4.2.0#1 |
4.2.1 |
baresip-libre |
3.8.0 |
3.9.0 |
bde | | |
bdwgc |
8.2.4 |
8.2.6 |
benchmark |
1.8.3 |
1.8.3#2 |
bento4 |
1.6.0-640 |
1.6.0-641 |
blake3 |
1.5.0 |
1.5.0#1 |
boinc |
7.24.1 |
7.24.3 |
boost |
1.83.0#1 |
1.84.0 |
boost-accumulators |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-algorithm |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-align |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-any |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-array |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-asio |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-assert |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-assign |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-atomic |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-beast |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-bimap |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-bind |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-build |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-callable-traits |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-chrono |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-circular-buffer |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-compat |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-compatibility |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-compute |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-concept-check |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-config |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-container |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-container-hash |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-context |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-contract |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-conversion |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-convert |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-core |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-coroutine |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-coroutine2 |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-crc |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-date-time |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-describe |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-detail |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-dll |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-dynamic-bitset |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-endian |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-exception |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-fiber |
1.83.0#1 |
1.84.0 |
boost-filesystem |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-flyweight |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-foreach |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-format |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-function |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-function-types |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-functional |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-fusion |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-geometry |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-gil |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-graph |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-graph-parallel |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-hana |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-heap |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-histogram |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-hof |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-icl |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-integer |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-interprocess |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-interval |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-intrusive |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-io |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-iostreams |
1.83.0#1 |
1.84.0 |
boost-iterator |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-json |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-lambda |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-lambda2 |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-leaf |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-lexical-cast |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-local-function |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-locale |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-lockfree |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-log |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-logic |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-math |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-metaparse |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-modular-build-helper |
1.83.0#1 |
1.84.0#2 |
boost-move |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-mp11 |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-mpi |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-mpl |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-msm |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-multi-array |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-multi-index |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-multiprecision |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-mysql |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-nowide |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-numeric-conversion |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-odeint |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-optional |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-outcome |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-parameter |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-parameter-python |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-pfr |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-phoenix |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-poly-collection |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-polygon |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-pool |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-predef |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-preprocessor |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-process |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-program-options |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-property-map |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-property-map-parallel |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-property-tree |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-proto |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-ptr-container |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-python |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-qvm |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-random |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-range |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-ratio |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-rational |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-regex |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-safe-numerics |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-scope-exit |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-serialization |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-signals2 |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-smart-ptr |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-sort |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-spirit |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-stacktrace |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-statechart |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-static-assert |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-static-string |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-stl-interfaces |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-system |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-test |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-thread |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-throw-exception |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-timer |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-tokenizer |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-tti |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-tuple |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-type-erasure |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-type-index |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-type-traits |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-typeof |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-ublas |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-uninstall |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-units |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-unordered |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-url |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-utility |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-uuid |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-variant |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-variant2 |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-vcpkg-helpers |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-vmd |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-wave |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-winapi |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-xpressive |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
boost-yap |
1.83.0 |
1.84.0 |
botan |
3.1.1#1 |
3.2.0 |
c-ares |
1.19.1 |
1.26.0 |
calceph |
3.5.4 |
3.5.5 |
capnproto |
1.0.1 |
1.0.2 |
cargs |
1.0.3 |
1.1.0 |
catch2 |
3.5.1 |
3.5.2 |
cdt |
1.3.0 |
1.4.0 |
cgal |
5.6 |
5.6#1 |
cgicc |
3.2.19#7 |
3.2.20 |
cglm |
0.9.1#1 |
0.9.2#1 |
cjson |
1.7.16 |
1.7.17 |
clamav |
0.103.0#4 |
0.103.11 |
clap-cleveraudio |
1.1.10 |
1.2.0 |
cli11 |
2.3.2 |
2.4.0 |
clickhouse-cpp |
2.4.0 |
2.5.1 |
clipper2 |
1.2.2#1 |
1.3.0#1 |
coin |
4.0.2#1 |
4.0.2#2 |
cpp-httplib |
0.14.1 |
0.15.3 |
cpp-peglib |
1.8.5 |
1.8.6 |
cppad |
20230000.0 |
20240000.2 |
cpptrace |
0.3.1 |
0.4.0 |
ctre |
3.8 |
3.8.1 |
cuda-api-wrappers |
0.6.6 |
0.6.7 |
curl |
8.5.0 |
8.6.0 |
cwalk |
1.2.7 |
1.2.9 |
cyclonedds |
0.10.3 |
0.10.4 |
cyclonedds-cxx |
0.10.2#1 |
0.10.4 |
dataframe |
2.3.0 |
3.0.0 |
daw-header-libraries |
2.97.0 |
2.98.5 |
daw-json-link |
3.20.1 |
3.23.0 |
dcmtk |
3.6.7#6 |
3.6.8#2 |
draco |
1.5.6#1 |
1.5.7 |
drogon |
1.9.1#1 |
1.9.3 |
edflib |
1.24 |
1.25 |
entt |
3.12.2 |
3.13.1 |
etl |
20.38.0 |
20.38.10 |
expat |
2.5.0#3 |
2.6.0 |
ezc3d |
1.5.0 |
1.5.7 |
faad2 |
2.10.1 |
2.11.1 |
fakeit |
2.4.0#1 |
2.4.0#2 |
fastgltf |
0.6.1#1 |
0.7.0#1 |
ffmpeg |
6.1#2 |
6.1.1 |
flecs |
3.2.10 |
3.2.11 |
fplus |
0.2.20-p0 |
0.2.22 |
freetype |
2.12.1#5 |
2.13.2 |
frugally-deep |
0.15.24 |
0.15.30 |
function2 |
4.2.3 |
4.2.4 |
gettext |
0.22.4#1 |
0.22.4#2 |
glaze |
1.9.9 |
2.0.9 |
glib |
2.78.1 |
2.78.4 |
glibmm |
2.76.0#1 |
2.78.1 |
glm | |
1.0.0#1 |
glpk |
5.0#2 |
5.0#3 |
gmmlib |
22.3.12 |
22.3.17 |
gobject-introspection |
1.72.0#6 |
1.72.0#7 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.20.0 |
2.21.0 |
gtsam |
4.2a9 |
4.2a9#1 |
gul14 |
2.9.2 |
2.10.0 |
highfive |
2.7.1#1 |
2.9.0 |
hwloc |
2.9.3 |
2.10.0 |
icu |
74.1 |
74.1#1 |
idyntree |
10.0.0 |
10.3.0 |
igraph |
0.10.8 |
0.10.10 |
imageinfo |
2023-12-25 |
2024-01-19 |
imgui |
1.90#3 |
1.90.2 |
imgui-node-editor |
0.9.3 |
0.9.3#1 |
jasper |
4.1.0 |
4.2.0 |
json-c |
2022-06-26#3 |
2023-08-12 |
json-dto |
0.3.2 |
0.3.3 |
json-schema-validator |
2.2.0 |
2.3.0#1 |
json5-parser |
1.0.0#5 |
1.0.0#6 |
jsoncons |
0.171.0 |
0.173.4 |
ktx |
4.3.0-beta1 |
4.3.0-beta1#1 |
lensfun |
0.3.... |
Read more
2024.01.12 Release
Total port count: 2377
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2148 |
x64-windows |
2229 |
x64-windows-static |
2120 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2146 |
x64-uwp |
1230 |
arm64-windows |
1811 |
arm64-uwp |
1196 |
x64-osx |
2079 |
x64-linux |
2188 |
arm-neon-android |
1523 |
x64-android |
1582 |
arm64-android |
1543 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 15 ports have been added:
port |
version |
juce |
7.0.9 |
kdsoap |
2.2.0 |
kerbal |
2023.12.1 |
libnick |
2024.1.4 |
lunarg-vulkantools | |
ms-ifc-sdk |
0.43.1 |
pmp-library |
3.0.0 |
pulsar-client-cpp |
3.4.2 |
simonbrunel-qtpromise |
0.7.0 |
utf8-range |
2023-11-09 |
vulkan-loader | |
vulkan-sdk-components | |
vulkan-tools | |
vulkan-utility-libraries | |
vulkan-validationlayers | |
The following 227 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
ableton-link |
3.0.6#1 |
3.0.6#2 |
aklomp-base64 |
2023-01-06#1 |
0.5.1 |
armadillo |
12.4.1 |
12.6.6 |
arrow |
14.0.1#2 |
14.0.2 |
asio-grpc |
2.8.0 |
2.9.0 |
at-spi2-atk |
2.38.0 |
2.38.0#1 |
at-spi2-core |
2.44.1#2 |
2.44.1#3 |
atomic-queue |
2021-05-03 |
1.5 |
aws-c-io |
0.13.36 |
0.14.0 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.215#1 |
1.11.225 |
azure-core-amqp-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.5 |
1.0.0-beta.6 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.10.3#2 |
1.11.0 |
azure-kinect-sensor-sdk |
1.4.1#5 |
1.4.1#6 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.4 |
1.0.0-beta.5 |
backward-cpp |
1.6#1 |
2023-11-24 |
baresip-libre |
3.7.0 |
3.8.0 |
bext-sml |
1.1.5 |
1.1.9 |
bond |
10.0.0#1 |
10.0.0#2 |
breakpad |
2023-01-27 |
2023-01-27#1 |
bshoshany-thread-pool |
3.5.0 |
4.0.1 |
capstone |
5.0.1 |
5.0.1#1 |
catch2 |
3.4.0 |
3.5.1 |
cctz |
2.3#6 |
2.3#7 |
cglm |
0.9.1 |
0.9.1#1 |
civetweb |
1.16#1 |
1.16#2 |
coin |
4.0.0#7 |
4.0.2#1 |
configcat |
3.1.1 |
3.2.0 |
copypp |
0.2.0 |
0.3.0 |
cpp-ipc |
1.2.0 |
1.3.0 |
curl |
8.4.0 |
8.5.0 |
dataframe |
2.1.0 |
2.3.0 |
daw-header-libraries |
2.96.1 |
2.97.0 |
directx-headers |
1.610.2 |
1.611.0 |
directxmath |
2022-12-12 |
2023-12-31 |
directxmesh |
2023-10-28 |
2023-12-31 |
directxsdk |
jun10#7 |
jun10#8 |
directxtex |
2023-10-28 |
2023-12-31 |
directxtk |
2023-10-28 |
2023-12-31 |
directxtk12 |
2023-10-28 |
2023-12-31 |
discordcoreapi |
2.0.3 |
2.0.5 |
drogon |
1.9.1 |
1.9.1#1 |
dv-processing |
1.7.9 |
1.7.9#1 |
exiv2 |
0.28.1 |
0.28.1#1 |
fast-float |
5.2.0 |
6.0.0 |
fbthrift |
2023.10.02.00 |
2024.01.01.00 |
ffmpeg |
6.1#1 |
6.1#2 |
fizz |
2023.10.02.00 |
2024.01.01.00 |
flecs |
3.2.9 |
3.2.10 |
fltk |
1.3.8#5 |
1.3.9 |
fmt |
10.1.1 |
10.2.1 |
folly |
2023.10.02.00 |
2024.01.01.00 |
freerdp |
2.11.2#1 |
3.0.0#1 |
freetype |
2.12.1#4 |
2.12.1#5 |
freetype-gl |
2022-01-17#2 |
2022-01-17#3 |
gdal |
3.8.1 |
3.8.3 |
getdns |
1.7.0#3 |
1.7.3 |
gettext |
0.21.1#3 |
0.22.4#1 |
gettext-libintl |
0.21.1#1 |
0.22.4#1 |
glaze |
1.9.3 |
1.9.9 |
glfw3 |
3.3.8#3 |
3.3.9 |
glslang |
13.1.1 |
13.1.1#1 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.19.0 |
2.20.0 |
gstreamer |
1.22.5#5 |
1.22.5#7 |
harfbuzz |
8.2.1#3 |
8.3.0#3 |
hikogui |
0.8.1 |
0.8.1#2 |
icu |
73.1#2 |
74.1 |
imageinfo |
2023-01-31 |
2023-12-25 |
imgui |
1.90 |
1.90#3 |
json-dto |
0.3.1 |
0.3.2 |
jsonifier |
0.9.92 |
0.9.94 |
kddockwidgets |
1.5.0 |
2.0.0 |
kealib |
1.5.2#1 |
1.5.3 |
kenlm |
20230531 |
20230531#1 |
krabsetw |
4.3.1 |
4.3.2 |
ktx |
4.3.0-alpha3 |
4.3.0-beta1 |
lapack-reference |
3.11.0#1 |
3.11.0#2 |
launch-darkly-server |
2.8.6#1 |
2.8.6#2 |
libatomic-ops |
7.8.0 |
7.8.2 |
libbson |
1.25.1#2 |
1.25.4 |
libcaer |
3.3.15 |
3.3.15#1 |
libcap |
2.69#2 |
2.69#3 |
libcoro |
0.9 |
0.10 |
libdatachannel |
0.19.4 |
0.19.4#1 |
libdisasm |
0.23#10 |
0.23#11 |
libeventheader-decode |
1.2.1 |
1.3.0 |
libeventheader-tracepoint |
1.2.1 |
1.3.0 |
libexif |
0.6.24#1 |
0.6.24#2 |
libfreenect2 |
0.2.1 |
0.2.1#1 |
libiconv |
1.17#1 |
1.17#2 |
libirecovery |
2023-05-13#1 |
2023-05-13#2 |
libmaxminddb |
1.7.1 |
1.9.1 |
libmount |
2.38#2 |
2.39 |
libmysql |
8.0.34 |
8.0.34#1 |
libosmium |
2.20.0 |
2.20.0#1 |
libpng |
1.6.40 |
1.6.40#1 |
libraw |
0.21.1#2 |
0.21.1#3 |
libsodium |
1.0.18#9 |
1.0.19 |
libsystemd |
254#1 |
254#2 |
libtorch |
1.12.1#3 |
1.12.1#5 |
libtracepoint |
1.2.1 |
1.3.0 |
libtracepoint-control |
1.2.1 |
1.3.0 |
libtracepoint-decode |
1.2.1 |
1.3.0 |
libusb | | |
libuvc |
2020-11-24#4 |
0.0.7 |
libvpx |
1.13.1 |
1.13.1#2 |
libxdiff |
0.23#3 |
0.23#4 |
live555 |
2023-11-08 |
2023-11-30#1 |
llgi |
2023-11-04 |
2023-12-19 |
meshoptimizer |
0.19#1 |
0.20 |
mimalloc |
2.1.2 |
2.1.2#1 |
minifb |
2023-02-03 |
2023-09-21 |
mlpack |
4.2.0 |
4.3.0 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.25.1#1 |
1.25.4#1 |
mp-units |
2.0.0 |
2.1.0 |
mpg123 |
1.31.3#3 |
1.31.3#4 |
mvfst |
2023.10.02.00 |
2024.01.01.00 |
nng |
1.5.2#1 |
1.6.0 |
node-addon-api |
6.1.0 |
7.0.0 |
node-api-headers |
1.0.0#1 |
1.1.0 |
ogre-next |
2.3.3 |
2.3.3#2 |
opencascade |
7.7.2#2 |
7.7.2#3 |
opencv |
4.8.0 |
4.8.0#1 |
opencv4 |
4.8.0#12 |
4.8.0#14 |
openexr |
3.1.8 |
3.1.8#1 |
openmpi |
4.1.6 |
4.1.6#1 |
openssl |
3.1.4#1 |
3.2.0#2 |
opensubdiv |
3.5.0 |
3.5.0#1 |
opentelemetry-cpp |
1.12.0#1 |
1.13.0 |
orc |
1.9.1 |
1.9.2 |
paho-mqtt |
1.3.13 |
1.3.13#1 |
pcl |
1.13.1#1 |
1.14.0 |
podofo |
0.10.2 |
0.10.3 |
proxy |
1.1.1 |
2.0.0 |
proxygen |
2023.10.02.00 |
2024.01.01.00 |
qt5 |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-3d |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-activeqt |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-androidextras |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-base |
5.15.11#1 |
5.15.12#1 |
qt5-charts |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-connectivity |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-datavis3d |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-declarative |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-doc |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-gamepad |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-graphicaleffects |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-imageformats |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-location |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-macextras |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-mqtt |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-multimedia |
5.15.11#1 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-networkauth |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-purchasing |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-quickcontrols |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-quickcontrols2 |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-remoteobjects |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-script |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-scxml |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-sensors |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-serialbus |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-serialport |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-speech |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-svg |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-tools |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-translations |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-virtualkeyboard |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-wayland |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-webchannel |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-webengine |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-webglplugin |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-websockets |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-webview |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-winextras |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-x11extras |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qt5-xmlpatterns |
5.15.11 |
5.15.12 |
qtbase |
6.6.1#1 |
6.6.1#5 |
qtmultimedia |
6.6.1 |
6.6.1#1 |
qtopcua |
6.6.1 |
6.6.1#1 |
qtpositioning |
6.6.1 |
6.6.1#1 |
qtserialport |
6.6.1 |
6.6.1#1 |
qtwebengine |
6.6.1#1 |
6.6.1#3 |
quill |
3.5.1 |
3.6.0 |
realsense2 |
2.54.2#1 |
2.54.2#2 |
recastnavigation |
1.6.0 |
1.6.0#1 |
rendergraph |
1.3.0 |
1.4.0 |
restinio |
0.7.0 |
0.7.1 |
roaring |
0.9.6 |
2.0.4 |
rocksdb |
8.5.3 |
8.9.1 |
rsocket |
2021.08.30.00#2 |
2021.08.30.00#3 |
sentry-native |
0.6.7 |
0.7.0 |
shader-slang |
0.27.20 |
2023.5.1 |
shapelib |
1.5.0#4 |
1.6.0 |
simage |
1.8.2#2 |
1.8.3 |
skia |
0.38.2#1 |
0.38.2#3 |
spirv-cross |
2021-01-15#2 | |
spirv-headers | | |
spirv-reflect | | |
spirv-tools |
2023.2 | |
sqlite3 |
3.43.2 |
3.43.2#1 |
string-theory |
3.6 |
3.8 |
thomasmonkman-filewatch |
2023-01-16#1 |
2023-01-16#2 |
tiff |
4.6.0#1 |
4.6.0#2 |
tinygltf |
2.8.17 |
2.8.19 |
tmxlite |
1.3.0#1 |
1.4.4 |
treehopper |
1.11.3#8 |
1.11.3#9 |
type-safe |
0.2.2#1 |
0.2.3 |
unordered-dense |
4.1.2 |
4.4.0 |
usbmuxd |
2023-07-21 |
2023-07-21#1 |
usrsctp | | |
utfcpp |
4.0.2 |
4.0.5 |
uvatlas |
2023-10-31 |
2023-12-31 |
uwebsockets |
20.47.0 |
20.54.0 |
vcpkg-get-python-packages |
2023-07-28 |
2024-01-02 |
vcpkg-tool-meson |
0.63 |
0.63#2 |
vk-bootstrap |
0.7#1 |
1.3.273 |
vsgxchange |
1.0.5 |
1.0.5#1 |
vulkan | |
2023-12-17 |
vulkan-headers |
1.3.260 | |
vulkan-memory-allocator |
3.0.1#3 |
3.0.1#4 |
vxl |
2.0.2#4 |
2.0.2#5 |
wangle |
2023.10.02.00 |
2024.01.01.00 |
wavpack |
5.6.0 |
5.6.0#1 |
wolfssl |
5.6.4#1 |
5.6.6 |
wxwidgets |
3.2.3 |
3.2.4 |
x-plane |
3.0.3#2 |
4.0.1 |
xerces-c |
3.2.4#3 |
3.2.5 |
z3 |
4.12.2 |
4.12.4 |
The following 1 ports have been removed:
New Contributors
Read more
2023.12.12 Release
Total port count: 2362
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2129 |
x64-windows |
2208 |
x64-windows-static |
2095 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2123 |
x64-uwp |
1222 |
arm64-windows |
1788 |
arm64-uwp |
1188 |
x64-osx |
2062 |
x64-linux |
2167 |
arm-neon-android |
1516 |
x64-android |
1576 |
arm64-android |
1536 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 10 ports have been added:
port |
version |
clap-cleveraudio |
1.1.10 |
copypp |
0.2.0 |
ctstraffic | |
cuda-api-wrappers |
0.6.6 |
gapp |
0.2.0 |
jkqtplotter |
2023-10-24#1 |
libassert |
1.2.2 |
libspng |
0.7.4 |
qtgraphs |
6.6.1 |
veigar |
1.0 |
The following 208 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
ada-url |
2.6.8 |
2.7.4 |
allegro5 | | |
apsi |
0.9.0#2 |
0.11.0 |
arrow |
14.0.1#1 |
14.0.1#2 |
asio-grpc |
2.7.0 |
2.8.0 |
async-mqtt |
2.0.0 |
4.0.0 |
aws-c-auth |
0.7.6 |
0.7.8 |
aws-c-common |
0.9.9 |
0.9.10 |
aws-c-io |
0.13.35 |
0.13.36 |
aws-c-mqtt |
0.9.9 |
0.9.10 |
aws-c-s3 |
0.3.24 |
0.4.3 |
aws-crt-cpp |
0.24.7 |
0.24.8 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.201 |
1.11.215#1 |
baresip-libre |
3.6.0 |
3.7.0 |
botan |
3.1.1 |
3.1.1#1 |
breakpad |
2022-07-12#6 |
2023-01-27 |
calceph |
3.5.2 |
3.5.4 |
cimg |
2.9.9 |
3.3.2 |
cnats |
3.6.1 |
3.7.0#1 |
cppcms |
1.2.1#6 |
1.2.1#7 |
cpprestsdk |
2.10.18#4 |
2.10.19 |
cpptrace |
0.2.1 |
0.3.1 |
curlpp |
2018-06-15#8 |
2018-06-15#9 |
czmq |
4.2.1#3 |
4.2.1#4 |
darknet |
2022-03-06#3 |
2022-03-06#4 |
dbus |
1.15.8#1 |
1.15.8#2 |
dcmtk |
3.6.7#5 |
3.6.7#6 |
discordcoreapi |
2.0.2 |
2.0.3 |
dpp |
10.0.28 |
10.0.29 |
draco |
1.5.6 |
1.5.6#1 |
drogon |
1.8.7#1 |
1.9.1 |
eigen3 |
3.4.0#2 |
3.4.0#3 |
fakeit |
2.4.0 |
2.4.0#1 |
fastio |
2023-07-06 |
2023-11-06 |
fastrtps |
2.7.0#4 |
2.7.0#5 |
ffmpeg |
6.1 |
6.1#1 |
flatbuffers |
23.5.26 |
23.5.26#1 |
freeglut |
3.4.0 |
3.4.0#1 |
freerdp |
2.11.2 |
2.11.2#1 |
gdal |
3.8.0 |
3.8.1 |
geos |
3.11.2 |
3.11.3#1 |
gflags |
2.2.2#7 |
2.2.2#9 |
gl2ps |
1.4.2#3 |
1.4.2#4 |
glaze |
1.5.7 |
1.9.3 |
glfw3 |
3.3.8#2 |
3.3.8#3 |
glog |
0.6.0#2 |
0.6.0#3 |
glslang |
13.0.0#2 |
13.1.1 |
glui |
2019-11-30#3 |
2019-11-30#4 |
gobject-introspection |
1.72.0#5 |
1.72.0#6 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.18.0 |
2.19.0 |
graphite2 |
1.3.14#3 |
1.3.14#4 |
gz-cmake3 |
3.4.1#4 |
3.4.1#5 |
gz-rendering7 |
7.4.1 |
7.4.1#1 |
hnswlib |
0.7.0#1 |
0.8.0 |
icu |
73.1#1 |
73.1#2 |
jsoncpp |
1.9.5#1 |
1.9.5#2 |
jsonifier |
0.9.91#1 |
0.9.92 |
kealib |
1.5.2 |
1.5.2#1 |
kuku |
2.1#3 |
2.1.0 |
libbson |
1.25.1 |
1.25.1#2 |
libconfig |
1.7.3#4 |
1.7.3#5 |
libdatachannel |
0.18.6#2 |
0.19.4 |
libde265 |
1.0.12 |
1.0.14 |
libdeflate |
1.19 |
1.19#1 |
libexif |
0.6.24 |
0.6.24#1 |
libheif |
1.17.3 |
1.17.5 |
liblemon |
2019-06-13#8 |
2019-06-13#9 |
libmagic |
5.45 |
5.45#1 |
libpng |
1.6.39#1 |
1.6.40 |
libressl |
3.6.2#2 |
3.8.2 |
libspatialite |
5.1.0 |
5.1.0#1 |
libssh |
0.10.5 |
0.10.5#1 |
libsystemd |
254 |
254#1 |
liburing |
2.4 |
2.5 |
libusb | | |
libuv |
1.46.0 |
1.46.0#1 |
libxml2 |
2.11.6 |
2.11.6#1 |
libxslt |
1.1.37#2 |
1.1.37#3 |
libzim |
8.2.0#2 |
9.0.0 |
libzip |
1.9.2#2 |
1.10.1 |
llvm |
17.0.2#1 |
17.0.2#2 |
log4cplus |
2.1.0 |
2.1.1 |
lpeg |
1.0.2#4 |
1.1.0 |
luafilesystem |
1.8.0#4 |
1.8.0#5 |
luajit |
2023-01-04#4 |
2023-01-04#5 |
magnum-plugins |
2020.06#11 |
2020.06#12 |
mdl-sdk |
2021.1.2#3 |
2021.1.2#4 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.25.1 |
1.25.1#1 |
moos-core |
10.4.0#9 |
10.4.0#10 |
ms-gsl |
4.0.0 |
4.0.0#1 |
nana |
1.7.4#4 |
1.7.4#5 |
nanodbc |
2.13.0#7 |
2.13.0#8 |
nanoflann |
1.5.0 |
1.5.1 |
ned14-internal-quickcpplib |
2023-11-06 |
2023-11-22 |
nethost |
7.0.0 |
8.0.0 |
nghttp3 |
1.0.0 |
1.1.0 |
ngtcp2 |
1.0.1 |
1.1.0 |
nlohmann-json |
3.11.2 |
3.11.3 |
oatpp-sqlite |
1.3.0#1 |
1.3.0#2 |
octomap |
1.9.8 |
1.9.8#1 |
ode |
0.16.4 |
0.16.4#1 |
ogre-next |
2.3.2 |
2.3.3 |
onnx |
1.14.0 |
1.15.0 |
onnx-optimizer |
0.3.17 |
0.3.18 |
onnxruntime-gpu |
1.15.1 |
1.16.3 |
open62541 |
1.3.8 |
1.3.8#1 |
opencascade |
7.7.2#1 |
7.7.2#2 |
opencv3 |
3.4.18#11 |
3.4.18#12 |
opencv4 |
4.8.0#10 |
4.8.0#12 |
opentelemetry-cpp |
1.12.0 |
1.12.0#1 |
openvdb |
10.0.0#6 |
11.0.0 |
openvino |
2023.1.0#4 |
2023.2.0 |
openxr-loader |
1.0.22#3 |
1.0.31 |
paho-mqttpp3 |
1.2.0#1 |
1.3.2 |
pkgconf |
1.8.0#5 |
2.1.0 |
plog |
1.1.9 |
1.1.10 |
poco |
1.12.5 | |
podofo |
0.10.1 |
0.10.2 |
poppler |
23.1.0#4 |
23.11.0 |
proj |
9.3.0#1 |
9.3.1 |
protobuf-c |
1.4.1 |
1.4.1#1 |
python3 |
3.11.5#2 |
3.11.5#3 |
qcoro |
0.9.0 |
0.10.0 |
qt |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qt-advanced-docking-system |
4.2.0 |
4.2.1 |
qt3d |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qt5compat |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtactiveqt |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtapplicationmanager |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtbase |
6.6.0#1 |
6.6.1#1 |
qtcharts |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtcoap |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtconnectivity |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtdatavis3d |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtdeclarative |
6.6.0#1 |
6.6.1 |
qtdeviceutilities |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtdoc |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtgrpc |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qthttpserver |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtimageformats |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtinterfaceframework |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtlanguageserver |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtlocation |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtlottie |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtmqtt |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtmultimedia |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtnetworkauth |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtopcua |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtpositioning |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtquick3d |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtquick3dphysics |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtquickeffectmaker |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtquicktimeline |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtremoteobjects |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtscxml |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtsensors |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtserialbus |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtserialport |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtshadertools |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtspeech |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtsvg |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qttools |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qttranslations |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtvirtualkeyboard |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtwayland |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtwebchannel |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtwebengine |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1#1 |
qtwebsockets |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
qtwebview |
6.6.0 |
6.6.1 |
quill |
3.4.1 |
3.5.1 |
qwt |
6.2.0+20220616#1 |
2023-05-12 |
raylib |
4.5.0#2 |
5.0 |
rtabmap |
0.21.0#2 |
0.21.0#3 |
rtaudio |
2021-11-16#2 |
6.0.1 |
s2n |
1.3.34 |
1.3.56 |
sdbus-cpp |
1.3.0 |
1.3.0#1 |
sdl2 |
2.28.4#1 |
2.28.5#1 |
sdl2-gfx |
1.0.4#10 |
1.0.4#11 |
sdl2-image |
2.6.3 |
2.6.3#1 |
sdl2-mixer |
2.6.3#1 |
2.6.3#2 |
sdl2-mixer-ext |
2023-05-04#1 |
2.6.0#1 |
sdl2-net |
2.2.0#2 |
2.2.0#3 |
sdl2-ttf |
2.20.2 |
2.20.2#1 |
sdl2pp |
0.16.1#7 |
0.16.1#8 |
seal |
4.1.1 |
4.1.1#1 |
sentencepiece |
0.1.99 |
0.1.99#1 |
shaderc |
2021.1#4 |
2023.7 |
simdjson |
3.2.1 |
3.6.2 |
skia |
0.38.2 |
0.38.2#1 |
sol2 |
3.3.0 |
3.3.1 |
soundtouch |
2.3.2 |
2.3.2#1 |
sqlite-orm |
1.8.2 |
1.8.2#1 |
status-code |
2023-11-06 |
2023-11-06#1 |
stdexec |
2023-03-05#2 |
2023-09-06#3 |
stxxl |
2018-11-15#6 |
2018-11-15#7 |
tbb |
2021.10.0#3 |
2021.11.0 |
thomasmonkman-filewatch |
2023-01-16 |
2023-01-16#1 |
tiny-process-library |
2.0.4#2 |
2.0.4#3 |
tinyorm |
0.36.5#1 |
0.36.5#2 |
trantor |
1.5.14 |
1.5.15 |
tre |
0.8.0#5 |
0.8.0#6 |
treehopper |
1.11.3#7 |
1.11.3#8 |
triton |
0.9#5 |
2023-08-16 |
valijson |
0.6 |
1.0.1 |
x265 |
3.4#10 |
3.5 |
xsimd |
11.1.0 |
12.0.0 |
xtensor |
0.24.6#1 |
0.24.7 |
zlib-ng |
2.1.4 |
2.1.5 |
New Contributors
2023.11.20 Release
Total port count: 2352
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2122 |
x64-windows |
2198 |
x64-windows-static |
2084 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2108 |
x64-uwp |
1217 |
arm64-windows |
1778 |
arm64-uwp |
1184 |
x64-osx |
2050 |
x64-linux |
2158 |
arm-neon-android |
1496 |
x64-android |
1555 |
arm64-android |
1513 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 34 ports have been added:
port |
version |
bloomberg-quantum |
2023-02-03 |
cpp-sort |
1.15.0 |
cppp-reiconv |
2.1.0 |
cpptrace |
0.2.1 |
dylib |
2.2.1 |
dyno |
2019-11-13 |
ed25519 |
2017-02-10 |
flagpp |
2.1 |
gz-gui7 |
7.2.1 |
gz-physics6 |
6.5.1#1 |
gz-rendering7 |
7.4.1 |
gz-sensors7 |
7.3.0 |
itay-grudev-singleapplication |
3.5.1 |
itsy-bitsy |
2022-08-02 |
kf5texteditor |
5.98.0 |
lensfun |
0.3.4#1 |
libaes-siv |
2020-10-15 |
libdwarf |
0.8.0 |
libobfuscate |
2023-03-23 |
llgi |
2023-11-04 |
mpark-patterns |
2019-10-03 |
pocketfft |
2023-09-25 |
proxsuite |
0.5.0 |
rivers |
2022-05-16 |
rmqcpp |
1.0.0 |
tinyorm |
0.36.5#1 |
vit-vit-ctpl |
0.0.2 |
zimpl |
3.5.3 |
zoe |
3.0 |
ztd-cuneicode |
2023-11-03 |
ztd-encoding-tables |
2023-06-10 |
ztd-idk |
2023-11-03 |
ztd-platform |
2022-12-30 |
ztd-static-containers |
2022-12-12#1 |
The following 268 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
7zip |
23.01 |
23.01#1 |
ace |
7.1.1#2 |
7.1.2#1 |
ade |
0.1.2c |
0.1.2d |
alpaka |
0.9.0#1 |
1.0.0 |
aom |
3.5.0#1 |
3.7.0 |
argparse |
2.9 |
3.0 |
arrow |
13.0.0#1 |
14.0.1#1 |
asio |
1.28.1 |
1.28.2 |
asio-grpc |
2.6.0 |
2.7.0 |
assimp |
5.3.1#2 |
5.3.1#3 |
avisynthplus |
3.7.2#2 |
3.7.3 |
avro-c |
1.11.0#3 |
1.11.3 |
aws-c-auth |
0.7.4 |
0.7.6 |
aws-c-cal |
0.6.2#1 |
0.6.9 |
aws-c-common |
0.9.4 |
0.9.9 |
aws-c-http |
0.7.13 |
0.7.14 |
aws-c-io |
0.13.32 |
0.13.35 |
aws-c-mqtt |
0.9.6 |
0.9.9 |
aws-c-s3 |
0.3.17 |
0.3.24 |
aws-crt-cpp |
0.23.1 |
0.24.7 |
aws-lambda-cpp |
0.2.8#1 |
0.2.9 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.169#2 |
1.11.201 |
azure-core-amqp-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.4 |
1.0.0-beta.5 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.10.3 |
1.10.3#2 |
azure-identity-cpp |
1.5.1#1 |
1.6.0 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.3 |
1.0.0-beta.4 |
azure-storage-blobs-cpp |
12.9.0#1 |
12.10.0 |
azure-storage-common-cpp |
12.4.0#1 |
12.5.0 |
azure-storage-files-datalake-cpp |
12.8.0#1 |
12.9.0 |
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp |
12.7.0#1 |
12.8.0 |
azure-storage-queues-cpp |
12.1.0#1 |
12.2.0 |
baresip-libre |
3.3.0 |
3.6.0 |
bext-di |
1.2.0#1 |
1.3.0 |
bgfx |
1.121.8534-453 |
1.122.8595-458 |
brpc |
1.6.0 |
1.6.1 |
cfitsio |
3.49#4 |
3.49#5 |
check |
0.15.2#4 |
0.15.2#5 |
civetweb |
1.16 |
1.16#1 |
configcat |
3.0.0 |
3.1.1 |
corrade |
2020.06#7 |
2020.06#8 |
cppgraphqlgen |
4.5.3 |
4.5.5 |
cppslippi | | |
cpr |
1.10.5 |
1.10.5#1 |
crc32c |
1.1.2#1 |
1.1.2#2 |
dartsim |
6.12.2#2 |
6.12.2#3 |
dav1d |
1.3.0 |
1.3.0#1 |
directxmesh |
2023-06-13 |
2023-10-28 |
directxtex |
2023-09-01 |
2023-10-28 |
directxtk |
2023-09-01#1 |
2023-10-28 |
directxtk12 |
2023-09-01#1 |
2023-10-28 |
discordcoreapi |
2.0.1 |
2.0.2 |
dlib |
19.24#2 |
19.24#3 |
dpp |
10.0.26 |
10.0.28 |
dstorage |
1.2.0 |
1.2.2 |
enkits |
1.11 |
1.11#1 |
ereignis |
1.1 |
2.3 |
exiv2 |
0.28.0#1 |
0.28.1 |
fastgltf |
0.5.0#1 |
0.6.1#1 |
fastrtps |
2.7.0#3 |
2.7.0#4 |
ffmpeg |
6.0#1 |
6.1 |
ffnvcodec | | |
flecs |
3.2.8 |
3.2.9 |
fribidi |
1.0.12#1 |
1.0.13 |
gdal |
3.7.2#1 |
3.8.0 |
geographiclib |
2.3 |
2.3#1 |
ginkgo |
1.6.0 |
1.7.0 |
glaze |
1.5.1 |
1.5.7 |
glib |
2.78.0 |
2.78.1 |
glslang |
13.0.0 |
13.0.0#2 |
google-cloud-cpp |
2.17.0#1 |
2.18.0 |
graphviz |
9.0.0#1 |
9.0.0#2 |
gstreamer |
1.22.5#3 |
1.22.5#5 |
gts |
0.7.6#7 |
0.7.6#8 |
gz-cmake3 |
3.4.1#1 |
3.4.1#4 |
gz-common5 |
5.4.1 |
5.4.1#1 |
gz-math7 |
7.0.2#1 |
7.3.0 |
harfbuzz |
8.2.1#2 |
8.2.1#3 |
icu |
73.1 |
73.1#1 |
ignition-common1 |
1.1.1#3 |
1.1.1#4 |
igraph |
0.10.7 |
0.10.8 |
imgui |
1.89.9 |
1.90 |
itk |
5.3-rc02#6 |
5.3rc02 |
jasper |
4.0.0#2 |
4.1.0 |
joltphysics |
3.0.1#1 |
4.0.0 |
jsonifier |
0.9.9 |
0.9.91#1 |
kaitai-struct-cpp-stl-runtime |
0.10 |
0.10.1#1 |
kdalgorithms |
2023-02-11 |
1.2 |
kf5parts |
5.98.0 |
5.98.0#1 |
kf5service |
5.98.0 |
5.98.0#1 |
ktx |
4.1.0 |
4.3.0-alpha3 |
kubazip |
0.2.4 |
0.2.6 |
libbson |
1.24.3 |
1.25.1 |
libconfig |
1.7.3#3 |
1.7.3#4 |
libde265 |
1.0.11#2 |
1.0.12 |
libheif |
1.17.0 |
1.17.3 |
libhv |
1.3.1 |
1.3.2 |
libigl |
2.4.0#4 |
2.5.0 |
libmagic |
5.40#3 |
5.45 |
libmspack |
0.10.1#6 |
0.11 |
libmt32emu |
2.7.0 |
2.7.1 |
libmysql |
8.0.32#6 |
8.0.34 |
libnop |
2021-03-01 |
2021-11-03 |
libosip2 |
5.2.0#5 |
5.3.1 |
libpcap |
1.10.1#3 |
1.10.4#1 |
libphonenumber |
8.13.17 |
8.13.23 |
libpq |
16.0 |
16.0#1 |
libraqm |
0.9.0#1 |
0.10.1 |
librdkafka |
2.2.0 |
2.3.0 |
libremidi |
4.2.3#1 |
4.2.4 |
libressl |
3.6.2#1 |
3.6.2#2 |
librsync |
2.3.2#1 |
2.3.4 |
libsbml |
5.20.0#1 |
5.20.2 |
libsigcpp |
3.4.0 |
3.6.0 |
libsndfile |
1.2.0#2 |
1.2.2 |
libtheora |
1.2.0alpha1-20170719#6 |
1.2.0alpha1-20170719#7 |
libtommath |
1.2.0#3 |
1.2.1 |
libunibreak |
5.0#1 |
5.1 |
libvpx |
1.12.0#2 |
1.13.1 |
libxml2 |
2.11.5#1 |
2.11.6 |
live555 |
2023-07-24 |
2023-11-08 |
llfio |
2023-03-13#1 |
2023-11-06 |
llhttp |
9.1.2 |
9.1.3 |
llvm |
17.0.2 |
17.0.2#1 |
lockpp |
1.0.2 |
2.6 |
log4cxx |
1.1.0 |
1.1.0#1 |
maddy |
1.2.0 |
1.3.0 |
magic-enum |
0.9.3 |
0.9.5 |
magnum |
2020.06#14 |
2020.06#17 |
mailio |
0.21.0#2 |
0.23.0 |
materialx |
1.38.4 |
1.38.8 |
matio |
1.5.23#2 |
1.5.26 |
mbedtls |
2.28.1 |
2.28.5 |
mimalloc |
2.1.1 |
2.1.2 |
miniaudio |
0.11.14 |
0.11.19 |
minizip-ng |
4.0.0#4 |
4.0.2 |
mongo-c-driver |
1.24.3 |
1.25.1 |
mongo-cxx-driver |
3.8.0 |
3.9.0 |
mozjpeg |
4.1.1 |
4.1.5 |
mqtt-cpp |
13.1.0 |
13.2.1 |
msdfgen |
1.10.0#1 |
1.11.0 |
mygui |
3.4.2 |
3.4.3 |
nayuki-qr-code-generator |
1.8.0 |
1.8.0#1 |
ncnn |
20221128 |
20231027 |
ned14-internal-quickcpplib |
2023-03-13 |
2023-11-06 |
nghttp2 |
1.57.0 |
1.58.0 |
ngtcp2 |
1.0.0 |
1.0.1 |
nng |
1.5.2 |
1.5.2#1 |
nsync |
1.24.0#1 |
1.26.0 |
numactl |
2.0.14#1 |
2.0.16 |
numcpp |
2.11.0 |
2.12.1 |
nuspell |
5.1.2#1 |
5.1.4 |
octomap |
1.9.6#1 |
1.9.8 |
ode |
0.16.3#1 |
0.16.4 |
ogre-next |
2.3.1#3 |
2.3.2 |
onednn |
3.1.1 |
3.3 |
open62541 |
1.3.5#1 |
1.3.8 |
openblas |
0.3.24 |
0.3.25 |
opencv4 |
4.8.0#7 |
4.8.0#10 |
openimageio | | |
openmpi |
4.1.3#2 |
4.1.6 |
openssl |
3.1.3 |
3.1.4#1 |
opentelemetry-cpp |
1.9.1#1 |
1.12.0 |
opentelemetry-fluentd |
2.0.0 |
2.0.0#1 |
openvino |
2023.1.0#3 |
2023.1.0#4 |
outcome |
2.2.4#1 |
2.2.7 |
paho-mqtt |
1.3.12#1 |
1.3.13 |
pcapplusplus |
22.11#1 |
23.9#1 |
pipewire |
0.3.62 |
0.3.83 |
poco |
1.12.4#4 |
1.12.5 |
python3 |
3.11.5 |
3.11.5#2 |
qt |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qt-advanced-docking-system |
4.0.3#1 |
4.2.0 |
qt3d |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qt5compat |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtactiveqt |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtapplicationmanager |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtbase |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0#1 |
qtcharts |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtcoap |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtconnectivity |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtdatavis3d |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtdeclarative |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0#1 |
qtdeviceutilities |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtdoc |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtgrpc |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qthttpserver |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtimageformats |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtinterfaceframework |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtlanguageserver |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtlocation |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtlottie |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtmqtt |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtmultimedia |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtnetworkauth |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtopcua |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtpositioning |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtquick3d |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtquick3dphysics |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtquickeffectmaker |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtquicktimeline |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtremoteobjects |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtscxml |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtsensors |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtserialbus |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtserialport |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtshadertools |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtspeech |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtsvg |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qttools |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qttranslations |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtvirtualkeyboard |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtwayland |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtwebchannel |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtwebengine |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtwebsockets |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
qtwebview |
6.5.3 |
6.6.0 |
quantlib |
1.31.1 |
1.32 |
quill |
3.3.1 |
3.4.1 |
reactiveplusplus |
0.2.2 |
0.2.3 |
realsense2 |
2.54.2 |
2.54.2#1 |
reproc |
14.2.4#1 |
14.2.4#2 |
restinio |
0.6.19 |
0.7.0 |
sail |
0.9.0-rc3#2 |
0.9.0 |
saucer |
1.0.1#3 |
2.1.0 |
sciter-js | | |
sdl2-mixer-ext |
2023-05-04 |
2023-05-04#1 |
sentencepiece |
0.1.97#2 |
0.1.99 |
sentry-native |
0.6.6 |
0.6.7 |
sfml |
2.6.0#19 |
2.6.1 |
shaderwriter |
2.6.0 |
2.7.0 |
skia |
0.36.0#10 |
0.38.2 |
so5extra |
1.6.0 |
1.6.1 |
sobjectizer | | |
soundtouch |
2.3.1#2 |
2.3.2 |
spirv-headers | | |
spirv-tools |
2022.4#1 |
2023.2 |
sqlite3 |
3.43.1 |
3.43.2 |
status-code |
2023-01-27#2 |
2023-11-06 |
tacopie |
3.2.0#5 |
3.2.0#6 |
tbb |
2021.10.0#2 |
2021.10.0#3 |
tesseract |
5.3.2 |
5.3.3 |
tgbot-cpp |
1.6 |
1.7.2 |
tgui |
0.9.5 |
1.1.0 |
thorvg |
0.11.1 |
0.11.3 |
tomlplusplus |
3.3.0 |
3.4.0 |
tracy |
0.10.0 |
0.10.0#1 |
tree-sitter |
0.20.6 |
0.20.6#1 |
unittest-cpp |
2.0.0#4 |
2.0.0#5 |
usrsctp | | |
utfcpp |
3.2.5 |
4.0.2 |
uvatlas |
2023-06-13 |
2023-10-31 |
uwebsockets |
20.45.0 |
20.47.0 |
wcslib |
7.12 |
8.2.1 |
websocketpp |
0.8.2#2 |
0.8.2#3 |
webview2 |
1.0.1210.39#1 |
1.0.2088.41 |
wil |
2023-08-24 |
2023-10-28 |
winsparkle |
0.7.0#2 |
0.8.1 |
wintoast |
1.2.0#2 |
1.3.0 |
wolfssl |
5.6.3#1 |
5.6.4#1 |
workflow |
0.10.5#1 |
0.10.9 |
x86-simd-sort |
2023-03-04 |
3.0 |
xbyak |
6.69 |
6.73 |
xmlsec |
1.3.1#1 |
1.3.1#2 |
yaml-cpp |
0.7.0#1 |
0.8.0#1 |
yara |
4.3.2 |
4.3.2#1 |
zlib-ng |
2.1.3 |
2.1.4 |
zstd |
1.5.5#1 |
1.5.5#2 |
ztd-text |
2022-03-21 |
2023-11-03 |
New Contributors
Read more
2023.10.19 Release
Total port count: 2318
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2088 |
x64-windows |
2163 |
x64-windows-static |
2054 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2074 |
x64-uwp |
1193 |
arm64-windows |
1749 |
arm64-uwp |
1160 |
x64-osx |
2017 |
x64-linux |
2124 |
arm-neon-android |
1464 |
x64-android |
1523 |
arm64-android |
1482 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
The following 53 ports have been added:
port |
version |
anari |
0.7.0#1 |
ankurvdev-embedresource |
0.0.10 |
atl |
0 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-checkpointstore-blob-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.1 |
better-enums |
0.11.3 |
bext-mp |
2023-03-02 |
bext-sml2 |
2023-09-20 |
boost-compat |
1.83.0 |
canvas-ity |
1.0 |
cppdap |
1.58.0-a |
dukglue |
2022-11-08 |
ecal |
5.12.0 |
enkits |
1.11 |
fameta-counter |
2021-02-13 |
flux |
2023-08-25 |
gz-common5 |
5.4.1 |
gz-fuel-tools8 |
8.1.0 |
gz-msgs9 |
9.5.0 |
gz-plugin2 |
2.0.1 |
gz-transport12 |
12.2.0 |
imgui-node-editor |
0.9.3 |
json-rpc-cxx |
0.3.1 |
keccak-tiny |
2014-09-08 |
libcap |
2.69#2 |
libcoro |
0.9 |
libgig |
4.3.0 |
libimobiledevice-glue |
2023-05-13 |
libqtrest |
0.4.0 |
libremidi |
4.2.3#1 |
libsystemd |
254 |
libunwind |
1.7.2 |
libxcrypt |
4.4.36 |
murmur3 |
2015-05-02 |
ndis-driver-library |
1.2.0 |
ntf-core |
2.1.0#1 |
nyan-lang |
0.3 |
oboe |
1.8.0 |
pravila00-enum-string |
2023-10-16 |
pravila00-make-vector |
2023-04-10 |
pulzed-mini |
0.9.14 |
qcoro |
0.9.0 |
sdbus-cpp |
1.3.0 |
sdformat13 |
13.5.0#1 |
seasocks |
1.4.6 |
si |
2.5.1 |
sigmatch |
0.2.0 |
simpleble |
2023-07-29 |
simsimd |
1.4.0 |
snap7 |
1.4.2#1 |
talib |
0.4.0#1 |
thomasmonkman-filewatch |
2023-01-16 |
usearch |
2.3.2 |
vsgxchange |
1.0.5 |
The following 729 ports have been updated:
port |
original version |
new version |
7zip |
22.01#1 |
23.01 |
ableton-link |
3.0.6 |
3.0.6#1 |
abseil |
20230802.0 |
20230802.1 |
ace |
7.1.1#1 |
7.1.1#2 |
ada-url |
2.6.0 |
2.6.8 |
ade |
0.1.2 |
0.1.2c |
alembic |
1.8.5 |
1.8.6 |
alsa |
1.2.8#1 |
1.2.10 |
antlr4 |
4.13.0 |
4.13.1 |
apr |
1.7.2#1 |
1.7.4 |
apr-util |
1.6.1#10 |
1.6.3 |
apsi |
0.9.0#1 |
0.9.0#2 |
arg-router |
1.3.0 |
1.4.0 |
argagg |
0.4.6#3 |
0.4.7 |
argtable3 |
3.2.1#3 |
3.2.2.f25c624 |
arrow |
12.0.1 |
13.0.0#1 |
asio |
1.28.0#1 |
1.28.1 |
asiosdk |
2.3.3#6 |
2.3.3#7 |
assimp |
5.2.5 |
5.3.1#2 |
async-mqtt |
1.0.9 |
2.0.0 |
atk |
2.38.0#7 |
2.38.0#8 |
atlmfc |
0#2 |
0#3 |
autodock-vina |
1.2.5 |
1.2.5#1 |
avro-cpp |
2022-11-07#1 |
1.11.3 |
aws-c-auth |
0.7.0 |
0.7.4 |
aws-c-cal |
0.6.0 |
0.6.2#1 |
aws-c-common |
0.8.23 |
0.9.4 |
aws-c-event-stream |
0.3.1 |
0.3.2 |
aws-c-http |
0.7.10 |
0.7.13 |
aws-c-io |
0.13.27 |
0.13.32 |
aws-c-mqtt |
0.8.14 |
0.9.6 |
aws-c-s3 |
0.3.12 |
0.3.17 |
aws-c-sdkutils |
0.1.11 |
0.1.12 |
aws-checksums |
0.1.16 |
0.1.17 |
aws-crt-cpp |
0.20.3 |
0.23.1 |
aws-sdk-cpp |
1.11.132 |
1.11.169#2 |
azmq |
1.0.3 |
2023-03-23 |
azure-core-amqp-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.2#1 |
1.0.0-beta.4 |
azure-core-cpp |
1.10.2#1 |
1.10.3 |
azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.4 |
1.0.0-beta.4#1 |
azure-identity-cpp |
1.5.1 |
1.5.1#1 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp |
1.0.0-beta.1 |
1.0.0-beta.3 |
azure-security-attestation-cpp |
1.1.0 |
1.1.0#1 |
azure-security-keyvault-administration-cpp |
4.0.0-beta.3 |
4.0.0-beta.3#1 |
azure-security-keyvault-certificates-cpp |
4.2.0 |
4.2.0#1 |
azure-security-keyvault-keys-cpp |
4.4.0 |
4.4.0#1 |
azure-security-keyvault-secrets-cpp |
4.2.0 |
4.2.0#1 |
azure-storage-blobs-cpp |
12.8.0 |
12.9.0#1 |
azure-storage-common-cpp |
12.3.3 |
12.4.0#1 |
azure-storage-files-datalake-cpp |
12.7.0 |
12.8.0#1 |
azure-storage-files-shares-cpp |
12.6.1 |
12.7.0#1 |
azure-storage-queues-cpp |
12.0.0 |
12.1.0#1 |
baresip-libre |
3.2.0#2 |
3.3.0 |
basisu |
1.11#7 |
1.16.4 |
bde | | |
behaviortree-cpp |
4.1.1 |
4.3.7 |
benchmark |
1.8.2 |
1.8.3 |
bento4 |
1.6.0-639#1 |
1.6.0-640 |
bext-wintls |
0.9.5 |
0.9.7 |
bfgroup-lyra |
1.6 |
1.6.1 |
bitmagic |
7.12.3 |
7.13.4 |
bitserializer |
0.50 |
0.65 |
blake3 |
1.4.0 |
1.5.0 |
blend2d |
2023-06-16 |
2023-06-16#1 |
blosc |
1.21.3 |
1.21.5 |
boinc |
7.22.2#2 |
7.24.1 |
boost |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0#1 |
boost-accumulators |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-algorithm |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-align |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-any |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-array |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-asio |
1.82.0#3 |
1.83.0 |
boost-assert |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-assign |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-atomic |
1.82.0#3 |
1.83.0 |
boost-beast |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-bimap |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-bind |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-build |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-callable-traits |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-chrono |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-circular-buffer |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-compatibility |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-compute |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-concept-check |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-config |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-container |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-container-hash |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-context |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-contract |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-conversion |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-convert |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-core |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-coroutine |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-coroutine2 |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-crc |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-date-time |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-describe |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-detail |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-dll |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-dynamic-bitset |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-endian |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-exception |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-fiber |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0#1 |
boost-filesystem |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-flyweight |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-foreach |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-format |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-function |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-function-types |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-functional |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-fusion |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-geometry |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-gil |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-graph |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-graph-parallel |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-hana |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-heap |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-histogram |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-hof |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-icl |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-integer |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-interprocess |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-interval |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-intrusive |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-io |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-iostreams |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0#1 |
boost-iterator |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-json |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-lambda |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-lambda2 |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-leaf |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-lexical-cast |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-local-function |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-locale |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-lockfree |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-log |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-logic |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-math |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-metaparse |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-modular-build-helper |
1.82.0#4 |
1.83.0#1 |
boost-move |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-mp11 |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-mpi |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-mpl |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-msm |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-multi-array |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-multi-index |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-multiprecision |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-mysql |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-nowide |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-numeric-conversion |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-odeint |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-optional |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-outcome |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-parameter |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-parameter-python |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-pfr |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-phoenix |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-poly-collection |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-polygon |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-pool |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-predef |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-preprocessor |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-process |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-program-options |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-property-map |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-property-map-parallel |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-property-tree |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-proto |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-ptr-container |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-python |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-qvm |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-random |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-range |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-ratio |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-rational |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-regex |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-safe-numerics |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-scope-exit |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-serialization |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-signals2 |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-smart-ptr |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-sort |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-spirit |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-stacktrace |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-statechart |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-static-assert |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-static-string |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-stl-interfaces |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-system |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-test |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-thread |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-throw-exception |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-timer |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-tokenizer |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-tti |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-tuple |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-type-erasure |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-type-index |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-type-traits |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-typeof |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-ublas |
1.82.0#3 |
1.83.0 |
boost-uninstall |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-units |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-unordered |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-url |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-utility |
1.82.0#2 |
1.83.0 |
boost-u... |
Read more
2023.08.09 Release
vcpkg (2023.07.21 - 2023.08.13)
Total port count: 2266
triplet |
ports available |
x86-windows |
2037 |
x64-windows |
2108 |
x64-windows-static |
2003 |
x64-windows-static-md |
2019 |
x64-uwp |
1159 |
arm64-windows |
1691 |
arm-uwp |
1108 |
x64-osx |
1965 |
x64-linux |
2059 |
arm-neon-android |
1421 |
x64-android |
1487 |
arm64-android |
1441 |
The following 18 ports have been added:
The following 227 ports have been updated:
- 3fd
-> 2.6.3#4
- abseil
-> 20230125.3#1
- ace
-> 7.1.1#1
- activemq-cpp
-> 3.9.5#15
- ada-url
-> 2.6.0#0
- ade
-> 0.1.2#0
- angle
-> chromium_5414#7
- [angle] Avoid link to frameworks with absolute path on macOS (by @xiaozhuai, in #32890)
- args
-> 6.4.6#0
- asio-grpc
-> 2.6.0#0
- async-mqtt
-> 1.0.6#1
- attr
-> 2.5.1#1
- autodock-vina
-> 1.2.5#0
- avro-cpp
-> 2022-11-07#1
- aws-c-auth
-> 0.7.0#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-c-cal
-> 0.6.0#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-c-common
-> 0.8.23#1
- [aws-c-common] Remove the unused openssl dependency. (by @teo-tsirpanis, in #32775)
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-c-compression
-> 0.2.17#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-c-event-stream
-> 0.3.1#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-c-http
-> 0.7.10#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-c-io
-> 0.13.27#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-c-mqtt
-> 0.8.14#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-c-s3
-> 0.3.12#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-c-sdkutils
-> 0.1.11#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-checksums
-> 0.1.16#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-crt-cpp
-> 0.20.3#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- aws-sdk-cpp
-> 1.11.132#0
- [aws-sdk-cpp] Update AWS SDK for C++ and its dependencies to 1.11.132 (by @ConorRyan, in #32884)
- azure-c-shared-utility
-> 2023-08-07#0
- azure-core-amqp-cpp
-> 1.0.0-beta.2#0
- azure-core-cpp
-> 1.10.2#1
- azure-iot-sdk-c
-> 2023-08-06#0
- azure-storage-cpp
-> 7.5.0#6
- azure-storage-files-shares-cpp
-> 12.6.1#0
- azure-uamqp-c
-> 2023-08-07#0
- azure-uhttp-c
-> 2023-08-07#0
- azure-umqtt-c
-> 2023-08-03#0
- bitsery
-> 5.2.3#0
- boost-ublas
-> 1.82.0#3
- brpc
-> 1.5.0#0
- bullet3
-> 3.25#1
- bzip2
-> 1.0.8#5
- c-ares
-> 1.19.1#0
- c89stringutils
-> 0.0.2#0
- cairomm
-> 1.17.1#0
- catch2
-> 3.4.0#0
- cgal
-> 5.5.3#0
- cli11
-> 2.3.2#0
- [cli11] update to 2.3.2 and enable precompilation (by @kiwixz, in #32704)
- clipper2
-> 1.2.2#0
- cmakerc
-> 2023-07-24#0
- cnats
-> 3.6.1#0
- configcat
-> 3.0.0#0
- cpp-async
-> 1.0.1#0
- cpp-httplib
-> 0.13.3#0
- cpprestsdk
-> 2.10.18#3
- cpptoml
-> 0.1.1#3
- curl
-> 8.2.0#0
- curlpp
-> 2018-06-15#8
- [curlpp] Change curl dependency to not include default features (by @glorantq, in #32852)
- date
-> 3.0.1#4
- daw-json-link
-> 3.19.0#0
- directx-dxc
-> 2023-03-01#2
- directxtex
-> 2023-06-13#1
- discordcoreapi
-> 1.7#0
- drogon
-> 1.8.4#4
- [drogon] fix: patch drogon redis link (by @cthulhu-irl, in #32694)
- [drogon] fix: patch to find hiredis (by @cthulhu-irl, in #32728)
- [drogon] fix drogon_ctl command not found error (by @cthulhu-irl, in #32870)
- easyhook
-> 2.7.7097.0#7
- ecsutil
Read more