PkgTemplates v0.7.46
Merged pull requests:
- Update README.md (#271) (@scls19fr)
- Rename register.yml to Register.yml (#336) (@rikhuijzer)
- Disallow invalid pkg names (#360) (@hyrodium)
- Use Julia shell in GitHub actions (#429) (@omus)
- update to actions/checkout@v4 (#431) (@visr)
- Add JET to Test plugin (#432) (@gdalle)
- Upgrade to Documenter v1 for the PkgTemplates repo itself (#435) (@gdalle)
- Fix CI badge (#436) (@gdalle)
- Update template.jl (#438) (@ValentinKaisermayer)
- Bump to v0.7.46 (#439) (@gdalle)
- Add stdlib compat bounds (#440) (@gdalle)
Closed issues: