Created by iam1337
This asset allows you to use all features of extOSC directly into the Unity Editor. To create your own OSC Editor Component, you only need to create a subclass from "OSCEditorReceiverComponent" or the "OSCEditorTransmitterComponent", and implement all the functions what you need.
Be sure to install extOSC before installing.
Old school
Just copy the Assets/extOSC.InEditor folder into your Assets directory within your Unity project, or download latest extOSC.InEditor.unitypackage.
Via openupm-cli:
openupm add com.iam1337.extosc.ineditor
Or if you don't have it, add the scoped registry to manifest.json with the desired dependency semantic version:
"scopedRegistries": [
"name": "",
"url": "",
"scopes": [
"dependencies": {
"com.iam1337.extosc": "1.19.9",
"com.iam1337.extosc.ineditor": "1.0.0",
Package Manager
Project supports Unity Package Manager. To install the project as a Git package do the following:
- In Unity, open Window > Package Manager.
- Press the + button, choose "Add package from git URL..."
- Enter "" and press Add.
This example is implemented in a file: OSCEditorReceiverComponentExample.cs
[OSCEditorComponent("Examples", "Example Receiver Component")]
public class OSCEditorReceiverComponentExample : OSCEditorReceiverComponent
#region Protected Methods
protected override void PopulateBinds(List<IOSCBind> binds)
binds.Add(new OSCBind("/editor/example", MessageReceive));
#region Private Methods
private void MessageReceive(OSCMessage message)
Debug.LogFormat("Received message: {0}", message);
This example is implemented in a file: OSCEditorTransmitterComponentExample.cs
[OSCEditorComponent("Examples", "Example Transmitter Component")]
public class OSCEditorTransmitterComponentExample : OSCEditorTransmitterComponent
#region Protected Methods
protected override void Update()
var message = new OSCMessage("/editor/example");
message.AddValue(OSCValue.String("Editor message!"));
> [email protected]
This project is under the MIT License.