Created by iam1337
extOSC (Open Sound Control Protocol) is a tool dedicated to simplify creation of applications with OSC protocol usage in Unity (Unity3d). Supported platforms are PC, Mac and Linux / iOS / tvOS / Android / Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and other.
Also extOSC is available on the Unity Asset Store for free.
- OSC with coding
Massive implementation of methods, utils, and other for simple operations with OSС through code. - OSC without coding
With extOSC components you can easily implement basic program logic in your application without coding. Components for basic functions: sending, receiving, mapping. - OSC Console
New separated console for tracking sending and receiving OSC packages: Video. - OSC Debug
New easy to use tool for debugging sending and receiving OSC packages: Video. - Map OSC packages
OSCMapping allows you to map float values: Video. - UI
Four new UI-components for easy creation of remote control apps with OSC-protocols: Video. - Addresses with masks support
You can bind addresses with mask (for instance: "/lights/*/value"). - Auto pack bundle
extOSC will bundle your packages for optimisation purposes.
And also:
- Every data type support (include Array and MIDI)
- Compatible with OS X, Windows, iOS & Android, Windows Store (Hololens and Hololens 2)
- Tested with TouchOSC, VVOpenSource, OpenFrameworks and others frameworks and applications
- Examples
And much more
Old school
Just copy the Assets/extOSC folder into your Assets directory within your Unity project, or download latest extOSC.unitypackage.
Via openupm-cli:
openupm add com.iam1337.extosc
Or if you don't have it, add the scoped registry to manifest.json with the desired dependency semantic version:
"scopedRegistries": [
"name": "",
"url": "",
"scopes": [
"dependencies": {
"com.iam1337.extosc": "1.19.7"
Package Manager
Project supports Unity Package Manager. To install the project as a Git package do the following:
- In Unity, open Window > Package Manager.
- Press the + button, choose "Add package from git URL..."
- Enter "" and press Add.
// Creating a transmitter.
var transmitter = gameObject.AddComponent<OSCTransmitter>();
// Set remote host address.
transmitter.RemoteHost = "";
// Set remote port;
transmitter.RemotePort = 7001;
Or you can simple create OSCTransmitter component in Unity editor, or use Create/extOSC/OSC Manager in Hierarchy window.
// Create message
var message = new OSCMessage("/message/address");
// Populate values.
message.AddValue(OSCValue.String("Hello, world!"));
// Send message
Or you can use any extOSC/Transmitter components.
// Creating a receiver.
var receiver = gameObject.AddComponent<OSCReceiver>();
// Set local port.
receiver.LocalPort = 7001;
Or you can simple create OSCReceiver component in Unity editor, or use Create/extOSC/OSC Manager in Hierarchy window.
Bind method to special address. In address argument you can use masks like: "/message/*"
// Bind "MessageReceived" method to special address.
receiver.Bind("/message/address", MessageReceived);
Method realization:
protected void MessageReceived(OSCMessage message)
// Any code...
Or you can use any extOSC/Receiver components.
You have two ways to get the value from the message.
var value = message.Values[0].FloatValue;
// Any code...
if (message.ToFloat(out var value))
// Any code...
Other examples you can find in Examples folder.
List of useful repositories to help make extDebug easier to use:
- extOSC.InEditor - Extension to support extOSC behaviour in Unity Editor
PVS-Studio - static analyzer for C, C++, C#, and Java code.
> [email protected]
This project is under the MIT License.