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Anders Larsen edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 38 revisions

Welcome to the BIT24 wiki!

This is the project proposal for our group, 24, in norwegian:

"Utvikling av publikumsløsning for tilstand på gang/sykkel-veg. Ved å bruke posisjonsdata fra brøytebiler, mindre brøytemaskiner, feiebiler etc. ønskes det å lage en løsning for å samle inn data om (vinter)drift på gang/sykkel-veg. Dataene tenkes delt med publikum gjennom en webbasert kartløsning og/eller app hvor man kan se om det har blitt utført f.eks. brøyting på en ønsket strekning. Dette kan gjerne sees i sammenheng men en crowdsourcing-løsning hvor man kan dele informasjon om strekninger, f.eks. en app hvor man kan gi tilbakemelding på gode eller dårlig forhold på en gitt strekning. Videre vurderes det å bruke enkel og billig teknologi for å utruste utstyr som ikke i dag har mulighet til å rapportere inn posisjon. F.eks. kan mindre brøytemaskiner, sykler, feiebiler etc. tenkes utstyres med dette. Hensikten er å gi reisende god informasjon om sin reiserute, og gjennom dette bidra til økt sykling og gåinggjennom hele året. Rapportering av sensordata fra mobiler, eller andre IoT-enheter kan også være en del av en slik løsning. Kamera eller annet utstyr kan settes opp langs traseer eller knutepunkt. Værdata kan gjerne inkorporeres."

Here is our interpretation in english:

Development of a crowdsourced solution for the condition of walkways and bike roads. Using GPU data from plow trucks of different sizes, sweeper trucks, etc. the solution should gather data from walkways and bike roads. The data is intended to be shared with a user base through a web based map solution and/or an app where the user can see if for example plowing has been performed on the given road. This can be seen in combination with a crowdsourced solution where the users can share information about road segments, for example an app where the user can give feedback on good or bad conditions on a given road segment. Additionally, simple and cheap technology can be used to equip tools which do not yet have the ability to send their position. For example smaller plow trucks, bikes, sweeping trucks etc. could be equipped as such. The intent is to give travelers high quality information about their travel route, and through this increase amount of bikers and walkers throughout the year. Cameras or other equipment can be set up on alignments and points of conjunction. Weather data can be incorporated as well.


Not everything in this task can be implemented by us. Realistically, according to the customer, creation and implementation of hardware is going to take at least a year, and is outside of our field of work. Therefore, we choose to focus on the software part of the task. After a discussion with the customer, we have reduced the task to:

  • A web application
  • Weather integration
  • A map with color coded roads based on their condition(data given from companies such as Mowic, Zeekit)
  • Crowdsourced feedback
  • Login functionalities
  • Admin functionalities
  • GPS features
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