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Edge cases and possible improvements

Embrik Einang edited this page May 14, 2018 · 1 revision

This page will contain edge cases and limitations of our API to determine the possible improvements of the system.

Edge cases for the user stories

ID8: As a DG, I would like to see weather data on a given road segment.

  • We get weatherdata for a whole municipality and not local areas such as Byåsen or Midtbyen.
    • There are only to weather stations in Trondheim measuring rainfall. -Problem can be solved by using a linestring to determine a geographical area and map weather accordingly.
    • Using historical data may be the best way to go and remove weather from the API part and handle it front-end.
  • Weather may be inaccurate. Only handle weather from a 24 hour period. Weather accuracy improves with faster updates.
  • No way to track if the precipitation is snow, rain or similar. Only track mm and the degrees.

ID23: As a user of the system I want the production data to be correctly mapped to a road segment.

  • Multiple road segments within offset will be mapped to the closest.
  • Multiple roads with same coordinates (bridge over road) can cause problems.
    • If production data and a road segment crosses at 90 degree angle +- 30 degrees or so it should be ignored. There might be unknown edge cases.
  • We do not track which side of the road that are being maintained, both sides are one segment.
  • Production data is mapped on an individual basis, not as part of a sequence of data points. This leads to some inaccuracy and can result in some points in a sequence being incorrectly mapped to an adjacent road.
  • With equal distance to two or more road segments, one of them is selected arbitrarily.
    • The most parallel road segment will be selected.
  • There is no handling of transitions from one segment to a different one.
    • For now it maps the one of them that is a better candidate, or none.
  • Production data that we have used in our mapping are from normal roads, while the road network are for CP-roads. This can potential cause unexpected problems with mapping data for the correct road network that we do not have access to.
  • If production data and a segment does not overlap, the check for parallelity is probably not as accurate.

ID24: As a user I want the system to check if new production data belongs to a road with already existing production data.

  • Old data are removed and new data added. If only a part of the segment are maintained the production data for the whole segment will still be deleted and updated.
  • If production data older than the current data is inputted, it will be ignored.
  • If the production data is from the same time period as the current data on a segment, it will be added. This means one could insert the same data over and over and the system would accept it.

ID25: As a DG I want the system to gather, update and segment the road network and store it in the database.

  • Updating road network must be done manually. We do not detect new roads and add them automatically.
  • You cannot add only one road. Refreshing the road network is needed.
  • The fra_meter and til_meter fields on split segments are a bit imprecise. This is due to rounding up when calculating length. A segmented road may be 513 meters in length according to us when the real value is 511. Use vegref to double check if it is important.

ID27: As a DG I want to be able to retreive the attributes of a given road segment.

  • ???
  • Not a problem anymore.

ID28: As a DP I want the API to support production data as input.

  • API supports datainput in JSON format.
    • The structure and required fields are described in the API documentation page

Possible improvements that are not handled

  • Production data
    • Setting a constraint on the material_type_code, dry_spreader_active and wet_spreader_active so that if either of the spreaders are True the material_type_code cannot be Null. Also if none of the spreaders are active the material code has to be Null.
    • Mapping to segments:
      • The sequence of data is not treated as a sequence. The entries are mapped independently, but could take the best segments of their previous and next entries into count when mapping.

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