Releases: ESP32Async/ESPAsyncWebServer
Releases · ESP32Async/ESPAsyncWebServer
What's Changed
- ESP32Async/AsyncTCP @ 3.3.7 by @mathieucarbou in #114
- feat(server): Expose server tcp state by @mathieucarbou in #113
- RPAsyncTCP upgrade by @mathieucarbou in #116
Full Changelog: v3.7.2...v3.7.3
What's Changed
- Fix CI by @mathieucarbou in #92
- Add CI for Arduino Pre-Release v3.2.0-RC1 based on ESP-IDF v5.4.0.250218 by @mathieucarbou in #94
- doc(example): Add PartitionDownloader example by @mathieucarbou in #93
- ArduinoJson @ 7.3.1 + AsyncTCP @ 3.3.6 by @mathieucarbou in #91
- Discard bytes after Content-Length by @willmmiles in #101
- Fix: Arduino Pico SDK v4.4.4 by @ayushsharma82 in #102
- Rework CI to split workflow per platform by @mathieucarbou in #103
New Contributors
- @willmmiles made their first contribution in #101
Full Changelog: v3.7.1...v3.7.2
What's Changed
- Fix IDF component configuration by @me-no-dev in #67
- doc(example): pioarduino example with hybrid compilation to show how to increase the max sockets (CONFIG_LWIP_MAX_ACTIVE_TCP) by @mathieucarbou in #69
- doc(examples): Added Upload example for text upload, binary upload and file upload by @mathieucarbou in #72
- Add ArduinoJson as dependency for ESP-IDF by @me-no-dev in #78
- Arduino core 3.1.2 based on IDF by @mathieucarbou in #77
- Arduino core 3.1.3 based on IDF by @mathieucarbou in #83
- Adding Serial.printf in WebSocket example by @mathieucarbou in #84
- fix: arduino-pico compatibility by @ayushsharma82 in #85
- v3.7.1 by @mathieucarbou in #86
New Contributors
- @ayushsharma82 made their first contribution in #85
Full Changelog: v3.7.0...v3.7.1
What's Changed
- Update CI (also test with AsyncTCP#main) by @mathieucarbou in #16
- Disable blank issue creation by @mathieucarbou in #20
- Only run CI on main and release branches by @mathieucarbou in #24
- feat: Add pre-commit CI and sync formatting settings by @lucasssvaz in #22
- fix(sse): break loop after erasing client by @mathieucarbou in #29
- fix(ws): break loop after erasing client by @mathieucarbou in #30
- Introduce AsyncWebServerVersion.h to more easily manage library version by @mathieucarbou in #17
- Update license headers by @mathieucarbou in #15
- (ci): Add script to prepare a next release by @mathieucarbou in #31
- (ci): Rename workflow filename to publish-pio-registry.yml by @mathieucarbou in #32
- (doc) Documentation update by @mathieucarbou in #35
- AsyncTCP v3.3.3 by @mathieucarbou in #36
- Split SimpleServer in multiple examples by @mathieucarbou in #38
- New issue report template by @mathieucarbou in #40
- doc(examples) Improve Params example by @mathieucarbou in #42
- fix(http): Status 404 should be returned by default when no notFoundHandler is set. This is not an internal server error. by @mathieucarbou in #45
- Add the option to add multiple headers with the same name by @me-no-dev in #48
- Update links for ESPurna and FauxmoESP by @maximal in #52
- doc(wiki): Moving doc to Wiki by @mathieucarbou in #55
- fix(mem): Log an error when a memory allocation fails by @mathieucarbou in #51
- feat(http): Skipping Middleware by @mathieucarbou in #50
- feat(http) Request Continuation support by @mathieucarbou in #41
- feat(http): Add ability to abort a request by @mathieucarbou in #56
- AsyncTCP v3.3.4 by @mathieucarbou in #61
- ESP32Async/AsyncTCP @ 3.3.5 by @mathieucarbou in #62
- fix(mem): allocation checks and request abort on failed allocation by @mathieucarbou in #57
- fix typo by @DRSDavidSoft in #64
- Add integration for IDF Component Manager by @me-no-dev in #63
New Contributors
- @lucasssvaz made their first contribution in #22
- @me-no-dev made their first contribution in #48
- @maximal made their first contribution in #52
- @DRSDavidSoft made their first contribution in #64
Full Changelog: v3.6.2...v3.7.0
What's Changed
- fix: Set ASYNCWEBSERVER_USE_CHUNK_INFLIGHT to 1 by default by @mathieucarbou in #10
Full Changelog: v3.6.1...v3.6.2
What's Changed
- fix typo by @thijstriemstra in #2
- Introduce -D ASYNCWEBSERVER_USE_CHUNK_INFLIGHT=0|1 to be able to enabled/disable inflight in chunk response by @mathieucarbou in #7
- doc: Update example for issue #6 by @mathieucarbou in #8
New Contributors
- @thijstriemstra made their first contribution in #2
- @mathieucarbou made their first contribution in #7
Full Changelog: v3.6.0...v3.6.1
This first release is aligned with
Full Changelog: