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Releases: DS-Homebrew/nds-bootstrap


20 Aug 06:07
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Included in TWiLight Menu++ v9.1.0 and later.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • ROMs can now be AP-patched on-the-fly!
    Path of the AP-fix .ips patch is specified in nds-bootstrap.ini as AP_FIX_PATH (written by TWLMenu++, starting with v9.1.0).
  • ROMs can no longer be booted in DSi mode on retail DSi consoles, due to memory limitations.


27 Jul 21:54
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Included in TWiLight Menu++ v9.0.0 and later.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • A widescreen cheat in wideCheatData.bin can now be used.
  • (@ahezard) Improved DMA read method. No longer uses the sleep function on arm9.
  • If game is being loaded from a flashcard, cheat data is now read from there, instead of the SD card.
  • DSi-enhanced DSiWare (Pop Island: Paperfields, for example) can now be booted in DS mode.
  • Added reading sound frequency setting (separate from TWLMenu++'s .ini file).

Known bug

  • Pop Island: Paperfields, crashes on, or after the Licensed by Nintendo and ESRB screen.


26 Jun 06:20
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Included in TWiLight Menu++ v8.5.0.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • Save file can now be read from a flashcard.
  • hb: Language set in the app's .ini file is now read.

Bug fix

  • The touch mode switch code has been fixed, so now volume control works properly without a workaround, and the few users with touch not working, should work for them now.


12 Jun 22:06
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Included in TWiLight Menu++ v8.4.0, and the 6/12 release of the SD forwarder pack.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

Bug fix

  • hb: Fixed touch not working, and the Japanese language always being used.


12 Jun 20:14
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Included in TWiLight Menu++ v8.4.0, and the 6/12 release of the SD forwarder pack.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • Games can now be read from a flashcard!
    Save data will still only be read from the SD card, and this app will still only work on the DSi and 3DS.
    SDK5 game compatibility is the same as on the SD card, and SDK1-4 games work as well, but some of those games will not work.
  • hb: DSi mode setting is now read.
    If some homebrew do not work with DSi mode, please set it back to DS mode.

Bug fix

  • Fixed homebrew sometimes booting to a white screen.

v0.20.0: More save fixes

07 Jun 21:33
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Included in TWiLight Menu++ v8.3.0, and the 6/7 release of the SD forwarder pack.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • WarioWare DIY now saves, thanks to implementing NAND save function patching.
  • Jam with the Band now boots, but cannot proceed, due to a save error message appearing.
  • DSi-Exclusive cart games now boot up to the point where is says that it can only be played on Nintendo DSi consoles, though some will white screen instead.

Bug fixes

  • Some games such as Pac n' Roll, Micro Machines, and Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, now save to the SD card.
  • MapleStory now boots again.
  • Some games that show a white screen with sound still playing, will no longer show a white screen.

Known bug

  • Reported by ysb: Only high score data and story progression are saved in WW DIY.


15 May 14:44
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NOTE: This should hopefully be the last release for a while. :P

Included in TWiLight Menu++ v8.2.3.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?/Bug fix

  • The size of sd:/_nds/nds-bootstrap/cheatData.bin is now checked before being loaded.
    Should slightly speed up the file loading, in case if it's small.

v0.19.4: Cheat fix

14 May 06:20
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Included in TWiLight Menu++ v8.2.1.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?/Bug fix

  • Cheats are now loaded from sd:/_nds/nds-bootstrap/cheatData.bin.
    This allows more cheats to be loaded, and are always loaded, as a result.


13 May 06:23
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Included in TWiLight Menu++ v8.2.0 and the 5/13 release of the SD card forwarder pack.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • A Please wait... screen is now shown, if no FAT table cache file or patch offset cache file exists, or is outdated.
  • The Error! screen has been changed to a An error has occurred screen.


03 May 19:34
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • Pokemon Dash now partially boots on both DSi and 3DS!
    If you used forced DSi mode for it to boot on DSi in the previous versions, this nds-bootstrap version removes the requirement.
  • Due to the fast booting in v0.19.0 and v0.19.1, the loading screens have been removed, though the red X error screen is left intact.
    Currently, the regular one is left intact in the build that runs homebrew games/apps.

Bug fix

  • The random white screen crash when booting a game is fixed, as this version is compiled on my side, and does not come from TWLBot.

Known bugs

  • The JAP version of Pokemon Dash does not boot.
  • The title screen in Pokemon Dash can not be passed.