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Releases: DS-Homebrew/nds-bootstrap


07 Mar 22:40
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Released around 12PM MST.
Re-released to patch a bug making thumb SDK5 games (Avatar, Pokémon B2W2, etc.) not work.

Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • DSi: Bothered by seeing white lines over your screens when pressing POWER, soft-resetting, or exiting back to TWLMenu++?
    nds-bootstrap will instead now instantly make both screens white, where the white lines are now less visible!
  • When soft-resetting, the nds-bootstrap logo will now not be shown, if saving FAT table cache is turned off.
    This does not apply to forced soft-resets.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed some games triggering a forced reboot when holding L+R+START+SELECT, such as MegaMan Zero Collection.
    Instead, you can now force a soft-reset by holding L+R+START+SELECT for 2 seconds, for games that don't reset with that button combo.
  • In hopes of fixing corruption bug for SD cards above 32GB, NDMA is no longer used for reading the existing FAT table cache.

Known bug

  • Version number file contains v0.30.2 instead of v0.30.1, due to the re-release originally going to be released as v0.30.2.

v0.30.0: Soft-reset world

03 Mar 02:24
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.
  4. To those who have used the nightly builds that featured soft-reset, please delete patchOffsetCache at sd:/_nds/nds-bootstrap/.

What's new?/Bug fix

  • After 2 long years, proper soft-reset implementation has finally come!
    Access Minigames in NSMB, Battle Mode in Bomberman 2, London Life in Professor Layton and the Specter, and more!
    Other soft-reset events, such as exiting WiFi settings, as well as returning to title screen, have been fixed.

What's new?

  • An external soft-reset backend ID can be read at sd:/_nds/nds-bootstrap/srBackendId.bin, whenever a soft-reset event triggers. It contains the 8-byte TID that can be found in DSiWare-type titles, at 0x230.
    This is added by any forwarder for 3DS consoles.

Bug fixes

  • 3DS: Chances of resetting or returning to TWLMenu++ failing, has been lowered.
    If you're an O3DS user, chances are the same as before.
  • DSi: HiyaCFW is no longer required to reset your game.
  • Fixed Infinite Space not booting.
  • B4DS: Fixed Plants vs Zombies not booting.

Known bug

  • Wii connectivity with Gen 4 Pokémon titles still doesn't work.
    This bug is not related to soft-reset.


27 Feb 22:35
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a long-standing bug where E-type cheats wouldn't work, as well as making a game not start!
    (Special thanks to @ahezard!)
  • Fixed FAT table cache still being created and/or read, even when turned off.

Known bug

  • The E type still doesn't work 100%.


21 Feb 01:14
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Please delete fatTable folder in sd:/_nds/nds-bootstrap/. (If you're on v0.29.0)
  2. Download the .7z file.
  3. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  4. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

Bug fix

  • Fixed a regression bug that broke Pokemon Black 2/White 2, and some other SDK5 THUMB games.


20 Feb 00:59
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Please delete fatTable folder in sd:/_nds/nds-bootstrap/.
  2. Download the .7z file.
  3. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  4. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • Add option to read/write FAT table cache.
    Setting: CACHE_FAT_TABLE, default: 0 (Off)

Bug fixes

  • Added support for a bit more DSi-Enhanced games, such as Daniel X: The UItimate Power! (Untested)
  • Reverted FAT table cache size to 512KB. This should fix issues with some files in the ROM not being read.

v0.29.0: Valentine's Day release

14 Feb 06:22
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • B4DS: Increase game compatibility by using the DS Memory Expansion Pak!
    This makes some games such as FabStyle, Pokemon B/W 1&2, Pokemon Conquest, Professor Layton 3 and 4, and Transformers Prime, work in B4DS, as well as applying AP fixes to overlay areas.
  • DSi: The DMA ROM read LED can now be changed separate from the regular ROM read LED.
  • hb: Added RAM disk templates for SMS and GG ROMs.


  • Loading speeds have once again been improved.
    In some instances, it's faster than regular cart speeds!
  • More DMA card read improvements!
    cardSetDma is now patched, instead of cardReadDma.

Bug fixes

  • Wario: Master of Disguise now boots!
  • Tony Hawk's American Sk8land no longer crashes randomly.
  • Fixed compatibility for Tetris DS (Korea).
  • Fixed top screen going black for non .nds files.
  • B4DS: The log file is now made, when logging is enabled.

v0.28.1: TWL Christmas release

25 Dec 21:07
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • libeasysave is now used for reading nds-bootstrap.ini.

Bug fix

  • As a result, files with ; in it's name, will now work.


25 Nov 07:07
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • A wider range of DSi-Enhanced games are now supported, such as Power Pro Kun Pocket 13 and 14!

v0.27.1: DS Browser support

18 Nov 23:35
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • Added support for Nintendo DS Browser, by emulating the Memory Expansion Pak, using the extra RAM of the DSi or 3DS!
  • Before the game boots, a message is now shown, when creating a RAM dump or FAT table file, if not created already.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed .nds only being replaced for the .bin filenames.
  • DSi: Removed ROM loading into RAM, for SDK5/TWLSDK games, as they were broken in the last release.
  • DSi: If the overlay size exceeds the RAM size, they are no longer loaded into RAM, before game boot.
    Fixes Lunar Knights.

Known bug (DSi only?)

  • In Nintendo DS Browser, sleep mode does not work, and attempting to enter sleep mode will power on/off the screens in a loop.


02 Nov 01:34
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap (or B4DS, for DS-mode flashcards) .nds files, to root:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to root:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new? (nds-bootstrap)

  • Now confirmed working on CycloDS iEvolution, with DSi mode set in CycloDSi settings!
    You can also run DSi-Enhanced games in DS mode, without switching back to DSL mode in CycloDSi settings.
  • DLDI driver is no longer re-inited, when booting a game.
    This should fix support for Acekard 2i.
  • DSi/3DS SD card: You can now dump the RAM!
    To do so, hold L+R+DOWN+A for 2 seconds. The sound (and maybe game) will pause during dumping.
    The dump will be at sd:/_nds/nds-bootstrap/.
  • The cardEngine arm7 binary is now loaded in main RAM for DSiWarehax users running SDK5/TWLSDK games.
    Improves chances of SDK5 games booting.