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Releases: DS-Homebrew/nds-bootstrap

v0.19.1: Fast boot plus

29 Apr 06:43
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • A FAT table .bin file is now created for each game, so the next time it is launched, both the .bin file and the patchOffsetCache one will be loaded, so the game will boot much faster.

Bug fixes

  • A patchOffsetCache .bin file is no longer used for Mario vs Donkey Kong 2, due to it crashing after the file creation.
  • DSi users: nds-bootstrap now works on Unlaunch alone, and HiyaCFW is now optional! (Recently discovered by @Epicpkmn11)

v0.19.0: Fast boot!

28 Apr 05:55
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

NOTE: If you used an nds-bootstrap nightly from b6bc3b0 to 9976426, please delete the patchOffsetCache folder at sd:/_nds/nds-bootstrap.

What's new?

  • On first launch of a game using this version, the offsets for functions to be patched, are now cached into a file in a folder called patchOffsetCache.
    As a result, on the next launch, the game will boot faster.
  • If a file called fatTable.bin (created by TWLMenu++, starting with v8.1.0) exists at sd:/_nds/nds-bootstrap, soft-reset times will be faster, as well as no loading screen, when doing the soft-reset button combo.

Bug fixes

  • Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs, now boots again.
    Use TWLMenu++ v8.1.0 or later, to fix the crash after the top screen symbol fades out, without the need to hold L.
  • The random crashes have been fixed in Digimon World DS.
  • Fixed the glitched background in Geometry Wars Galaxies, the BG of the Licensed by Nintendo screen in Anno 1701, the glitched screen in Pokemon Dash and Phantasy Star 0, and some other games that may have glitched backgrounds.
  • Fixed top screen not showing in Picross DS, Geometry Wars Galaxies, and some other games that may have that bug.

Known bug

  • Cheats now only work sometimes.


15 Apr 15:29
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • (@ahezard) arm9 side of cardEngine can now loaded into cached memory region for SDK1-4 games.
    This slightly speeds up load times for games using those SDKs.
    Starting with TWLMenu++ v8.0.0, it's loaded there by default. If some games previously working in v0.17.1 aren't working, hold L after pressing whatever button to launch the game, to move ce9 out of cached memory. (Holding L will not work in the Acekard theme.)
  • (@ahezard) Boot indicator is now set for SDK1-4 games as well. (Was previously only set for SDK5 games.)
    Fixes support for some games that worked in previous nds-bootstrap versions, such as Digimon World DS, Phineas and Ferb, etc.
  • (@RocketRobz) Fossil Fighters Champions now works.
  • (@ahezard) Minimal card DMA implementation.
  • (@ahezard, @RocketRobz) Proper card/chip ID is now generated for your ROM. May improve some compatibility.
  • (@RocketRobz) iQue game compatibility fixed. The Only for iQue DS message is no longer shown.


  • Metroid Prime Hunters may load a bit slower now.


15 Feb 02:50
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, damianoamatruda, and arraystock.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • The arm9 side of cardEngine can now be set to be loaded in a cached region of the main RAM, instead of an non-cached region.
    This gives a bit of speed-up for some games, but makes some games not work.
    TWiLight Menu++ (starting with v7.4.0) already determines which games set ce9 to be loaded into cached memory region, so you won't need to set it manually.
  • Color mode option added. Only works with the custom loading screens for now.
    Can be set in TWiLight Menu++ settings (starting with v7.4.0).

v0.17.0: Loading Screen Mayhem

01 Feb 20:54
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, and damianoamatruda.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • A simple loading screen has been added. (made by @FlameKat53)
  • A custom loading screen can now be used!
    Your .bmp file should be placed in one of these locations:
    The .bmp file should be named 0.bmp. If it's an animated loading screen, then also add 1.bmp, 2.bmp, etc. (up to 29.bmp).
    The animated loading screen will loop after it's frames are shown.
    Supported frame rates are 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, and 30.
    You will need to open the theme's .ini file (config.ini, for the DSi and 3DS themes), and add the data for the loading screen, beginning with [loading screen] (or [Loading], if it's an R4 theme):
frames = 29 (can be from 0 up to 29)
fps = 30 (use one of the supported frame rates)

First letter of the two settings must be capitalized for the R4 theme.
Finally, set the loading screen to TWLMenu++ theme in the TWiLight Menu++ settings screen!

v0.16.0: RAM disk support for homebrew!

18 Jan 06:24
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, and damianoamatruda.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • RAM disk support has been added for homebrew!
    You can load a .img file up to 12MB if you're on DSi, or 28MB if you're on 3DS, to the console's main RAM, and be free from either a flashcard or the console's SD card.
    This increases DLDI homebrew compatibility a lot, though very few may still not work (ex. Moonshell v1.x, which works fine from SD card).
    The RAM disk .img path will be saved to the .ini file by TWiLight Menu++ (starting with v7.2.0).
    Use this program to create RAM disk .img files.
  • Loading screen has been ported over from retail game build to homebrew build of nds-bootstrap.
    It will only be shown when using a RAM disk .img file, or else it will either be shown for a split-second, or not be shown at all.
  • The DC_FlushRange code is no longer ran when reading from SD card. May improve loads speeds a tiny bit.

v0.15.0: Return of homebrew compatiblity

12 Jan 00:50
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, and damianoamatruda.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract both .nds files, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • Homebrew compatibility is back! Compatibility should be more or less the same as on v0.0.3.
    NOTE: This currently does not work with SnemulDS, due to it having a different interrupt dispatcher from libnds-compiled homebrew.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed returning to TWiLight Menu++ with L+R+DOWN+B for 2 secs, if v7.1.0 or later is installed.
    This feature will no longer work with TWiLight Menu++ v7.0.0 or prior, unless if the TWiLight Menu++ CIA from v7.1.0 is installed.
  • Fixed save issues in some games that didn't have them before.
    Some games may still have the issue, even with the fix implemented (ex. DBZ Supersonic Warriors 2).


  • GBARunner2 now doesn't work. Use TWiLight Menu++'s GBARunner2 feature, as an older version of nds-bootstrap is used there.

v0.14.1: Load-speed boost release

05 Jan 07:15
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, and damianoamatruda.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the .nds file, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • Loading speeds have improved for some thumb games.
    swi Halt is no longer hooked into (as it isn't for thumb games), and instead, timer 0 and 1 overflow IRQs are hooked into.
    As a result, lags in GTA Chinatown Wars are now minimal.
  • In addition, load speeds are now much faster in SDK5 games!
    As a result, there's no more overworld lag in Pokemon B&W 1&2!

Bug fixes

  • To work around the crashing while loading SNES Choco Island, Mario Kart DS is no longer loaded into RAM on 3DS consoles.
  • Fixed soft-reset not working on DSi consoles with HiyaCFW.

v0.14.0 RC1

27 Dec 05:54
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, and damianoamatruda.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the .nds file, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • NDMA is now utilized more for SD reads. Saves the arm7 CPU from overhead.
    Fixes most overworld lags in Pokemon B2W2, and sound pauses during loading in some thumb games.

Bug fixes

  • Sound issues, such as pops and crackles, are seemingly fixed.
  • Fixed crashing in some games.


  • Some games, mostly thumb ones (such as GTA:CW), may load slower than usual.


12 Dec 23:27
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Credits: ahezard, Gericom, Apache Thunder, RocketRobz, _catcatcat, shutterbug2000, and damianoamatruda.


  1. Download the .7z file.
  2. Extract the .nds file, to sd:/_nds.
  3. Extract the .ver file to sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu.

What's new?

  • Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story finally works!
    Note that you will need to AP-patch the game, if not already, or else you won't be able to select a save/start a new game.