This utility is a monitoring tool which allows analysing of k8s application and its wellbeing.
It could be Amazon EC2 instance based on the image "Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-0e8c04af2729ff1bb (64-bit x86)" Ssh to the VM.
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y git
git clone
export SLACK_CHANNEL=skynet
export SHADOWCAT_BOT_TOKEN="xoxb-******"
Slack Bot App is to be created in advance, the app is to be added into the Slack channel and granted requried permisions. Permissions required for the app: calls:read, calls:write, chat:write, files:write. For backward notifications by buttons it is needed to manually set Request URL for the app on Slack site: It is because there is no way to do it dynamically.
For the first run you will be asked to provide your Amazon access key and secret key as the applicaion needs to control Amazon EKS. Your IAM account needs to have rights to control Amazon EKS.
# provide name of cluster and context
export CLUSTER_NAME='istio-demo-cluster'
export CONTEXT_NAME='istio-demo'
- Start loading
- Wait for a few seconds
- Start collecting
- Wait till collecting gather about 30+ smaples
- Stop lerining mode
- Start stress reviews-v1
- Wait till anomalies be detected (it might take some time - usually ~1min+)
- Go to slack channel provided in options and check graphs
- Response with 'Describe Suggested RunBook' => check description in slack channel
- Response with 'Use Suggested RunBook' => go demo application, check that problematic pod is replaced and anomalies are gone