Releases: Bleeding-Action-Man/ServerTools
Releases · Bleeding-Action-Man/ServerTools
ServerTools - v1.5.2
ServerTools - v1.5.1
- [fix] Client log files flooding with KFGT is not found/none
- [misc] Removed redundant SP classes
ServerTools - v1.5
- [feature] GUI is now 100% supporting 1080p & 720p
- [feature] GUI is now 100% supporting ServerPerks positioning (Thanks to @scaryghost), please delete your CustomServerPerks that you downloaded with the old version, and use the original default ServerPerks!
- [feature] Ability to disable all GUI buttons except Admin Only & VoteSkip (To make it more player-friendly)
- [misc] Mutator rename to ServerTools & config rename to ServerTools_Config
KF-ServerTools v1.4.4
- [fix] TraderBoost message showing for players more than once
KF-ServerTools v1.4.3
- [fix] Wrong
method used for BoostMe
KF-ServerTools v1.4.2
- [feature] Full
Trader Boost
code rework
KF-ServerTools v1.4.1
- [misc] Small format to DeadPlayers list
KF-ServerTools v1.4
Thanks to VitalVomits for reporting critical bug, that made me rework how some of the code works.
- [fix] GUI Buttons not working at all if you are using custom commands (not default config)
- [fix] Default Trader value not changing in GUI after you apply a new value
- [clean-up] Full code indentation cleanup
- [misc] Some ServerMessages formatting (and on new line to avoid having cut-off messages
- [misc] Slight fix to the Sample Config
KF-ServerTools v1.3r
- [fix] Finally fixed Rev codes not working properly
- [feature] Trader Speed boost
- [misc] Small formatting for some notifications
- [fix] Votes not resetting properly after given time
KF-ServerTools v1.6b
Changelog (v1.5 + v1.6)
- [feature] New mutate command to show list of all dead players with their rev code
- [fix] Skip votes not clearing from wave to another
- [fix] Rev process now works with playerID
- [fix] Console messages showing on new lines
- [fix] Switched to bOutOflives rather than pawn.Health
- [fix] Dosh not being properlly deducted from a reviver
- [misc] KFGameType consistency in vars declaration