Releases: Bleeding-Action-Man/ServerTools
Releases · Bleeding-Action-Man/ServerTools
KF-ServerTools v1.4b
- [feature] Now players can start a voteskip; once votes = number of players, trader will be skipped
- [fix] Small fixes for other functions
KF-ServerTools v1.3b
- [fix] Made notification messages better and more pretty
- [fix] Revive teammates small bug fixes
- [fix] Small changes to how ServerMessages are sent (Or when they are sent)
KF-ServerTools v1.2r
- [misc] You can now show player rev codes even if they're alive
KF-ServerTools v1.2b
- [fix] Several fixes for Revive mechanism
- [feature] Players can now attempt revival of other players, or everyone who is dead
- [fix] Text formatting for notifications
KF-ServerTools v1.1r
- [feature] Skip trader vote time is now a config variable
- [fix] Revive codes not working properly
KF-ServerTools v1.1b
- Initial Release
- [feature] Revive yourself with a dosh fee
- [feature] Better security for mutate commands, now you can select players who have permissions
- [feature] Better logging for devs and admins
- [feature] Mutate help command
- [feature] Better colorful messages
- [fix] Several bugs in previous Mut code
KF-ServerTools v1.0
First Public Release
Below change-log is what have been changed from the last private release
- Esc menu addition
- [feature] Vote Collecting global message
- [fix] Vote Collecting
- [fix] Spectators being part of the voting pool
- [fix] Issues with ESC-Menu mechanics
- [misc] Slight more logging
- [feature] Revive options in ESC-Menu
- [feature] Help button in ESC-Menu
- [fix] Server Messages to avoid spamming
- [misc] Most ServerMessages reformatted
And some other micro fixes/changes
KF-ServerTools v1.1
- [fix] Revive codes not working properly
- [feature] Vote reset time is not a config variable