ConcoursJeunes is a free Archery contest managment software.
Initially dedicated to the special youth competitions of the FFTA (French Archery Federation), the application can however be used for all types of archery competitions.
Application is published under the open source CeCILL V2.0 (An French Right licence compatible with GPL)
Download setup-ConcoursJeunes-[last release version].exe in release and execute it.
For debian like distributions (debian, ubuntu, ...), download concoursjeunes_[last release version]_all.deb and run:
sudo dpkg -i concoursjeunes_*_all.deb
For Red Hat like distributions (fedora, rhel, suse, ...), download concoursjeunes_[last release version]_all.deb and run:
sudo rpm -i ConcoursJeunes-*.noarch.rpm
For other distributions, download ConcoursJeunes-[last release version].tar.gz Extract archive in a directory and, in this directory run:
sudo make install
Clone current repository
Install, if not already installed, "apache ant" (
Install, if not already installed, "apache ivy" (
Download pre-requiered resources with command:
ant -f projectBuilder.xml buildgenaratedressources
Get dependencies with command:
ant -buildfile build.xml resolve
At this point you can build and run application with eclipse, vscode or ideaj