Releases: 00-Evan/shattered-pixel-dungeon
v3.0 includes Shattered's second new playable character! The Cleric is a divine spellcaster who learns and upgrades spells via the talent system! They're releasing with 2 subclasses, 3 armor abilities, and over 30 different spells! There are also visual improvements, a new title graphic, and loads of smaller changes!
Blog posts related to this update:
- Status Update: v3.0 Coming Soon!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: The Cleric!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: A Sixth Hero!
The following builds of Shattered Pixel Dungeon are available for this update:
Android 4.0(API 14)+ Devices:
You can directly download the open-source Android build and the Google Play build from Github.
iOS 11+ Devices:
Due to Apple's Developer Agreements, I am not currently able to offer a direct download for iOS.
Computers: (OpenGL 2.0+ GPU)
You can directly download the open-source Windows (7 SP1+), MacOS (10.10+), and Linux (glibc 2.17+) builds from Github.
There is also an open-source multi-platform JAR build, which requires a separate installation of Java 8+.
original release date: February 27th, 2025
latest patch date: February 27th, 2025
internal version number: 831
v2.5 includes a total overhaul to the journal, some new trinkets, and tonnes of smaller tweaks and balance changes.
There are also new splash arts for each of the dungeons regions, viewable during loading screens! Be sure to check the changes screen for full details.
Blog posts related to this update:
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: New Trinkets and Splash Art!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: A Journal Overhaul!
The following builds of Shattered Pixel Dungeon are available for this update:
Android 4.0(API 14)+ Devices:
You can directly download the open-source Android build and the Google Play build from Github.
iOS 11+ Devices:
Due to Apple's Developer Agreements, I am not currently able to offer a direct download for iOS.
Computers: (OpenGL 2.0+ GPU)
You can directly download the open-source Windows (7 SP1+), MacOS (10.10+), and Linux (glibc 2.17+) builds from Github.
There is also an open-source multi-platform JAR build, which requires a separate installation of Java 8+.
original release date: September 11th, 2024
latest patch date: October 9th, 2024
internal version number: 802
v2.4 features a new category of item: trinkets! They are more about tweaking gameplay variables than giving direct power or utility. There are also a bunch of smaller additions and tweaks, most notably to the Duelist and to Alchemy.
Blog posts related to this update:
The following builds of Shattered Pixel Dungeon are available for this update:
Android 4.0(API 14)+ Devices:
You can directly download the open-source Android build and the Google Play build from Github.
iOS 11+ Devices:
Due to Apple's Developer Agreements, I am not currently able to offer a direct download for iOS.
Computers: (OpenGL 2.0+ GPU)
You can directly download the open-source Windows (7 SP1+), MacOS (10.10+), and Linux (glibc 2.17+) builds from Github.
There is also an open-source multi-platform JAR build, which requires a separate installation of Java 8+.
original release date: May 15th, 2024
latest patch date: June 5th, 2024
internal version number: 782
v2.3 includes a second gnoll-themed variant for the new caves quest! There are also some smaller item additions, visual improvements to floating text, and the usual slew of small tweaks and bugfixes.
Blog posts related to this update:
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.3.0!
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2024
- Coming Soon to Shattered: The Gnoll Caves Quest!
The following builds of Shattered Pixel Dungeon are available for this update:
Android 4.0(API 14)+ Devices:
You can directly download the open-source Android build and the Google Play build from Github.
iOS 11+ Devices:
Due to Apple's Developer Agreements, I am not currently able to offer a direct download for iOS.
Computers: (OpenGL 2.0+ GPU)
You can directly download the open-source Windows (7 SP1+), MacOS (10.10+), and Linux (glibc 2.17+) builds from Github.
There is also an open-source multi-platform JAR build, which requires a separate installation of Java 8+.
v2.3.0 (i.e. v2.3 prior to any patches) was the last Shattered release that supports iOS 9 and 10, future updates require iOS 11 or higher.
original release date: January 18th, 2024
latest patch date: January 31st, 2024
internal version number: 768
v2.2.0 includes a brand new quest in the caves, almost 20 minutes of new music, and substantial improvements to the prison and sewers quests! There's also the usual bunch of big and small tweaks and bugfixes.
Blog posts related to this update:
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.2.0!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: The Crystal Caves Quest!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: A New Quest! …Eventually
- Coming Soon to Shattered: Sub-Floors and Digging!
The following builds of Shattered Pixel Dungeon are available for this update:
Android 4.0(API 14)+ Devices:
You can directly download the open-source Android build and the Google Play build from Github.
iOS 9+ Devices:
Due to Apple's Developer Agreements, I am not currently able to offer a direct download for iOS.
Computers: (OpenGL 2.0+ GPU)
You can directly download the open-source Windows (7 SP1+), MacOS (10.10+), and Linux (glibc 2.17+) builds from Github.
There is also an open-source multi-platform JAR build, which requires a separate installation of Java 8+.
This release includes ~20 minutes of new music, and so there is a notable increase in download size.
original release date: October 18th, 2023
latest patch date: October 26th, 2023
internal version number: 754
v2.1 includes a bunch of Duelist balance changes, three new weapons, two new exotic enemies, and a bunch of big and small tweaks and bugfixes.
Blog posts related to this update:
- Coming Soon to Shattered: Sub-Floors and Digging!
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.1.0!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: Duelist Buffs and Additions!
The following builds of Shattered Pixel Dungeon are available for this update:
Android 4.0(API 14)+ Devices:
You can directly download the open-source Android build and the Google Play build from Github.
iOS 9+ Devices:
Due to Apple's Developer Agreements, I am not currently able to offer a direct download for iOS.
Computers: (OpenGL 2.0+ GPU)
You can directly download the open-source Windows (7 SP1+), MacOS (10.10+), and Linux (glibc 2.17+) builds from Github.
There is also an open-source multi-platform JAR build, which requires a separate installation of Java 8+.
original release date: June 2nd, 2023
latest patch date: July 9th, 2023
internal version number: 736
v2.0.0 includes Shattered's first ever new playable character! The Duelist is a melee weapons specialist who has a unique ability for every weapon in the game. Just like the other heroes, she has 2 subclasses, 3 armor abilities, and 26 talents!
Blog posts related to this update:
- ShatteredPD is now available on GOG and Itch!
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.0.0!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: A New Hero!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: The Duelist!
The following builds of Shattered Pixel Dungeon are available for this update:
Android 4.0(API 14)+ Devices:
You can directly download the open-source Android build and the Google Play build from Github.
iOS 9+ Devices:
Due to Apple's Developer Agreements, I am not currently able to offer a direct download for iOS.
Computers: (OpenGL 2.0+ GPU)
You can directly download the open-source Windows (7 SP1+), MacOS (10.10+), and Linux (glibc 2.17+) builds from Github.
There is also an open-source multi-platform JAR build, which requires a separate installation of Java 8+.
This is the first release of Shattered that offers native desktop executables! They don't require java, but are notably larger than the existing .JAR distribution.
original release date: March 13th, 2023
latest patch date: April 17th, 2023
internal version number: 700
v1.4 is focused on new in-game lore and loads of other miscellaneous improvements. There are 30 pages of story text to find, a new ring, various reworks, a new tutorial, and over a hundred smaller tweaks and fixes!
Blog posts related to this update:
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon v1.4.0!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: Lore and the Big Patch!
- Status Update: v1.4.0
The following builds are available for this update:
The game is also available from a number of distribution platforms, including Google Play, the App Store, and Steam. If you have installed the game through one of those, you should try to update from there first. It may take a day or two before a new update becomes available.
- ShatteredPD-v1.4.3-Android.apk: Open source build of the game for Android phones.
- ShatteredPD-v1.4.3-GPlay.apk: Google Play build of the game. Has a few extras that use Google Services.
- ShatteredPD-v1.4.3-Desktop.jar: Open source build of the game for desktop computers. Requires java.
original release date: October 4th, 2022
latest patch date: November 1st, 2022
internal version number: 668
v1.3 includes a variety of additions and improvements, including a new scoring system, custom seeds and daily runs, and a harder alternate ending! There are also some new and changed badges, various UI and control improvements, and a bunch of balance tweaks.
Blog posts related to this update:
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon v1.3.0!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: Badges and Ascension!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: Seeded Runs!
The following builds are available for this update:
The game is also available from a number of distribution platforms, including Google Play, the App Store, and Steam. If you have installed the game through one of those, you should try to update from there first. It may take a day or two before a new update becomes available.
- ShatteredPD-v1.3.2-Android.apk: Open source build of the game for Android phones.
- ShatteredPD-v1.3.2-GPlay.apk: Google Play build of the game. Has a few extras that use Google Services.
- ShatteredPD-v1.3.2-Desktop.jar: Open source build of the game for desktop computers. Requires java.
original release date: July 6th, 2022
latest patch date: July 27th, 2022
internal version number: 648
v1.2 is the first version of Shattered built for computers! It has a bunch of improvements for users on larger screens and who play with controllers or mouse and keyboard! There are also several content changes, including new special rooms, a rework to the Master Thieves' Armband, and various improvements to spell items.
Blog posts related to this update:
- ShatteredPD v1.2.0 and Steam Release!
- Coming Soon to Shattered: New Content and Steam!
- ShatteredPD will be at Steam Next Fest!
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon is Coming to Steam!
The following builds are available for this update:
The game is also available from a number of distribution platforms, including Google Play and the App Store. If you have installed the game through one of those, you should try to update from there first. It may take a day or two before a new update becomes available.
- ShatteredPD-v1.2.3-Android.apk: Open source build of the game for Android phones.
- ShatteredPD-v1.2.3-GPlay.apk: Google Play build of the game. Has a few extras that use Google Services.
- ShatteredPD-v1.2.3-Desktop.jar: Open source build of the game for desktop computers. Requires java.
This release contains new music for each boss, because of this there is a notable increase in download size.
This is also the first release to be available on Steam! The game will continue to be offered here on Github, but is now also available from other desktop distribution platforms. Note that currently only the JAR is available here, but I do plan to add platform-specific installers in the future.
original release date: Mar 23rd, 2022
latest patch date: Apr 14th, 2022
internal version number: 628