Releases: shaarli/Shaarli
v0.14.0 - 2024-12-08
- doc: add third party plugins clickcounter and targetblank by @waschinski in #2063
- doc: add shaarli-offen plugin to Community & related software by @waschinski in #2064
- doc: add Shaanti browser extension to Community & related software by @7Ds7 in #2078
- doc: add image-upload plugin to Community & related software by @bttrx in #2097
- doc: add shaarli2bluesky plugin to Community & related software by @kalvn in #2111
- doc: server configuration: allow accessing and caching SVG assets by @nodiscc in #2074
- doc: usage: document "Sticky" mode by @nodiscc in #2055
- doc: troubleshooting: add solution for
Allowed memory size of xxx bytes exhausted
by @nodiscc in #2083 - doc: usage: add opensearch/browser search engine integration instructions by @nodiscc in #2096
- doc: troubleshooting: list more cases in which title retrieval fails by @nodiscc in #2060
- frontend: improve QR code CSP compliance by @thican in #2103
- docker: update base alpine linux docker image to v3.19.4 by @nodiscc in #2051, #2054, #2067, #2088
- github actions: don't attempt to push docker image from forks by @nodiscc in #2043
- doc: changelog: minor style tweaks/standardization/spacing by @nodiscc in #2106
- github actions: run daily trivy security scans on release docker image, composer/yarn dependencies by @nodiscc in #2047
- PHP 8.x intl incompatibility: failback C locale with en_US by @ArthurHoaro in #2044
- fix description retrieval when page charset is not UTF-8 by @sokai in #1992
- fix metadata fetching for YouTube URLs by @puppe in #2069
- fix wrong date format when language is not english (Alpine icu package split) by @henschi in #2102
- doc: fix typos in special data example by @bttrx in #2098
- doc: fix broken link to 3rd party plugins by @BoboTiG in #2059
- ensure tags are unique when renaming by @kcaran in #2086
- doc: fix link to v0.13.0 release by @nodiscc in #2107
- tools: update trivy security scanner to v0.56.2 by @nodiscc in #2070, #2072, #2089, #2100
- remove
setting by @ArthurHoaro in #1971 - doc: Remove remaining references to
branch by @ArthurHoaro in #2042 - doc: contributing: IRC no longer available @nodiscc in #2082
- doc: community and related software: remove urlextern plugin (archived project) by @nodiscc in #2077
- frontend: update vulnerable npm dependencies (
npm audit fix
) by @kcaran in #2087, @nodiscc in #2056, #2101
Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.14.0
Major changes:
- Security: Fix XSS vulnerability in tag search
- Drop support for PHP 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
- Docker build: add ARM64 platform and bump Github action version by @ArthurHoaro in #1965
- github actions: build OCI images that contain both amd64 and armv7 by @nodiscc in #1962
- Expose tags_separator config through /info API by @amadeous in #1997
- tools: github actions: build docker images on pull requests by @nodiscc in #2014
- doc: server configuration: add PHP 8.2 to PHP compatibility table by @nodiscc in #2021
- Add shaarli-stack theme to by @dajare in #2028
- doc: document general.download_max_size/timeout configuration settings by @nodiscc in #2036
- doc: troubleshooting: automatic title retrieval fails when it is set by javascript by @nodiscc in #2037
- doc: update release procedure (merge the latest release to the release branch) + use the release branch for latest release version detection by @nodiscc in #1960
- Update german translation by @bschwede in #1969
- Update by @reinboldg in #1973
- Update by @nlegaillart in #1984
- doc: improve docs on usage of OR operator in tags search by @nodiscc in #1987
- docker: nginx: listen on IPv6 in addition to IPv4 by @cerebrate in #1983
- Doc update, WebSub (formerly PubSubHubbub) plugin by @clach04 in #2008
- doc: community/related software/integration with other platforms: add link to shaarli debian package by @nodiscc in #2018
- replace mkdocs with sphinx/myst-parser for HTML documentation generation, documentation improvements by @nodiscc in #2025
- Makefile: Use GNU tar if available by @ArthurHoaro in #1957
- Support: ignore disk_free_space if the function is unavailable by @ArthurHoaro in #1970
- Documentation: fix broken link to 3rd party plugins by @ArthurHoaro in #1975
- Fix autofocus: load bulk action input on linklist only by @ArthurHoaro in #1976
- doc: fix mkdocs build warnings/relative links by @nodiscc in #2015
- correct usage of hyphens in all occurences of 'super fast, database-free' by @nodiscc in #2003
- Drop support for PHP 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 by @ArthurHoaro in #1958
- doc: themes: remove unmaintained themes by @nodiscc in #2030
- doc: remove bountysource badge by @nodiscc in #2035
- Fix XSS vulnerability in tag search by @ArthurHoaro in #2039
- tools: run trivy vulnerability scanner on the 'latest' docker image by @nodiscc in #1980
- github actions: fix value of TRIVY_TARGET_DOCKER_IMAGE by @nodiscc in #1989
- tools/CI: scan repository with trivy security scanner (yarn.lock, composer.lock) by @nodiscc in #1998
- tools/tests: update trivy to v0.44.0 by @nodiscc in #2012
- docker: update base alpine docker image to 3.16.7 by @nodiscc in #2024
Full Changelog: v0.12.2...v0.12.3
Docker Changes
Docker: use
as Docker image instead ofshaarli/shaarli
Docker image has been removed, please use:latest
Docker image has been removed, please use:release
- Bulk action: add or delete tag to multiple bookmarks
- New Core Plugin: ReadItLater
- Plugin system: allow plugins to provide custom routes
- Support search highlights when matching URL content
- Support for OR (~) and optional AND (+) operators for tag search
- Russian translation
- Chinese translation
- Export:
- Export: set a bookmark's LAST_MODIFIED attribute to its update timestamp
- Export: set a bookmark's PRIVATE attribute using an integer value
- Add an additional free disk space check before saving the datastore
- curl: support HTTP/2 response code header
- CI:
- Build and push Docker images through Github Actions
- push container images to github registry in addition to dockerhub
- Documentation:
- Add '206 not acceptable' to the Troubleshooting section
- Add mention to Shaarli Archiver
- doc: add note to adjust proxy timeouts or PHP max execution time
- doc: shaarli configuration: mention file:/// URIs
- add "formatter" key to example config.json.php
- docker latest: replace dev in shaarli_version.php with the latest commit
- Daily RSS Cache: invalidate cache base on the date
- Update Japanese translations
- Update German translations
- Templates: Inject current template name
- format_date: include timezone in IntlDateFormatter object
- Handle pagination through BookmarkService
- autocapitalize off for username input
- More intuitive label for plugin checkboxes
- Simple and uniform localized website title
- Use rewrited version of Netscape Bookmark Parser
- tests/makefile: rewrite translate target to be compatible with busybox
- PubSubHub Plugin: make 1 external call per request
- Docker:
- newer alpine (for newer PHP) and apk upgrade
- Dockerfile.armhf: upgrade python2 -> python3
- Dockerfile: add php8-gettext package
- update s6 service definition to use php-fpm8
- install php8-ldap in Docker images
- CI:
- use Github Action instead of Travis CI
- use the yarnpkg command instead of yarn
- tools: github actions: fix PHP 8.0 tests
- github actions: add tests for PHP 8.2
- Documentation:
- apache: explicitely ste index.php as DirectoryIndex
- bookmarklet is now working on
- LDAP login support, update php requirements list
- installation/tests: clarify build tools installation procedure
- doc: PHP extensions are also required for development
- doc: move OCI images hosting to
- Error handling if the datastore mutex is not working
- Synchronous metadata retrieval is failing in strict mode
- Improve metadata extraction
- Typo: 'Authentication' ->
- default_colors plugin: update CSS file on color change
- API: POST/PUT Link - properly parse tags string
- Error when using bulk shaare with a single URL
- Bulk Shaare:
- use unique HTML ID
- error with a single URL
- redirection with ending slash
- Bug when trying to access ATOM feed without bookmarks
- Documentation build
- pubsubhubbub hub link in RSS / Atom.
- Monthly views previous/next month links during month
- Resolve PHP 8.1 deprecation warnings
- Fix PHP 8 incompatibility with debug mode enabled
- Fixed Roboto-Regular and Roboto-Bold font declarations
- template/vintage: fix typo in visibility selection link
- Do not display deprecated warnings by default
- Fix a bug when using '/' as a tag separator
- Fix Logger exception: gracefully handle permission issue
- Documentation:
- fix link casing
- Daily RSS: Remove relative description (today, yesterday)
- Documentation:
- remove the markdown plugin from the plugins list
- remove duplicate "general" key in example config.php.json
nginx (#1628) and Apache (#1630) configurations have been reviewed. It is recommended that you
update yours using the documentation.
Users using official Docker image will receive updated configuration automatically.
- Bulk creation of bookmarks
- Server administration tool page (and install page requirements)
- Support any tag separator, not just whitespaces
- Share a private bookmark using a URL with a token
- Add a setting to retrieve bookmark metadata asynchronously (enabled by default)
- Highlight fulltext search results
- Weekly and monthly view/RSS feed for daily page
- MarkdownExtra formatter
- Default formatter: add a setting to disable auto-linkification
- Add mutex on datastore I/O operations to prevent data loss
- PHP 8.0 support
- REST API: allow override of creation and update dates
- Add strict types for bookmarks management
- Improve regex and performances to extract HTML metadata (title, description, etc.)
- Support using Shaarli without URL rewriting (prefix URL with
) - Improve the "Manage tags" tools page
- Use PSR-3 logger for login attempts
- Move utils classes to Shaarli\Helper namespace and folder
- Include php-simplexml in Docker image
- Raise 404 error instead of 500 if permalink access is denied
- Display error details even with dev.debug set to false
- Reviewed nginx configuration
- Reviewed Apache configuration
- Replace vimeo link in demo bookmarks due to IP ban on the demo instance
- Apply PSR-12 on code base, and add CI check using PHPCS
- Compatiliby issue on login with PHP 7.1
- Japanese translations update
- Redirect to referrer after bookmark deletion
- Inject ROOT_PATH in plugin instead of regenerating it everywhere
- Wallabag plugin: minor improvements
- REST API postLink: change relative path to absolute path
- Webpack: fix vintage theme images include
- Docker-compose: fix SSL certificate + add parameter for Docker tag
new lines in prefix/suffix to prevent issues with Windows PHP
Save you data/
folder before updating!
- Thumbnailer: add to list of common media domains
- Markdown rendering is now integrated into Shaarli core
- Add autofocus on tag cloud filter input
- Japanese translations
- Japanese translation: add language to admin configuration page
- Support for PHP 8.0
- Support for local anchor URL (starting with
) - LDAP authentication
- Encapsulated PageCacheManager
- Docs:
- add screenshots of all pages
- section about mkdocs
- Ulauncher extension
- CI: run against PHP 7.4
- Added $links_per_page variable to template and display on default
- Inject BookmarkServiceInterface in plugins data
- Add manual configuration for root URL
- Added PATCH to the allowed Apache request methods.
- REST API: compatibility with ionos Apache's headers
- Introduce Bookmark object and Service layer
- Save bookmark as objects in the datastore
- Handle bookmark as objects across the whole codebase (except templates and plugins)
- Process all Shaarli page through Slim controller, with proper URL rewriting (see #1516)
- Docs: the entire documentation has been reviewed, updated and improved, thanks to @nodiscc!
- ATOM feed: use instance name as author name instead of URL
- Updated French translation
- Default colors plugin: generate CSS file during initialization
- Improve default bookmarks after install
- Upgrade all front end dependencies and webpack build
- Default theme: Make tag cloud/list views buttons more obvious
- Undefined index: thumbnail in daily page
- Undefined index: thumbnail on OpenGraph headers
- Undefined index: updated on linklist
- Make sure that bookmark sort is consistent, even with equal timestamps
- Code PHP version check as requirement bumped to PHP 7.1
- Thumbnail images lazy loading
- Markdown plugin: fix RSS feed direct link reverse
- Fix RSS permalink included in Markdown bloc
- Demo plugin: multiple typos
- Makefile target for releases
- Makefile target for html documentation
- Session cookie setting being set while session is active
- Deprecated use of implode
- Division by zero in tag cloud
- CI: deprecated linux distribution and sudo directive
- Docker build: gcc is no longer included in python alpine image
- Default template: display pin button in mobile view
- Pinned bookmarks are not longer displayed first in ATOM/RSS feeds
- Docs:
- Outdated Docker documentation for stable branch
- Outdated links
- Plugin description in meta files
- docker-compose.yml: pin traefik image to 1.7-alpine
- Markdown plugin
- Docs:
- emojione & twemoji removed
- Makefile: remove static_analysis_summary from all: target
- doc/Makefile: remove references to composer update
Fixed XSS vulnerabilities introduced in v0.12.0-beta
Save you data/
folder before updating!
This is a beta version containing major changes, including new URLs for Shaarli and datastore format update.
Be aware that by using a beta version you might encounter bugs, and that 3rd party themes or plugins might not be compatible.
- Thumbnailer: add to list of common media domains
- Markdown rendering is now integrated into Shaarli core
- Add autofocus on tag cloud filter input
- Japanese translations
- Support for local anchor URL (startting with
) - LDAP authentication
- Encapsulated PageCacheManager
- Docs:
- add screenshots of all pages
- section about mkdocs
- Ulauncher extension
- CI: run against PHP 7.4
- Introduce Bookmark object and Service layer
- Save bookmark as objects in the datastore
- Handle bookmark as objects across the whole codebase (except templates and plugins)
- Process all Shaarli page through Slim controller, with proper URL rewriting (see #1516)
- ATOM feed: use instance name as author name instead of URL
- Updated French translation
- Docs:
- Troubleshooting page rewritten
- Updated unit tests page
- Updated Server security page
- Undefined index: thumbnail in daily page
- Undefined index: thumbnail on OpenGraph headers
- Undefined index: updated on linklist
- Make sure that bookmark sort is consistent, even with equal timestamps
- Code PHP version check as requirement bumped to PHP 7.1
- Thumbnail images lazy loading
- Markdown plugin: fix RSS feed direct link reverse
- Fix RSS permalink included in Markdown bloc
- Demo plugin: multiple typos
- Makefile target for releases
- Makefile target for html documentation
- Session cookie setting being set while session is active
- Deprecated use of implode
- Division by zero in tag cloud
- CI: deprecated linux distribution and sudo directive
- Docker build: gcc is no longer included in python alpine image
- Docs:
- Outdated Docker documentation for stable branch
- Outdated links
- Plugin description in meta files
- Markdown plugin
- Docs:
- emojione & twemoji removed
Release to fix broken Docker build on the latest version.
- Fixed Docker build
- Fixed a few documentation broken links
- Fixed broken label
- More accessibility improvements
Shaarli no longer officially support PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 as they've reached end of life.
Shaarli classes now use namespace, third party plugins need to update.
- Add optional PHP extension to composer suggestions.
- composer: enforce PHP security advisories
- phpDocumentor configuration and make target
- Run unit tests against PHP 7.3
- Bunch of accessibility improvements to the default template, thanks to @Llune
- Bulk actions: set visibility
- Display sticky label in linklist
- Add print CSS rules to the default template
- New setting to automatically retrieve description for new bookmarks
- Plugin to override default template colors
- Shaarli now uses namespaces for its classes.
- Rewrite IP ban management
- Default template: slightly lighten visited link color
- Hide select all button on mobile view
- Switch from FontAwesome v4.x to ForkAwesome
- Daily - display the current day instead of the previous one
- Do not check the IP address with session protection disabled
- API: update test regexes to comply with PCRE2
- Optimize and cleanup imports
- ensure HTML tags are stripped from OpenGraph description
- Documentation invalid links
- Thumbnails disabling if PHP GD is not installed
- Warning if links sticky status isn't set
- Fix button overlapping on mobile in linklist
- Do not try to retrieve thumbnails for internal link
- Update node-sass to fix a vulnerability in node tar dependency
- armhf Dockerfile
- Default template: Responsive issue with delete button fix
- Persist sticky status on bookmark update
- Doxygen configuration
- redirector setting
- QRCode link to an external service