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Provides a service wrapper for easier usage based on ParticleEffectForUGUI.

Installation & Setup

1. Install via Git Package

To install the latest version of UAudio, use the following Git URL in Unity's Package Manager:

2. Install a Specific Version

UIParticle-Service also supports version tags. To install a specific version, append the tag to the URL: h Replace 1.0.0 with the desired version number.

3. Create UIParticlesEffectsConfiguration.asset anywhere in Resources folder:

Services/UI Particles/Create UIParticlesEffectsConfiguration

4. Fill in all fields in the configuration UIParticlesEffectsConfiguration.asset file

You can use default materials and canvas, they are located inside Resources folder in Package location

5. Manual service creation and usage

    private UIParticlesEffectsConfiguration _particleConfiguration;
    UIParticleService = new DefaultUIParticleService(_particleConfiguration);    

5.1 Setup service using Zenject

Add ZENJECT in ScriptingDefineSymbols in Player/Other Settings img.png And in ProjectContext

    //If UIParticlesEffectsConfiguration asset located in root Resources folder
    ontainer.AddUIParticlesService(a=> a.ConfigurationPath = "YOUR PATH");

[NOTE] All particles are created inside a single Canvas Root. Make sure the Root Canvas prefab's order layer is higher than your default canvases order layer.


  "dependencies": {
    "": "4.9.0" (

Service API Reference

    public interface IUIParticleService
        void Attract(
            UIParticleConfiguration configuration,
            Action<Coffee.UIExtensions.UIParticle> configureUIParticle = null,
            Action<ParticleSystem> configureParticle = null,
            Action<UIParticleAttractor> configureAttractor = null

        void ClearAll();

Usage sample

     PositionInfo vectorPos = new(;
     //same as
     PositionInfo vectorPosImplicit =;

     PositionInfo rectPos = new(m_anyRectTransform);
     //same as
     PositionInfo rectPosImplicit = m_anyRectTransform;

     PositionInfo transformPos = new(m_anyTransform);
     //same as
     PositionInfo transformPosImplicit = m_anyTransform;

     //where sprite is source of texture, 10 is particles amount and vectorPos is particles destination position
     UIParticleConfiguration.Builder builder = new(m_sprite, 10, vectorPos);

     builder.WithAmount(20); //Change particles amount
     builder.WithTexture(m_otherTexture); //Change texture
     builder.WithEmitDelay(0.1f); //Set delay between each particle emit
     builder.WithStartPosition(Input.mousePosition); //Set particles spawn point to cursor position
     builder.WithTargetPosition(new PositionInfo(new Vector3(10, 10, 10)));
     builder.WithFirstAttractCallback(() => Debug.Log("First particle attracted"));
     builder.WithAttractAction(() => Debug.Log("Particle attracted"));
     builder.WithEndCallback(() => Debug.Log("Particles stops emitting"));
     builder.WithEmitInfo(new EmittingInfo(delay: 0.1f, amount: 20));

     //Initiate attract
     //Destroy all existing particles

Position Info

Spacetype means where the target position is, in the UI or in the World

Use SpaceType.UI when the particle spawn/target position is in the UI, inside (the canvas) Use SpaceType.World when the particle spawn/target position is in the World space

    public PositionInfo(Vector3 vector3, SpaceType space = SpaceType.UI)
    public PositionInfo(Transform transform, SpaceType space = SpaceType.World, bool updatePositionOnUpdate = true)
    public PositionInfo(RectTransform rectTransform, SpaceType space = SpaceType.UI, bool updatePositionOnUpdate = true)
    public PositionInfo(Func<Vector3> positionFunc, SpaceType space = SpaceType.UI, bool updatePositionOnUpdate = true)
    public static PositionInfo ScreenCenter => new(new Vector3(Screen.width / 2f, Screen.height / 2f, 0));


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