Provides a service wrapper for easier usage based on ParticleEffectForUGUI.
To install the latest version of UAudio, use the following Git URL in Unity's Package Manager:
UIParticle-Service also supports version tags. To install a specific version, append the tag to the URL:
Replace 1.0.0
with the desired version number.
Services/UI Particles/Create UIParticlesEffectsConfiguration
You can use default materials and canvas, they are located inside Resources folder in Package location
private UIParticlesEffectsConfiguration _particleConfiguration;
UIParticleService = new DefaultUIParticleService(_particleConfiguration);
Add ZENJECT in ScriptingDefineSymbols in Player/Other Settings
And in ProjectContext
//If UIParticlesEffectsConfiguration asset located in root Resources folder
ontainer.AddUIParticlesService(a=> a.ConfigurationPath = "YOUR PATH");
[NOTE] All particles are created inside a single Canvas Root. Make sure the Root Canvas prefab's order layer is higher than your default canvases order layer.
"dependencies": {
"": "4.9.0" (
public interface IUIParticleService
void Attract(
UIParticleConfiguration configuration,
Action<Coffee.UIExtensions.UIParticle> configureUIParticle = null,
Action<ParticleSystem> configureParticle = null,
Action<UIParticleAttractor> configureAttractor = null
void ClearAll();
PositionInfo vectorPos = new(;
//same as
PositionInfo vectorPosImplicit =;
PositionInfo rectPos = new(m_anyRectTransform);
//same as
PositionInfo rectPosImplicit = m_anyRectTransform;
PositionInfo transformPos = new(m_anyTransform);
//same as
PositionInfo transformPosImplicit = m_anyTransform;
//where sprite is source of texture, 10 is particles amount and vectorPos is particles destination position
UIParticleConfiguration.Builder builder = new(m_sprite, 10, vectorPos);
builder.WithAmount(20); //Change particles amount
builder.WithTexture(m_otherTexture); //Change texture
builder.WithEmitDelay(0.1f); //Set delay between each particle emit
builder.WithStartPosition(Input.mousePosition); //Set particles spawn point to cursor position
builder.WithTargetPosition(new PositionInfo(new Vector3(10, 10, 10)));
builder.WithFirstAttractCallback(() => Debug.Log("First particle attracted"));
builder.WithAttractAction(() => Debug.Log("Particle attracted"));
builder.WithEndCallback(() => Debug.Log("Particles stops emitting"));
builder.WithEmitInfo(new EmittingInfo(delay: 0.1f, amount: 20));
//Initiate attract
//Destroy all existing particles
Spacetype means where the target position is, in the UI or in the World
Use SpaceType.UI when the particle spawn/target position is in the UI, inside (the canvas) Use SpaceType.World when the particle spawn/target position is in the World space
public PositionInfo(Vector3 vector3, SpaceType space = SpaceType.UI)
public PositionInfo(Transform transform, SpaceType space = SpaceType.World, bool updatePositionOnUpdate = true)
public PositionInfo(RectTransform rectTransform, SpaceType space = SpaceType.UI, bool updatePositionOnUpdate = true)
public PositionInfo(Func<Vector3> positionFunc, SpaceType space = SpaceType.UI, bool updatePositionOnUpdate = true)
public static PositionInfo ScreenCenter => new(new Vector3(Screen.width / 2f, Screen.height / 2f, 0));