30 commits
to main
since this release
Trail of Bits 2022-03-07 audit release.
What's Changed
- chore: Update to use modules and contracts folder name (SC-4849) by @JGcarv in #12
- chore: Switch to Foundry (SC-4852) by @JGcarv in #14
- feat: Add permit functionality (SC-4847) by @JGcarv in #13
- chore: update IERC20Permit to inherit from IERC20 by @edag94 in #15
- feat: github action badge by @edag94 in #16
- feat: Update ERC20Permit test to not use MockERC20Permit by @lucas-manuel in #17
- feat: Update ERC20Permit test for inheritance by @lucas-manuel in #18
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.0...v1.0.0-beta.1