Releases: hiero-ledger/hiero-sdk-js
Releases · hiero-ledger/hiero-sdk-js
What's Changed
- chore: fix committers group access by @PavelSBorisov in #2885
- chore(release): v2.60.1 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2921
Full Changelog: v2.60.0...v2.60.1
What's Changed
- fix: zero assumed shard and realm by @venilinvasilev in #2897
- fix: build issues with browser aliases by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2902
- feat: Improve assignment of auto renew account id for topics(HIP-1021) by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2890
- chore(release): v2.60.0-beta.3 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2904
Full Changelog: v2.60.0-beta.2...v2.60.0-beta.3
What's Changed
- fix: pnpm version in CI by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2873
- chore(deps): bump renovatebot/github-action from 41.0.13 to 41.0.14 by @dependabot in #2894
- chore: change namespace to Hiero by @venilinvasilev in #2883
- chore: optimize bundle size by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2863
- feat: add expo sdk v51+ support by @venilinvasilev in #2895
- chore(deps-dev): bump expo from 49.0.21 to 52.0.37 in /packages/cryptography by @dependabot in #2896
- chore(deps): bump expo-status-bar from 1.7.1 to 2.0.1 in /examples/react-native-example by @dependabot in #2839
- chore(release): proto v2.17.0-beta.1 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2898
- chore(release): cryptography v1.5.0-beta.2 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2899
- chore(release): v2.60.0 beta.2 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2900
Full Changelog: v2.60.0-beta.1...v2.60.0-beta.2
What's Changed
- fix: Changed Protobufs submodule path by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2884
- chore(deps): bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0 by @dependabot in #2889
- feat: update polyfills and add Expo SDK 50+ compatibility by @venilinvasilev in #2887
- chore(release): cryptography v1.5.0-beta.1 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2892
- chore(release): v2.60.0-beta.1 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2893
Full Changelog: v2.59.0...v2.60.0-beta.1
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump pnpm/action-setup from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in #2857
- chore(deps): bump actions/setup-node from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 by @dependabot in #2856
- chore(TCK): Added account allowance delete endpoint by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2858
- chore(fix): changed TCK port to 8544 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2859
- chore: Update protobufs to v0.59.0 by @venilinvasilev in #2845
- chore(release): v2.59.0 beta.1 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2860
- chore: bump grpc-js by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2844
- chore(deps): bump elliptic from 6.5.4 to 6.6.1 by @dependabot in #2865
- chore(deps): bump elliptic from 6.6.0 to 6.6.1 in /packages/cryptography by @dependabot in #2866
- fix: broken docs link in README by @arshadkazmi42 in #2671
- chore(deps): bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.10.4 to 2.11.0 by @dependabot in #2870
- feat(hip 991): Permissionless revenue generating topics by @venilinvasilev in #2875
- chore(release): stable release v2.59.0 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2876
New Contributors
- @arshadkazmi42 made their first contribution in #2671
Full Changelog: v2.58.0...v2.59.0
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump pnpm/action-setup from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in #2857
- chore(deps): bump actions/setup-node from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 by @dependabot in #2856
- chore(TCK): Added account allowance delete endpoint by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2858
- chore(fix): changed TCK port to 8544 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2859
- chore: Update protobufs to v0.59.0 by @venilinvasilev in #2845
- chore(release): v2.59.0 beta.1 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2860
Full Changelog: v2.58.0...v2.59.0-beta.1
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump renovatebot/github-action from 41.0.10 to 41.0.11 by @dependabot in #2827
- chore(deps): bump actions/setup-node from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 by @dependabot in #2826
- chore(deps): bump actions/setup-java from 4.6.0 to 4.7.0 by @dependabot in #2833
- chore(deps): bump renovatebot/github-action from 41.0.11 to 41.0.12 by @dependabot in #2843
- chore(deps): bump pnpm/action-setup from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in #2847
- docs: update title by @hendrikebbers in #2810
- chore(deps): bump renovatebot/github-action from 41.0.12 to 41.0.13 by @dependabot in #2850
- feat: parallel testing by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2821
- chore(fix): resolve incompatibility with latest pnpm by @venilinvasilev in #2829
- test: add topic info tests by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2756
- docs: generate documentation for batch 2 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2831
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-jsdoc from 46.8.2 to 50.6.3 in /packages/cryptography by @dependabot in #2836
- fix: create-contract-with-value example by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2825
- feat: fix examples and run them in every new PR/per push by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2830
- chore(fix): Hitting unhealthy node 10 times by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2819
- chore(TCK): Added account allowance transaction endpoint by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2774
- chore(deps-dev): bump geckodriver from 4.2.1 to 5.0.0 in /packages/cryptography by @dependabot in #2838
- chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 4.5.3 to 6.1.0 in /packages/cryptography by @dependabot in #2852
- chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 5.4.11 to 6.1.0 by @dependabot in #2853
- feat: account create transaction with key derived alias by @venilinvasilev in #2834
- chore(release): cryptography v1.4.8-beta.15 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2854
- chore(release): v2.58.0 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2855
New Contributors
- @venilinvasilev made their first contribution in #2829
Full Changelog: v2.57.2...v2.58.0
What's Changed
- fix(publish): Update package.json definitions to include publishConfig by @rbarker-dev in #2817
- chore(release): v2.57.2 by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2820
Full Changelog: v2.57.1...v2.57.2
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump actions/setup-java from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 by @dependabot in #2735
- chore: delete AccountStakersQuery by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2742
- feat: add new
property to receipt by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2727 - chore(deps): bump elliptic from 6.5.4 to 6.6.0 in /packages/cryptography by @dependabot in #2744
- chore(deps): bump cross-spawn from 6.0.5 to 6.0.6 in /packages/cryptography by @dependabot in #2667
- chore(deps-dev): bump body-parser from 1.20.2 to 1.20.3 in /packages/cryptography by @dependabot in #2524
- chore(deps-dev): bump cross-spawn from 6.0.5 to 6.0.6 in /examples/simple_rest_signature_provider by @dependabot in #2655
- chore(deps): bump ws from 8.14.2 to 8.18.0 in /packages/cryptography by @dependabot in #2750
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-compat from 4.0.2 to 6.0.2 in /packages/proto by @dependabot in #2748
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-jsdoc from 46.8.2 to 50.6.1 in /packages/proto by @dependabot in #2749
- feat: Add configurable commit hash for JS builds. by @gsstoykov in #2751
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-jsdoc from 46.10.1 to 50.6.1 by @dependabot in #2731
- chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-plugin-n from 16.2.0 to 17.15.1 in /packages/proto by @dependabot in #2746
- chore(deps): bump renovatebot/github-action from 41.0.6 to 41.0.8 by @dependabot in #2752
- chore(deps): bump path-to-regexp and express in /tck by @dependabot in #2698
- chore(deps-dev): bump replace-in-file from 7.0.2 to 8.3.0 in /packages/proto by @dependabot in #2745
- chore(TCK): Added management transaction endpoints by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2741
- docs: add file by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2687
- feat: Implement MirrorNodeContractQuery by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2723
- chore(deps): bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.10.2 to 2.10.3 by @dependabot in #2758
- chore(deps): bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0 by @dependabot in #2760
- chore(release): proto v2.16.0-beta.5 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2763
- chore(release): cryptography v1.4.8-beta.11 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2765
- chore(release): v2.57.0-beta.1 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2764
- chore(release): v2.57.0-beta.2 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2772
- chore(release): v2.57.0-beta.3 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2773
- chore: fix CODEOWNERS file by @mishomihov00 in #2770
- chore(release): v2.57.0-beta.4 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2775
New Contributors
- @gsstoykov made their first contribution in #2751
Full Changelog: v2.56.0...v2.57.0-beta.4
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump renovatebot/github-action from 41.0.5 to 41.0.6 by @dependabot in #2709
- feat: HIP 423 Long Term Scheduled Transactions by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2708
- chore(TCK): Account transactions int64 props modify by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2720
- chore(TCK): Added assessment method setter for TCK endpoints by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2725
- chore: Enhance gRPC TLS by Dynamic Certificate Retrieval by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2718
- feat: bump node version by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2647
- fix: check for successful node execution by @ivaylonikolov7 in #2730
- chore(deps): bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 by @dependabot in #2716
- chore(deps): bump nanoid from 3.3.6 to 3.3.8 in /examples/react-native-example by @dependabot in #2715
- feat(example): Custom web proxies usage and documentation by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2729
- chore(deps-dev): bump rollup from 3.29.2 to 3.29.5 in /packages/cryptography by @dependabot in #2544
- chore(deps): bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 in /examples/simple_rest_signature_provider by @dependabot in #2714
- chore(release): proto v2.16.0-beta.4 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2734
- chore(release): v2.56.0 by @ivaylogarnev-limechain in #2733
Full Changelog: v2.55.1...v2.56.0