Release 0.7.0
- fix: wrong reference on ts-config (#413) (70fda2e)
- fix: breaking cli; add run test (#411) (714fdcb)
- feat: change pubsub disc interval; allow it to be custom; use autonat only on bootstrap (#409) (00ff27d)
- refactor: replace eslintrc with latest config format (#408) (beab5b7)
- fix: fix eslint error messages (#403) (b7bd0bc)
- feat: setup eslint (#397) (827b6a9)
- Feat: add flamegraph (#391) (033c788)
- feat: add for tracer (#392) (6867eea)
- feat: enable PX (#363) (6ef9204)
- improv: DRPObject creation and restructuring (#368) (76cea36)
- feat: add unsubscribe function (#388) (85f115e)
- chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 6.0.5 to 6.0.9 in the npm_and_yarn group (#390) (e1303c3)
- fix: add apply operation error handler (#383) (03fa9b7)
- feat: add tracer (#380) (44ef44b)
What's Changed
- feat: add tracer by @sfroment in #380
- fix: add apply operation error handler by @hoangquocvietuet in #383
- chore(deps-dev): bump vite from 6.0.5 to 6.0.9 in the npm_and_yarn group by @dependabot in #390
- feat: add unsubscribe function by @sfroment in #388
- improv: DRPObject creation and restructuring by @d-roak in #368
- feat: enable PX by @sfroment in #363
- feat: add for tracer by @sfroment in #392
- Feat: add flamegraph by @anhnd350309 in #391
- feat: setup eslint by @trungnotchung in #397
- fix: fix eslint error messages by @d-roak in #403
- refactor: replace eslintrc with latest config format by @d-roak in #408
- feat: change pubsub disc interval; allow it to be custom; use autonat only on bootstrap by @d-roak in #409
- fix: breaking cli; add run test by @d-roak in #411
- fix: wrong reference on ts-config by @d-roak in #413
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0