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Department of Sustainable Environment and Construction, School of Business Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University, Västerås
The city of Västerås is selected as the first testing city. Data from Västerås city were provided at the end of 2023.
To be completed
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• Demonstration model: Demo platform were launched at the end of 2023
• National Rollout: Now we are looking to accelerating our data collection.
(Please include all significant contributions with to/from date where applicable)
• Principal Investigators: Dr. Allan Hawas, senior lecturer, MDU
• Co-Investigators: Dr. Alaa Krayem, postdoc, MDU
• Department of Sustainable Environment and Construction: Dr. Fredrik Wallin, Head of Department, MDU
• Mälardalen University: Dr. Peter Rohlin, Research Advisor, Director of RESILIENT competence center
• Lecturer in computer science, software engineer: Leo Hatvani
• IoT, Machine learning: Dr. Auday Aldulaimy
• Data scientist: Dr. Xiaodan Shi
We have collaboration with GIS engineers from Västerås city
We have collaboration with Västerås city and are in process of expanding our collaboration
Grant 1:2022: 68900 SEK, Internal fund, Future Energy Center, Mälardalen University
Grant 2:2023: 280 000 SEK, As a part NEEDs project, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency
• Explore the opportunities of using the platform to support the transition of climate neutrality cities.