Releases: CDAT/cdat
CDAT 8.2.1
The CDAT Team is happy to announce that CDAT 8.2.1 is officially released!
This release contains important bug fixes and updates. We encourage all of you to update.
Major changes in CDAT v8.2.1
- Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 now fully supported
- Python 2 is now deprecated
- Improved and updated documentation
- All CDAT repositories' build process updated to use conda-forge pinning
- Dependency updates for compatibility with latest versions
- Major bug fixes and improvements to CDMS
- CDMS is built with libnetcdf nompi variant.
- No more anonymous logging. Prompts asking to allow anonymous logging removed.
- VCDAT no longer part of CDAT build, and is released separately. VCDAT will contain CDAT in its distribution.
- More changes!
Releases Notes from Github Repos for Milestone: 8.2.1
Closed Issues
- ****: need to turn off logging (#38, #40, #41)
- ****: Need mecanism to track cdat packages installed and othe rprovenance (#5)
Merged Pull Requests
Known Bugs
No known issues!
Closed Issues
- ****: AttributeError with cdscan (#399)
- ****: Attempt to import failing with numpy 1.18.1 (#389)
- ****: Problems with reading "big" arrays (>8.1Gb) (#389)
- ****: While importing cdms2 error pops up: ImportError: cannot import name 'rank'
- ****: Problems with udunits in CDAT82
Merged Pull Requests
Known Bugs
No known issues!
Closed Issues
- ****: vcs 3D rotating globe animation not working properly
- ****: an update triggers continents back on (#398)
- ****: transparency does not work for text
- ****: text disappear in png with bg=False
- ****: vector linewidth not working
- ****: createprojection fails if 'polar' template is chosen
- ****: setLineAttributes doesn't work
- ****: vcs cannot go back into interact mode
fixed in a branch
- ****: Plots sometimes render text twice
- ****: bg=True freaks out on OSMesa builds
- ****: Make VCS color palettes easier to edit/add
- ****: Several marker problems/differences in 2.1.0 (compared to 1.5.1)
- ****: x/yaxisconvert not respected anymore.
- ****: Bring back x.colormapgui() (and add color related resources on the web/wiki)?
- ****: after first plot you cannot switch between bg or fg
Merged Pull Requests
- #406: Rtd again
- #411: Projected isofill bounds
- #417: Extra dims slider
- #445: Run tests with variants and fix flake8 failures
- #446: Add makefile
Known Bugs
- axisconvert seems to force datawc to be in converted units
- Canvas plot with ratio="autot" results in interaction errors
Closed Issues
Merged Pull Requests
Known Bugs
No known issues!
Closed Issues
Merged Pull Requests
Known Bugs
No known issues!
Closed Issues
Merged Pull Requests
Known Bugs
No known issues!
Closed Issues
Merged Pull Requests
- #40: new baseline for newer vtk
- #43: Pin mesalib, add running tests with nompi and opempi libnetcdf, flix flake8
- #46: Use makefile n matrix
Known Bugs
No known issues!
Closed Issues
Merged Pull Requests
- #13: add running tests with nompi, openmpi and mpich libnetcdf
- #14: add Makefile and use circleci 2.1 matrix
Known Bugs
No known issues!
CDAT 8.1
The CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of CDAT version 8.1
This is mainly a bug fixes release and we are encouraging all of you to update.
CDAT is distributed via anaconda:
conda create -n cdat81 -c cdat/label/v81 -c conda-forge cdat
Major changes in v8.1
- Improved documentation
- Unified BSD3 licences
- General improvements in test suite and distribution: All repos now report coverage and produce "noarch" conda distribution when possible
- VCS now using VTK context2 and OpenGL2
- EzPlot added to vcsaddons: Better looking default plots for 1D plots.
- cdms read performance improvements
- cdms uses latest version of NetCDF
Releases Notes from Github Repos for Milestone: 8.1
Closed Issues
- ****: template.tunits seems to be disabled
- ****: portrait plot does not work with python 3 env
- ****: cannot replace the default font
- ****: text objects with prjection are broken
- ****: vcs .addfont seems broken
- ****: when 1d is flipped or 2 arrays are passed template shows min/max for xaxis not data
- ****: Taylor Diagram with EzTemplate (#300)
- ****: Taylor diagram loses y-axis with 2.12 version
- ****: 3d_scalar seg faults on mac
- ****: 1D plots are taking longer than expected (#334)
- ****: Tick label size adjustment
- ****: Plot creates new graphics method objects
- ****: viewport error for polar map projection
Merged Pull Requests
- #118: otherwise will push on every commit
- #120: correct travis syntax
- #123: 121 missing value opacity
- #131: Doctest cleanup
- #295: Ez plot
- #297: Cdat logo
- #302: cdtime broken for py3
- #316: [WIP] Log axes 2d
- #317: fix #251
- #319: Test for fillarea concave.
- #378: Fix some places where the truncation fix was missed
- #389: Add support for the 'reference' attribute on the vector gm
Known Bugs
b" * b'vector linewidth not working'"
b" * b'template x/ymintics1 seems to be using line property of x/ytic1 for last label'"
b" * b'text disappear in png with bg=False'"
b" * b'Black png returned when using a vnc session'"
Closed Issues
Merged Pull Requests
Known Bugs
No known issues!
Closed Issues
- ****: Docstrings (#22, #21)
Merged Pull Requests
Known Bugs
No known issues!
Closed Issues
Merged Pull Requests
Known Bugs
No known issues!
Closed Issues
- ****: parallelcoordinate plot fails if number of linecolors is greater than actual number of lines (#33)
Merged Pull Requests
Known Bugs
No known issues!
Releases Notes from Github Repos for Milestone: 3.1
Closed Issues
- ****: axis.clone does not clone anymore! (#272)
- ****: Axis units in .attributes and .units not equal (#267)
- ****: nightlies broken
- ****: Shapes not aligned rrror when appending to a FileVariable in Python 3
- ****: regrid broken?
- ****: nc4 classic file can't be edited
- ****: Propagate errors with context management
- ****: cdms2 (NetCDF) maximum dimension name length is 256
- ****: cdms2 axis cannot have dictionary as attribute values
help wanted
- ****: cdms logo
Merged Pull Requests
- #72: Verify that MV2.mean() works properly
- #74: Adds support for **kwargs to MV2 operation classes
- #75: added script to log in myproxy, needed for opendap esgf
- #76: Fix #7 NC_STRING Support.
- #80: otherwise will push on every commit
- #82: correct travis syntax
- #83: Glib2 travis issue [WIP]
- #84: missing_value = 'N/A' led to fail
- #86: Issue32
- #88: Adding badges in readme
- #89: Issue78 strvar
- #90: Fix #87 ESMF periodicity
- #91: add test for conda-forge
- #92: Circleci mac
- #93: Condaforgetest
- #95: Revert "Condaforgetest"
- #96: Revert "add test for conda-forge"
- #97: issue #4 a.mean() fixed!
- #210: removing dropbox code from
- #211: Fix cdscan using opendap
- #212: change conda-build
- #213: Cdms2
- #222: Fixesmf
- #223: Cdmsdocsmerge
- #224: Fixesmf
- #227: Issue#225
- #230: Issue#225
- #297: Docstanya
- #298: Docstanya
- #301: V3.1.0 1
- #302: upload 3.7
- #303: recompile liners on mac
Known Bugs
b" * b'ESMF conservative blending when you have missing values'"
b" * b'netcdf string variables unable to be read'"
b' * b"cdms2 seg faults when using unknown '+rw' mode for opening a file"'
Closed Issues
- ****: On mac, py27, cdat8 and nightly fail when installed from cdat channels
- ****: mac nightlies seem broken
- ****: time comparisons
- ****: [cdtime nightly not generated.](
CDAT 8.0
The CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of CDAT version 8.0
CDAT is distributed via anaconda:
conda create -n cdat8 -c conda-forge -c cdat cdat
Major changes in v8.0
New Name
UV-CDAT is now the "Community Data Analysis Tools" (CDAT)
Mainly CDAT is now a suite comprising many packages
9 developed directly by the CDAT team:
- Community Data Management System (CDMS) v3.0
- cdtime v3.0
- General Utilities (genutil) v8.0
- Climate Data Utilities (cdutil) v8.0
- Visualization Control System (VCS) v8.0
- DV3D v8.0
- VCS Addons v8.0
- Thermodynamic (thermo) v8.0
- Wheeler Kiladis (wk) v8.0
- cibots
- cdp
- output_viewer
A few more provided by the Python community at large
- vtk
- matplotlib
- basemap
- ipython
- jupyter
- nb_conda
- flake8
- autopep8
- spyder
- eofs
- windspharm
- esmpy
The split into many sub-packages allows us to release new features and bug fixes more frequently for each package, with CDAT releases unifying all these on a more regular release cycle
Vistrails is gone, VCDAT is in
We dropped support for our GUI-based version and are replacing it with a browser-based version: VCDAT
At the moment VCDAT is still in beta and is distributed separately see:
Support for Python 3
All CDAT packages are now available for both Python 2 and Python 3
Improved documentation
readthedocs and jupyter notebooks
cdms improved esmpy support with masking
Using esmf 7.1
Stability fixes
All packages
vcs markers improved
vcs log axes enabled again
Release Changes
Image/code galleries
Many thanks to users, testers, and developers for helping CDAT reach this milestone. In addition to new functionality, we have fixed several major and minor bugs in version 8.0 and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their CDAT installation.
Ever wonder if you should answer yes or no at the "send anonymous usage report" question.
Well those who answer yes help us as seen here
UV-CDAT 2.12
The UV-CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of UV-CDAT version 2.12
UV-CDAT is distributed via anaconda:
conda create -n uvcdat-2.12 uvcdat -c conda-forge -c uvcdat
Major changes in v2.12
New Analytics page
Ever wonder if you should answer yes or no at the "send anonympus usage report" question.
Well those who answer yes help us as seen here
Optimized vcs plotting
some internal object were never cleared lead to some memory leak
faster mesalib implementation: newest version AND LLVM implementation
Major Changes
CDMS: esmpy bug fixes with masking
CDMS: crosssection regridder now can handle gaussian grids with uneven number of latitude
CDMS: netcdf4 files can be edited
CDMS: Numpy 1.13 now supported
VCS: cleared all object leaks
VCS: streamlines are now evenly spaced by default
VCS: convenience function to load all mpl colormaps
VCS: getcolors return correct rgb values if string passed
VCS: Faster implememtation of mesalib (NOX)
Documentation: taylor diagram jupyter notebook
Documentation: cdms 101 jupyter notebook
Image/code galleries
Many thanks to users, testers, and developers for helping UV-CDAT to reach this milestone. This is a bug fix release, we have fixed several major and minor bugs in version 2.10 and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their UV-CDAT installation.
UV-CDAT 2.10
The UV-CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of UV-CDAT version 2.10.
Due to a bug in conda, the following version of conda will not install properly 4.3.13
, 4.3.14
, 4.3.15
, 4.3.16
, 4.3.17
. Hence please make sure your version of conda is not one of the above-metioned. To be safe run:
conda install -n root "conda<4.3.13"
UV-CDAT is distributed via anaconda:
conda create -n uvcdat-2.10 uvcdat -c conda-forge -c uvcdat
Major changes in v2.10
NOX versions discontinued as stand-alone
Starting with 2.10 there is no need to install a special version of uvcdat (or vcs, dv3d, vcsaddons, etc...) to obtain a mesa
version of UV-CDAT packages, simply add the mesalib
package to your environment
CDMS: Switch from esmp legacy to esmpy for python interface to ESMF regridder
CDMS: Numpy 1.12
Build: Conda build uses conda-forge channel for all externals and some of uv-cdat packages
VCS: streamlines
VCS: patterns re-introduced and improved
VCS: improved inline documentation strings
VCS: NoX support on OSX
Build: Most packages now have their own repos and this allows more granular/modular UV-CDAT installations
Documentation: gallery improved
Documentation: jupyter notebooks introduced (and supported)
Documentation: reformatting of most packages doc string, in readthedocs compatible format
Changes/bug fixes since v2.8.0
Image/code galleries
Many thanks to users, testers, and developers for helping UV-CDAT to reach this milestone. This is a bug fix release, we have fixed several major and minor bugs in version 2.8 and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their UV-CDAT installation.
UV-CDAT Version 2.8
The UV-CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of UV-CDAT version 2.8.
Changes in v2.8.0
- CDMS: Numpy 1.11, 1.10 and 1.9
- CDMS: NetCDF 4.4.1?
- Build: Conda build uses conda-forge channel for externals when possible
- VCS: viridis new default colormap (and there are a couple of other new palette/colormap entries)
- VCS: improved inline documentation strings
- Build: Most packages now have their own repos and this allows more granular/modular UV-CDAT installations
- VCSaddons: parallel coordinates new addon (1D representation of multiple units/scales results)
- VCSaddons: polar plots new addon
- Documentation: gallery improved
- Documentation: jupyter notebooks introduced (and supported)
- Changes/bug fixes since v2.6.0
UV-CDAT Resources
Many thanks to users, testers, and developers for helping UV-CDAT to reach this milestone. This is a bug fix release, we have fixed several major and minor bugs in version 2.8 and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their UV-CDAT installation.
UV-CDAT is distributed via anaconda
conda create -n uvcdat-2.8 -c conda-forge -c uvcdat uvcdat
We also alert users to an Askbot website to help the UV-CDAT user community. This supports version 2.2 onward. See:
The UV-CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of UV-CDAT version 2.6.
Changes in v2.6.0
UV-CDAT Resources
Many thanks to users, testers, and developers for helping UV-CDAT to reach this milestone. This is a bug fix release, we have fixed several major and minor bugs in version 2.6 and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their UV-CDAT installation.
From this release on UV-CDAT is distributed via conda
conda install -c uvcdat uvcdat
conda create -n uvcdat-2.6 -c uvcdat uvcdat
We also alert users to an Askbot website to help the UV-CDAT user community. This supports version 2.2 onward. See:
UV-CDAT 2.4.1
The UV-CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of UV-CDAT version 2.4.1.
Many thanks to users, testers, and developers for helping UV-CDAT to reach this milestone. This is a bug fix release, we have fixed several major and minor bugs in version 2.4.1 and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their UV-CDAT installation. For this release, we are providing binary distributions for RedHat6/CentOS6, Ubuntu 15, Mac OS X 10.9 and up, and the installation source code. Additional binaries may become available later.
We also alert users to an Askbot website to help the UV-CDAT user community. This supports version 2.2 onward. See:
To obtain UV-CDAT or browse documentation and image galleries, please visit the following links:
Platform binaries
All binaries are built using the defaults, with an installation path of /usr/local/uvcdat/2.4.1
Binary installation instructions
- 10.10 : UV-CDAT-2.4.1-Mac.tar.gz
- 10.11 : UV-CDAT-2.4.1-Mac-10.11.tar.gz, this binary needs binaries specially built for 10.11 for Qt 4.8.6
Changes in v2.4.1
UV-CDAT Resources
- Source code build instructions
- Documentation
- Image/code galleries
- Planned features and bug fixes for v2.6.0
As always, the UV-CDAT development team would like to thank you for your continued support. We look forward to receiving feedback so that we can continue to improve UV-CDAT.
Best regards,
UV-CDAT 2.4.0
The UV-CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of UV-CDAT version 2.4.0.
Many thanks to users, testers, and developers for helping UV-CDAT to reach this milestone. We have added significant improvements and fixed several major and minor bugs in version 2.4.0 and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their UV-CDAT installation. For this release, we are providing binary distributions for RedHat6/CentOS6, Ubuntu 15, Mac OS X 10.9 and up, and the installation source code. Additional binaries may become available later.
We also alert users to an Askbot website to help the UV-CDAT user community. This supports version 2.2 onward. See:
To obtain UV-CDAT or browse documentation and image galleries, please visit the following links:
Platform binaries
All binaries are built using the defaults, with an installation path of /usr/local/uvcdat/2.4.0
Binary installation instructions
- 10.10 : UV-CDAT-2.4.0-Mac.tar.gz
- 10.11 : UV-CDAT-2.4.0-Max-10.11.tar.gz, this binary needs binaries specially built for 10.11 for Qt 4.8.6
Changes in v2.4.0
UV-CDAT Resources
- Source code build instructions
- Documentation
- Image/code galleries
- Planned features and bug fixes for v2.6.0
As always, the UV-CDAT development team would like to thank you for your continued support. We look forward to receiving feedback so that we can continue to improve UV-CDAT.
Best regards,
UV-CDAT 2.2.0
The UV-CDAT team is pleased to announce the release of UV-CDAT version 2.2.0.
Many thanks to users, testers, and developers for helping UV-CDAT to reach this milestone. We have fixed several major and minor bugs in version 2.2 and therefore we strongly recommend users upgrade their UV-CDAT installation. For this release, we are providing binary distributions for RedHat6/CentOS6, Ubuntu 14, Mac OS X 10.8 and up, and the installation source code. Additional binaries may become available later.
We are proud to announce the launch of an askbot website to help the UV-CDAT user community. This supports version 2.2 onward. See:
To obtain UV-CDAT or browse documentation and image galleries, please visit the following links:
Platform binaries
Binary installation instructions
Changes in v2.2
UV-CDAT Resources
Source code build instructions
Image/code galleries
Planned features and bug fixes for v2.4
As always, the UV-CDAT development team thanks you for your continued support. We look forward to receiving feedback so that we can continue to improve UV-CDAT.
Best regards,