This (horrible) project name "3ource" comes from words "Tree source" (also a pun of "three.js sauce").
It was intended to be a Time-based visualization of git repositories renderered in the browser.
It was also inspired by Gource.
Sneak peak:
Slides for presentation at SingaporeJS meetup.
Converting Git Data to 3ource JS format.
node utils/process.js
npm run transform
for generating data files of git directory. If the git repository is huge, transforming may take some time.
go poke into /src
git history parser
git log viewer and intepretor Loads the git data structure produced by the parser and display both the logs and a pretty git graph. Viewer uses virtual rendering to support huge number of logs
force directed graph simulation A simple homebrew force directed simulator.
force directed graph rendering Renders with webgl/three.js or canvas.
Xuanji and Chernjie joined me to work on this idea SuperHappyDevHouse Singapore at the start.
We experimented with the Github REST API, and node.js git bindings. I opt instead then to use node.js to exec() git commands that outputs a json format that can be read by browsers more effeciently.
If I were to implement this today, I might also consider
- nodegit
- jsgit
- grapheen
- commits-graph
Although are also many force-directed js libraries (springy, d3, vivagraph, n-graph arbor, etc), I wrote mine because I wanted to try writing one by my own.