I'm Zhi Sheng, a computer science undergraduate with an interest in UI/UX, databases, and distributed systems. I enjoy reading (mostly sci-fi and fantasy).
Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn.
🔄 Rebuilding spaced to be a local-first PWA. Building the sync engine using CRDTs.
⏸️ Browser-based, local-first EPUB reader.
Working on some interesting online courses:
- MIT Distributed Systems
- ✅ MapReduce
- ✅ KVStore
- ✅ Raft
- ⏸️ KV Service on top of Raft
- CMU Database Systems
- ✅ Buffer Pool Manager
- 🔄 Concurrent B+Tree
- UC Berkeley AI Course
- 🔄 Project 1
Started reading CS papers this year:
- Interned at some cool startups
- Built a spaced-repeition web-app
- and a collaborative coding interview platform