- Blueprint Transition percentPartialSave field datatype changed(Integer to float).
- Blueprint Field convertMapping field datatype changed(ConvertMapping to array).
- Added new id and name param in GetDownloadAttachmentsDetailsParam class.
- Added new type and ownerId param in EmailRelatedRecordsOperations class constructor.
- Handled Record Field API Name and datatype.
- Added new fields (createdTimeS, modifiedTimeS, createdByS, ownerS, and modifiedByS) in the Record FileDetails class.
- Record multi_user_lookup type fields datatype changed(array of MinifiedUser to array of Record).
For more details, kindly refer here.
Install PHP SDK.
Navigate to the workspace of your client app.
Run the command below:
composer require zohocrm/php-sdk-6.0:3.0.0