This a standalone artifact that contains the Coq formalization of the proof that closure conversion is correct and safe for space. The code includes the definitions of the language and logical relation framework presented in the paper. The transformation and its proof are parts of the CertiCoq certified compiler for Coq. Here we include only the relevant dependencies.
Compilation Instructions
Coq 8.8.2
Specific commits of coq-ext-lib and coq-template-coq that are installed as follows:
download the zip from and then make && make install
download the zip from and then make && make install
To compile:
> make -j N # where N is the number of processors
If you are trying to compile with a different version of Coq you may need to regenerate the makefile:
> coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile
Development Description
We briefly describe here the contents of all the files in the source code. Furthermore, we provide a separate file, called, that lists the correspondence between the formal definitions and theorems and those presented in the paper.
cps.v : definition of the CPS language
space_sem.v : Profiling semantics for CPS
Ensembles_util.v, map_util.v, functions.v set_util.v, List_util.v, tactics.v, hoare.v : General purpose librarIes
ctx.v, identifiers.v, cps_util.v : CPS-related libraries
closure_conversion.v : The definition of the closure conversion as an inductive relation and as a functional program
closure_conversion_util.v : Syntactic properties of closure conversion
heap.v : Abstract interface (module type) for the heaps used in the semantics
heap_defs.v : Heap-related definitions (well-formedness, reachability, size, etc.)
heap_equiv.v : Heap isomorphism definitions and lemmas
heap_impl.v : Concrete heap implementation
GC.v : GC definitions and lemmas
cc_log_rel.v : The definitions of the logical relation and lemmas
compat.v : Compatibility lemmas for the logical relation
bounds.v : Pre- and postcondition definitions and compatibility lemmas
invariants.v : Additional environment invariants (for nonlocal variables and function names)
closure_conversion_correct.v : Fundamental theorem of the logical relation
closure_conversion_corresp.v : Soundness proof of the closure conversion program w.r.t. the inductive definition
toplevel.v : The top-level theorem for terminating and diverging programs
Maps.v, Coqlib.v : part of CompCert's general purpose libraries.
The sources of the compiler are publicly available here. The safe for space development is in the directory theories/L6_PCPS/Heap.