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Merge pull request #18912 from dweiller/memcpy-opt
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optimized memcpy
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andrewrk authored Jan 21, 2025
2 parents d652dd0 + b7a887f commit 18fcb3b
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Showing 3 changed files with 347 additions and 112 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/compiler_rt.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ comptime {

_ = @import("compiler_rt/memcpy.zig");
_ = @import("compiler_rt/memset.zig");
_ = @import("compiler_rt/memmove.zig");
_ = @import("compiler_rt/memcmp.zig");
_ = @import("compiler_rt/bcmp.zig");
_ = @import("compiler_rt/ssp.zig");
Expand Down
288 changes: 176 additions & 112 deletions lib/compiler_rt/memcpy.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,149 +1,213 @@
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const common = @import("./common.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");

comptime {
if (builtin.object_format != .c) {
@export(&memcpy, .{ .name = "memcpy", .linkage = common.linkage, .visibility = common.visibility });
@export(&memmove, .{ .name = "memmove", .linkage = common.linkage, .visibility = common.visibility });
const export_options: std.builtin.ExportOptions = .{
.name = "memcpy",
.linkage = common.linkage,
.visibility = common.visibility,

if (builtin.mode == .ReleaseSmall)
@export(&memcpySmall, export_options)
@export(&memcpyFast, export_options);

fn memcpy(noalias opt_dest: ?[*]u8, noalias opt_src: ?[*]const u8, len: usize) callconv(.C) ?[*]u8 {
return memmove(opt_dest, opt_src, len);
const Element = if (std.simd.suggestVectorLength(u8)) |vec_size|
@Type(.{ .vector = .{
.child = u8,
.len = vec_size,
} })

comptime {
assert(@sizeOf(Element) >= @alignOf(Element));

fn memmove(opt_dest: ?[*]u8, opt_src: ?[*]const u8, len: usize) callconv(.C) ?[*]u8 {
// a port of
if (len == 0) {
return opt_dest;
fn memcpySmall(noalias dest: ?[*]u8, noalias src: ?[*]const u8, len: usize) callconv(.C) ?[*]u8 {

const dest = opt_dest.?;
const src = opt_src.?;

if (len < 8) {
if (len == 1) {
dest[0] = src[0];
} else if (len >= 4) {
blockCopy(dest, src, 4, len);
} else {
blockCopy(dest, src, 2, len);
return dest;
for (0..len) |i| {
dest.?[i] = src.?[i];

if (len > 32) {
if (len > 256) {
copyMove(dest, src, len);
return dest;
copyLong(dest, src, len);
return dest;
return dest;

if (len > 16) {
blockCopy(dest, src, 16, len);
return dest;
fn memcpyFast(noalias dest: ?[*]u8, noalias src: ?[*]const u8, len: usize) callconv(.C) ?[*]u8 {

const small_limit = 2 * @sizeOf(Element);

blockCopy(dest, src, 8, len);
if (copySmallLength(small_limit, dest.?, src.?, len)) return dest;

copyForwards(dest.?, src.?, len);

return dest;

inline fn blockCopy(dest: [*]u8, src: [*]const u8, block_size: comptime_int, len: usize) void {
const first = @as(*align(1) const @Vector(block_size, u8), src[0..block_size]).*;
const second = @as(*align(1) const @Vector(block_size, u8), src[len - block_size ..][0..block_size]).*;
dest[0..block_size].* = first;
dest[len - block_size ..][0..block_size].* = second;
inline fn copySmallLength(
comptime small_limit: comptime_int,
dest: [*]u8,
src: [*]const u8,
len: usize,
) bool {
if (len < 16) {
copyLessThan16(dest, src, len);
return true;

inline fn copyLong(dest: [*]u8, src: [*]const u8, len: usize) void {
var array: [8]@Vector(32, u8) = undefined;
if (comptime 2 < (std.math.log2(small_limit) + 1) / 2) {
if (copy16ToSmallLimit(small_limit, dest, src, len)) return true;

inline for (.{ 64, 128, 192, 256 }, 0..) |N, i| {
array[i * 2] = src[(N / 2) - 32 ..][0..32].*;
array[(i * 2) + 1] = src[len - N / 2 ..][0..32].*;
return false;

if (len <= N) {
for (0..i + 1) |j| {
dest[j * 32 ..][0..32].* = array[j * 2];
dest[len - ((j * 32) + 32) ..][0..32].* = array[(j * 2) + 1];
inline fn copyLessThan16(
dest: [*]u8,
src: [*]const u8,
len: usize,
) void {
if (len < 4) {
if (len == 0) return;
dest[0] = src[0];
dest[len / 2] = src[len / 2];
dest[len - 1] = src[len - 1];
copyRange4(4, dest, src, len);

inline fn copyMove(dest: [*]u8, src: [*]const u8, len: usize) void {
if (@intFromPtr(src) >= @intFromPtr(dest)) {
copyForward(dest, src, len);
} else if (@intFromPtr(src) + len > @intFromPtr(dest)) {
overlapBwd(dest, src, len);
} else {
copyForward(dest, src, len);
inline fn copy16ToSmallLimit(
comptime small_limit: comptime_int,
dest: [*]u8,
src: [*]const u8,
len: usize,
) bool {
inline for (2..(std.math.log2(small_limit) + 1) / 2 + 1) |p| {
const limit = 1 << (2 * p);
if (len < limit) {
copyRange4(limit / 4, dest, src, len);
return true;
return false;

inline fn copyForward(dest: [*]u8, src: [*]const u8, len: usize) void {
const tail: @Vector(32, u8) = src[len - 32 ..][0..32].*;
inline fn copyForwards(
noalias dest: [*]u8,
noalias src: [*]const u8,
len: usize,
) void {
assert(len >= 2 * @sizeOf(Element));

dest[0..@sizeOf(Element)].* = src[0..@sizeOf(Element)].*;
const alignment_offset = @alignOf(Element) - @intFromPtr(src) % @alignOf(Element);
const n = len - alignment_offset;
const d = dest + alignment_offset;
const s = src + alignment_offset;

copyBlocksAlignedSource(@ptrCast(d), @alignCast(@ptrCast(s)), n);

// copy last `@sizeOf(Element)` bytes unconditionally, since block copy
// methods only copy a multiple of `@sizeOf(Element)` bytes.
const offset = len - @sizeOf(Element);
dest[offset..][0..@sizeOf(Element)].* = src[offset..][0..@sizeOf(Element)].*;

const N: usize = len & ~@as(usize, 127);
var i: usize = 0;
inline fn copyBlocksAlignedSource(
noalias dest: [*]align(1) Element,
noalias src: [*]const Element,
max_bytes: usize,
) void {
copyBlocks(dest, src, max_bytes);

while (i < N) : (i += 128) {
dest[i..][0..32].* = src[i..][0..32].*;
dest[i + 32 ..][0..32].* = src[i + 32 ..][0..32].*;
dest[i + 64 ..][0..32].* = src[i + 64 ..][0..32].*;
dest[i + 96 ..][0..32].* = src[i + 96 ..][0..32].*;
/// Copies the largest multiple of `@sizeOf(T)` bytes from `src` to `dest`,
/// that is less than `max_bytes` where `T` is the child type of `src` and
/// `dest`.
inline fn copyBlocks(
noalias dest: anytype,
noalias src: anytype,
max_bytes: usize,
) void {

const T = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(dest)).pointer.child;
comptime assert(T == @typeInfo(@TypeOf(src)).pointer.child);

if (len - i <= 32) {
dest[len - 32 ..][0..32].* = tail;
} else {
copyLong(dest[i..], src[i..], len - i);
const loop_count = max_bytes / @sizeOf(T);

for (dest[0..loop_count], src[0..loop_count]) |*d, s| {
d.* = s;

inline fn overlapBwd(dest: [*]u8, src: [*]const u8, len: usize) void {
var array: [5]@Vector(32, u8) = undefined;
array[0] = src[len - 32 ..][0..32].*;
inline for (1..5) |i| array[i] = src[(i - 1) << 5 ..][0..32].*;

const end: usize = (@intFromPtr(dest) + len - 32) & 31;
const range = len - end;
var s = src + range;
var d = dest + range;

while (@intFromPtr(s) > @intFromPtr(src + 128)) {
// zig fmt: off
const first = @as(*align(1) const @Vector(32, u8), @ptrCast(s - 32)).*;
const second = @as(*align(1) const @Vector(32, u8), @ptrCast(s - 64)).*;
const third = @as(*align(1) const @Vector(32, u8), @ptrCast(s - 96)).*;
const fourth = @as(*align(1) const @Vector(32, u8), @ptrCast(s - 128)).*;

@as(*align(32) @Vector(32, u8), @alignCast(@ptrCast(d - 32))).* = first;
@as(*align(32) @Vector(32, u8), @alignCast(@ptrCast(d - 64))).* = second;
@as(*align(32) @Vector(32, u8), @alignCast(@ptrCast(d - 96))).* = third;
@as(*align(32) @Vector(32, u8), @alignCast(@ptrCast(d - 128))).* = fourth;
// zig fmt: on

s -= 128;
d -= 128;
/// copy `len` bytes from `src` to `dest`; `len` must be in the range
/// `[copy_len, 4 * copy_len)`.
inline fn copyRange4(
comptime copy_len: comptime_int,
noalias dest: [*]u8,
noalias src: [*]const u8,
len: usize,
) void {
comptime assert(std.math.isPowerOfTwo(copy_len));
assert(len >= copy_len);
assert(len < 4 * copy_len);

const a = len & (copy_len * 2);
const b = a / 2;

const last = len - copy_len;
const pen = last - b;

dest[0..copy_len].* = src[0..copy_len].*;
dest[b..][0..copy_len].* = src[b..][0..copy_len].*;
dest[pen..][0..copy_len].* = src[pen..][0..copy_len].*;
dest[last..][0..copy_len].* = src[last..][0..copy_len].*;

test {
const S = struct {
fn testFunc(comptime copy_func: anytype) !void {
const max_len = 1024;
var buffer: [max_len + @alignOf(Element) - 1]u8 align(@alignOf(Element)) = undefined;
for (&buffer, 0..) |*b, i| {
b.* = @intCast(i % 97);
var dest: [max_len + @alignOf(Element) - 1]u8 align(@alignOf(Element)) = undefined;

for (0..max_len) |copy_len| {
for (0..@alignOf(Element)) |s_offset| {
for (0..@alignOf(Element)) |d_offset| {
@memset(&dest, 0xff);
const s = buffer[s_offset..][0..copy_len];
const d = dest[d_offset..][0..copy_len];
_ = copy_func(@ptrCast(d.ptr), @ptrCast(s.ptr), s.len);
std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, s, d) catch |e| {
std.debug.print("error encountered for length={d}, s_offset={d}, d_offset={d}\n", .{
copy_len, s_offset, d_offset,
return e;

inline for (array[1..], 0..) |vec, i| dest[i * 32 ..][0..32].* = vec;
dest[len - 32 ..][0..32].* = array[0];
try S.testFunc(memcpySmall);
try S.testFunc(memcpyFast);

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