Project fork form vue-auto-routing Thanks for ktsn
Generate Vue Router routing automatically.
You may want to use vue-cli-plugin-auto-routing which includes all useful features on routing.
$ npm install -D vue-auto-routing
- webpack >= v4.0.0
vue-auto-routing resolves Vue Router routing automatically by using vue-route-generator. The routes are generated with the same rules with Nuxt routing.
To use this, you import vue-auto-routing
and pass it into Vue Router constructor options.
// Import generated routes
import routes from 'vue-auto-routing'
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
export default new Router({
// Pass the generated routes into the routes option
You also need to add a webpack plugin vue-auto-routing provides. The plugin options are the same as vue-route-generator options
// webpack.config.js
const VueAutoRoutingPlugin = require('vue-auto-routing/lib/webpack-plugin')
module.exports = {
// ... other options ...
plugins: [
new VueAutoRoutingPlugin({
// Path to the directory that contains your page components.
pages: 'src/pages',
// A string that will be added to importing component path (default @/pages/).
importPrefix: '@/pages/'
- vue-cli-plugin-auto-routing: Vue CLI plugin including auto pages and layouts resolution.
- vue-router-layout: Lightweight layout resolver for Vue Router.
- vue-route-generator: Low-level utility generating routing which vue-auto-routing using under the hood.