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Then you get your parser
for Freesa
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is a DSL in statical float precision analysis. The parser for Freesa can do statical analysis and gives out possible deviation and precision lost in the program. We believe this feature is highly important in float operations.
First, let's see the lexical rules for Freesa
[ \t] //ignore tab and whitespaces
[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ //float numbers
[-+()=/*,\n] //operators
[a-z] //varaible names
. //anything else.
After that, we can look into Freesa
's semantic grammars. We can also see evaluation rules from here.
: PRECISION INT '\n' program
: statement program
: expr '\n'
| VARIABLE '=' expr '\n'
: expr '+' muldiv
| expr '-' muldiv
| muldiv { $$ = $1; }
: muldiv '*' term
| muldiv '/' term
| term
: '(' expr ')'
| FLOAT ':' INT // This is the form of a FLOAT(n)
As we can see, Freesa
supports language that:
- float numbers and float variables with their primitive calculation.
- variables should only in one-letter-lowercase letter.
- parentheses are also accepted.
Let's see an eample, it is also the file input.fl
in our repository.
Wanted Precision:1
a = 1.2:5 * 1.2:6
b = 1.0
c = a - b
d = 180.156:3 * a
e = (b + c) * a
e = (d - a) * c
If we run them in our parser
, the output is like
Processing Line 2 Now...
value: 1.200000e+00
eps[0]: 3.051758e-05
epshi: 0.000000e+00
Predicted Max Absolute Error: 3.051758e-05
Predicted Max Relative Error: 2.543131e-05
Valid bits in dec: 5
This is the result of the second line. Freesa
is tageted at float precision analysis. In the result of Line 2, Freesa
gives out precision, absolute erro and relative error. Let's see a more complicated case
Processing Line 6 Now...
value: 1.801560e+02
eps[0]: 0.000000e+00
eps[1]: 0.000000e+00
eps[2]: 0.000000e+00
eps[3]: 0.000000e+00
eps[4]: 0.000000e+00
eps[5]: 0.000000e+00
eps[6]: 5.000000e-01
epshi: 0.000000e+00
Predicted Max Absolute Error: 5.000000e-01
Predicted Max Relative Error: 2.775372e-03
Valid bits in dec: 3
value: 1.440000e+00
eps[0]: 0.000000e+00
eps[1]: 3.662110e-05
eps[2]: 2.288818e-06
eps[3]: 5.722046e-08
eps[4]: 0.000000e+00
eps[5]: 0.000000e+00
eps[6]: 0.000000e+00
epshi: 5.820766e-11
Predicted Max Absolute Error: 3.896719e-05
Predicted Max Relative Error: 2.706055e-05
Valid bits in dec: 5
this is *
value: 2.594247e+02
eps[0]: 0.000000e+00
eps[1]: 6.597510e-03
eps[2]: 4.123444e-04
eps[3]: 1.030861e-05
eps[4]: 0.000000e+00
eps[5]: 0.000000e+00
eps[6]: 7.200000e-01
eps[7]: 6.646500e-06
epshi: 1.949408e-05
Predicted Max Absolute Error: 7.270463e-01
Predicted Max Relative Error: 2.802534e-03
Valid bits in dec: 3
For the equation in Line 6, Freesa
calculates the probable outcome statically and gives out the possible deviation.
We define the function that returns the rounded value of a real number as:
The function that returns the roundoff error is defined by:
Assume that the control points of a program are annotated by unique labels l ∈ L, and that L denotes the union of L and the special word hi used to denote all terms of order higher or equal to 2. A number x is represented by
The result of an arithmetic operation contains the combination of existing errors on the operands, plus a new roundoff error term. For addition and subtraction, the errors are added or subtracted componentwise :
Same as addition
The multiplication introduces higher order errors, we write:
Here is an introductory example in which we consider a simplified set F of floating-point numbers composed of a mantissa of four digits written in base 10.
We now consider the product c = a × b, The computation a × b in real numbers intended by the programmer is:
We keep only one term gathering the errors of order higher than one, and rewrite:
This is how we estimate the error in calculation.
Valid bit | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Eps(bin) | 0.25 | 0.125 | 0.0625 | 0.003125 | 0.015265 | 0.0078125 |
Eps(dec) | 0.05 | 0.005 | 0.0005 | 0.00005 |
1.00110102*212, binary valid bits: 5. Then eps is 1*212-5-1.
Valid bit | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Eps(bin) | 0.25 | 0.125 | 0.0625 | 0.003125 | 0.015265 | 0.0078125 |
Eps(dec) | 0.05 | 0.005 | 0.0005 | 0.00005 |
As we only have add
, multiply
operations on float. The evaluation rule is based on them.
Besides basic evaluation, every step is checked by a statistical analyzer
In Freesa
we only have one kind of type:
All variables in Freesa
is typed in Float(n)
, where n
denotes the valid bits of the float in the decimal system. These varibles are constructed in the form:
: [FLOAT ':' INT]
Every variables constructed in this form is typed in Float(n)
. And this is our first rule:
(Notice that we add two square brackets here just for easy recognition.)
Then we use subtype to demonstrate hierarchy in precision. The second typing rule is:
Rule 2 is compatible with the fact that high precision float numbers contain more information that the lower one. We can always use a float number with more valid bits to replace a lower one.
Empirical studies have shown that with operations on float, the valid bit number goes down. Thus, our third typing rule is:
Most importantly Freesa
enables programmer to set a precision floor for his/her program. If the floor is n
, then every calculation in the program should not result in a float number with less valid bits. So we write our fourth typing rule like:
Rule 4 also tells us that if a term in Freesa
is well typed means that it has more valib bits than the programmer expected.
For Progress property, a well-typed term is not stuck(either it is a value or it can take a step according to the evaluation rules.)
In Freesa
, a term t
is well-typed means that it have more valid bits than programmer expected. It also means that the result of the term t
has enough valid bits. As we mentioned before, operands always have more valid bits than results. Thus, every well-typed term can be evaluate
for Preservation property, if a well-typed term take a step of evaluation, then the resulting step is also well typed.
In Freesa
, every evaluation will check whether the result violates the required valid bit. Preservation property can be ensured by our type checker.