Standard procedure on lxplus:
cd CMSSW_X_X_X/src/; cmsenv svn co svn+ssh://[your_cern_login] cd exost source setup/cmssw_setup.[c]sh cd workdir git clone [email protected]:zhang8473/twobody.git cd twobody exost -a workspace -c dimuon_ratio.cfg cp myWS.root ws_dimuon_ratio.root root rootlogon.C
Inside ROOT:
root [0] .L dimuon.C+ root [1] limit("dimuon","expected",300.0,"m300.0_test",1,10000,500,"",-1.,600)
Explatation of limit() function
/*======================================================================================= limit( std::string channel, // dimuon, dielectron, mumuee, etc std::string mode, // observed, expected, mass limit (extra k-factor uncertainty) Float_t peak, // resonance mass std::string suffix, // suffix for output file names Int_t ntoys, // number of pseudoexperiments for expected limit Int_t mcmc_iter, // number of MCMC iterations Int_t mcmc_burnin, // number of MCMC burn in steps to be discarded std::string inputdir,// directory with workspace files Double_t masswindow_width, // events with invmass from peak*(1-masswindow_width) to peak*(1+masswindow_width) will be considered in the profile likelihood calculation, no masswindow cut if this value is less than zero Int_t minEvents // the minium events to be used in the profile likelihood calculation, max(minEvents,# of events in the mass window) will be used in the profile likelihood calculation ) =========================================================================================*/