- Overview / Panoramica
- Getting started / Come iniziare
- Get involved / Ci mettiamo in gioco
- Proposals for enhancement
- ChangeLog History / Cronologia modifiche
- account_tax_rounded: (2024-06-11)
- sale_delivery_state_z0: (2024-06-02)
- microsoft_outlook_z0: (2024-05-29)
- microsoft_outlook_z0: (2024-05-22)
- account_gopher: (2024-03-25)
- assigned_bank: (2024-03-04)
- account_invoice_search_more: (2024-01-21)
- rectify_negative_refund: (2023-11-22)
- rectify_negative_refund: (2023-10-16)
- account_counterpart_ref: (2023-10-16)
- l10n_it_coa_minimal: (2023-09-04)
- l10n_it_coa: (2023-08-27)
- Credits / Ringraziamenti
Italian supplemental Odoo modules.
This repository contains some useful addons, mainly targetted for Italian
Moduli supplementari per localizzazione italiana Odoo.
Questo catalogo contiene moduli utitli, principalmente orientati al mercato italiano.
- python 2.7+ (best 2.7.5+)
- postgresql 9.2+ (best 9.5)
cd $HOME # Follow statements activate deployment, installation and upgrade tools cd $HOME [[ ! -d ./tools ]] && git clone cd ./tools ./ -pUT source $HOME/devel/activate_tools
# Odoo repository installation; OCB repository must be installed deploy_odoo clone -r l10n-italy-supplemental -b 10.0 -G zero -p $HOME/10.0 # Upgrade virtual environment vem amend $HOME/10.0/venv_odoo
deploy_odoo update -r l10n-italy-supplemental -b 10.0 -G zero -p $HOME/10.0 vem amend $HOME/10.0/venv_odoo # Adjust following statements as per your system sudo systemctl restart odoo
This project is mainly supported by the SHS-AV s.r.l.
Bug reports are welcome! You can use the issue tracker to report bugs, and/or submit pull requests on GitHub Issues.
In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported.
If you have a proposal to change on oh these modules, you may want to send an email to <[email protected]> for initial feedback.
An Enhancement Proposal may be submitted if your idea gains ground.
Se hai proposte per migliorare uno dei moduli, puoi inviare una mail a <[email protected]> per un iniziale contatto.
- [IMP] First version
- [QUA] Test coverage 24% (29: 22+7) [0 TestPoints] - quality rating 15 (target 100)
- Initial implementation: backport from 12.0
- [QUA] Test coverage 85% (34: 5+29) [0 TestPoints] - quality rating 52 (target 100)
- [FIX] Outlook authentication
- [QUA] Test coverage 34% (176: 116+60) [0 TestPoints] - quality rating 21 (target 100)
- Initial implementation / Implementazione iniziale
- [QUA] Test coverage 34% (176: 116+60) [0 TestPoints] - quality rating 21 (target 100)
- [IMP] Documentation upgrade
- [IMP] New menu reconcile move / Nuovo menù riconciliazione contabile
- [IMP] Aggiornamento documentazione
- Initial implementation / Implementazione iniziale
- [QUA] Test coverage 100% (6: 0+6) [0 TestPoints] - quality rating 61 (target 100)
- [IMP] Recognize negativa self-invoice / Riconosciento auto-fatture negative
- [NEW] Initial implementation
- [QUA] Test coverage 19% (42: 34+8) [0 TestPoints] - quality rating 5 (target 100)
- Initial implementation
- [IMP] First release
- [FIX] Duplicate key during installation / Chiave duplicata in installazione
- [FIX] Wrong external name for / Errati identificativi
- [IMP] Module name changed (l10n_it_coa -> l10n_it_coa, only Odoo 10.0)
Odoo is a trademark of Odoo S.A. (formerly OpenERP)
zeroincombenze® is a trademark of SHS-AV s.r.l.
which distributes and promotes ready-to-use Odoo on own cloud infrastructure.
Zeroincombenze® distribution of Odoo
is mainly designed to cover Italian law and markeplace.
zeroincombenze® è un marchio registrato da SHS-AV s.r.l.
che distribuisce e promuove Odoo pronto all'uso sulla propria infrastuttura.
La distribuzione Zeroincombenze® è progettata per le esigenze del mercato italiano.
Last Update / Ultimo aggiornamento: 2024-06-11