a game use cocos2d-x cpp+lua,almost all logic is base on lua. This is a adventure game named once adventure.
Classes: is the Classes I use in game. but if you want to use you mast use cocos2d-x engine 3.8 Resource: is the lua script file and picture file for this game. Server: is the script file I use in my Server. It based on the node.js In this game I use webSocket to commicate with server.
what skill I use in this game: use shader with cocos2d-x action together. use camera use assetManager
Classes文件里面是我用到的类,它是以cocos2d-x 3.x版本为基础的,推荐是3.8,因为我用的是3.8。 Resource文件里面是我用到的lua文件和资源文件 Server文件里面是我用到的脚本文件,我使用的服务器是基于node.js的。我是使用webSocket进行通信。
在这里简单介绍我用到一点技术: 使用cocos2d-x的action机制使用shader 使用camera 热更新